Food Force 2/Storyboard

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The game currently has a storyboard, which is developed from a viewpoint of an Indian villager, who is the Sarpanch (The administrator of the ruling body, Panchayat, of the village) of a village and his son helps him in the development of the village, who is the next candidate for the position currently held by his father. This page gives a detailed view of the storyboard of the game.


Long ago in the massive lands of India, there used to be a village called Gokul. The village of Gokul had a wise and an honest man, Kamat, as its Sarpanch. After many years of service, Kamat realized that he had grown old. It was the time to retire and pass on his responsibilities to someone, who had the potential, mind and passion to manage the village.

He and his close committee of advisers searched and searched for the ideal caretaker. Sometimes, when you keep on looking for the solution everywhere, you forget to look around your immediate environment. The person was right in Kamats house, his Son.


Cut Scene 1

Hello son. I hope your studies are going well in school. The studies done in the school give you a theoretical aspect of doing things; you need to learn about how to apply these learning in real life. You need to know how to develop your village, as you might well become the Sarpanch after me. I will assist you in developing your skills... let us go to the village of Abujamara.
Father, this is no village, where are the villagers? A village without people is like lake without water.
Yes, this is the place where the Abujamara people will move. The Abujmara village was situated on the banks or river Ganga. Mother Ganga cursed the people of Abujamara by changing its course of flow and flooding the Abujamara village. The people of Abujamara are homeless right now. They came to our village seeking help and the Panchayat decided to clear this forest and provide the land to the poor people. It is our job to help them establish a village on this land.
If you had been at my place, how would you bring life back to this village?
Father, I feel that the first requirement of the people of the village is shelter.
Very rightly said son. Every person needs a house to live in. Shelter is among one of the most basic necessities of a person. Build 3 huts to shelter the people of Abujamara. You can build a hut by clicking on Build Facility->house.

(The game should wait until the player makes the huts.)

Cut Scene 2

When you build a hut, some amount of your resources are utilized. For each Hut that you build, 10 units of Building Material, 8 units of Tools and 8 units of Water are used. Also, some of your manpower is employed in making the hut. Similarly, resources are used to build each facility.
Okay, Father.
When you build a Hut the Housing Indicator of the Village increases. The indicators are shown on the bottom right hand side of the screen. The indicators are a measure, which tell about the growth and prosperity of the village.
Okay, Father.

Cut Scene 3

Son, the next basic necessity of a village is Food. The people need food and water to survive. A well will draw water from the ground and provide fresh clean water to everybody. To build a well click on Build Facility->Well . Build a well now.

(After the well is build)

Cut Scene 4

Well done son, You are going good.
To grow food, you will need to build farms. Since the soil is fertile, we can grow any crop here. It is best to provide a healthy mix of Rice, Beans and Vegetables and Fruits. This will ensure healthy variety and nutrition. Build a farm now.

Cut Scene 5

Well done son. Let us go back and let the new village prosper.


(A window with WFP logo as background opens up)

Great Work!!

Looking at the condition of the village and the rapid progress work done by you for the village. World Food Program has agreed to help the people for Abujamara by providing Food reserves to the village.


Cut Scene 1

The children of Abujamara have no place to study. Some of them are walking 10 miles and more to come to study at your school. Build a school for them.

(After the School is built, as by default there would be no Books, thus they would temporarily stop down.)

Cut Scene 2

Son, the Schools require books to function properly. If there would be no books, the teachers would not be able to impart education to the children. Buy the books for the school from the market.
Okay, Father.

(After the son buys the books from market and schools resume.)

Son, as the schools are functional now. You can see that the number of people educated in the Manpower Distribution table has increased. Also the education indicator in the Indicator table has increased.
Definitely father, it has. Now, I am able to realize the potential of education.
Good work son.

Cut Scene 3

Son, as you can see a lot of people in the village are sitting idle. That is like a waste of their time and energy. You should build workshops for the people who are not involved in agriculture. The workshop would provide craftsmen, potters and metal workers a place to work. Build a workshop for them to work.
Definitely father.

Cut Scene 4

Excellent, with the young learning and the grown-ups working, the village is on the path to prosperity. But can you spot something missing in this scheme. Yes, you are right. They do not have a hospital to care for the sick. Build a hospital now.

Cut Scene 5

We have done all we can. You are learning fast, someday you will take my place.


(A window with WFP logo as background opens up)

Great Work!!

Looking at the Rapid progress of the village. WFP has planned to start Food for Work program in Abujamara village. In Food for Work program WFP involves People of the village in Development Work.

Workers are paid not with money but with food rations to build vital new infrastructure that will increase the food security of households or communities.

Third Mission: (Trading)

Scene 1

How are your studies going? I see, you do not seem to have enough books at school. It is all caused when trading is neglected. Let us analyze the village stocks and I will help you learn the basics of trading.
You can see the buy/sell button in the highlighted portion in the lower panel of the screen. This provides information on the number of every resource present in the village. When you find yourself running low on a certain resource, you should go to the market to buy more of it.
Let us buy more books. Click on the Buy/Sell button, select books and enter the quantity in the box. Finally click the 'Buy' button to buy the books.

Scene 2

Excellent Work , Son.
Son you would have noticed that the money present with the village, shown in the right hand top corner, decreases when you buy any resources from the market. You must maintain a good amount of money in the village account.
To increase money in the village account you can sell resources to the market.
Like, we have an excess of Building Material and since we are not doing any new construction these days, we can safely sell it in the market. Sell 500 units of Building Material now.

Scene 3

Good work son. This is all you need to know about trading. You need to buy the resources when you are falling short of them and sell them when there is an excess of a resource in your village. The prices are governed by the amount of supply in the market. Explain more here.
Let us head back to a nice dinner at home.

Fourth Mission

Scene one

Meet Sukhdev, sarpanch of Abujamara. He has come to thank us for all we did for the village.
Yes, after you and your son's initial start, our village has prospered. How can I ever thank you for the wonderful work you did for my people.
It was our pleasure, Sukhdev. If men won't help fellow men in need, then who will.
This is your modesty, Kamat. I am really impressed with your village, your village has better building and efficient workers.
This is because we have kept up with the technology Sukhdev. My son and me will accompany you to your village to help install better technology in buildings.
Thanks a lot, Kamat. We will hold a grand feast on your coming there.

Scene Two

You must know son, technology upgrades provide better buildings with capacity to house more workers and produce more resources. Thus, they are usually helpful in increasing the prosperity of the village. Do an upgrade of the workshop to level 2. Click on the 'Upgrade Button' and then select 'Workshop' and click upgrade.

(After the son upgrades the workshop)

Good work Son. You should notice that upgrading a facility increases its productivity. The amount of resources produced by the Workshop have been increased considerable, also the people working in workshop would get better working conditions.
Yes father, I can notice the changes. The indicators level has also increased.
Yes Son, upgrading a facility affects the overall prosperity of the village.

Scene 3

Son, now upgrade every facility type to level 2. You can also notice that information related to the upgrade is given in the upgrade window whenever you select any facility.
When you will upgrade all the facilities, you will notice a considerable change in the indicators of the village.
Okay, father.

(After all the facilities are upgraded)

Excellent work. Let us join Sukhdev for the feast.


The people of Abujamara are very much pleased with all the work you have done for the prosperity of the village. They have sent you the first harvest from their Farms, as a symbol of Honor to you. You must accept it.