OLPC Learning Club D.C./Lending library

< OLPC Learning Club D.C.
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The LC-DC's Lending Library (DC_LL) is an effort to expand the grassroots seeding efforts that we've started with our monthly meetups at our various meeting places. We will attempt to provide an enviornment by which people can start projects quickly and find a place to work alongside others with similar interests to do new and exciting things with the XO and Sugar.



  • what is your active library URL? This should be a page describing what you have in mind, what you hope to receive, and who is organizing the program.
  • spell out policy mechanics of loans/returns: EG. mail order? in-person? monthly meetings? other?
  • spell out how you (and your library "clientele") will Give Back to the OLPC/Sugar community
  • what is the long-term plan for the library? who will coordinate your library if you move on?
  • how will you report statistical patterns on lending/recirculation trends (important: to help all laptop libraries worldwide!)

Suggestions and further questions

  • demonstrate detail-oriented librarian skills; articulating how laptops will continually recirculate & new projects seeded & fertilized
  • what innovative techniques do you have to spur on local projects? demonstrate outreach & buzz-creating acumen!
  • describe the team of people helping you and/or your institutional backing
  • have you reached out to other XO Libraries and Groups to learn what works and doesn't?
  • are you the kind of person that might later Mentor other library entrepreneurs?
  • what is your personal long-term plan; what will you get out of this?