Talk:OLPCorps Kibwezi Educational Centre, VA Tech, James Madison U., Radford U., Bucknell U.,and Northern VA Community College, Kenya

Revision as of 19:35, 11 April 2009 by Davidwalternorman (talk | contribs) (added the same documentation that I posted on the OLPCorps Afrca page)
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I repaired the wiki, this user: "Kacandre" deleted aspects without consulting my group, that action goes against the idea of a collaborative wiki. It was more of a malicious attack.--Davidwalternorman 18:18, 11 April 2009 (UTC)

A user deleted photos from my group's wiki

Yesterday, April 10th, a friend alerted me that someone had added changed photos on my group's wiki. My friend actually told me that a pornographic photo had been added. I don't see any evidence of that, but indeed, an OLPC user has gone into the script and deleted photos that I had uploaded. I do not think I violated any rules by adding these photos in the first place. Members of my group took these photos last year and are releasing them to OLPC, we don't claim any copyright permissions.
As for omissions, I went back into the script on the wiki page and changed it back. I have not however changed the main OLPCorps Afrca page. I will leave that up to the community. I am upset that this action may have been someone trying to better their chances for winning, or maybe a way to sabotage our group's chances. The user who changed the wiki used an Anonymous IP Address when editing the main page: But they were not as smart on the Group page, The user did not mask himself there, it was Look at his edit history. Someone also left a discussion text on my personal page signed by User:Diva shanice10. Either way, I hope the grant proposal committee relys more on the email that was submitted. In this case, the wiki is an unfortunate piece of technology that was misused. I still belive in the collaborative nature of a wiki, however it should be used more for documenting OLPC efforts rather than posting competing grant proposals. --Davidwalternorman 19:06, 11 April 2009 (UTC)