Contributors program/June 5, 2009

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  * New Libraries!
  * Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring?!
  * Fast Review of the 6 (was 5) latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals:
    #1 Dokeos + OLPC (for better XO learning and teaching) - Peru
    #2 Recruitment Revolution: Success Links - Los Angeles, USA
    #3 Initiative for a massive deployment in NorthEast Africa Region
    #4 The SpikerBox: Bringing Neurophysiology to Everyone - Michigan, USA
    #5 Fourth Grade Scientists and Mathematicians - Massachusetts, USA
    #6 FAMLI/Audubon MS XO Library and Repair Center - Los Angeles, USA


<Caryl> hi anybody there?

  • Caryl Quit ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")
  • edmcnierney is now known as edmcnierney_away
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  • Skywalker has joined #olpc-meeting
  • aa has joined #olpc-meeting
  • jzGreen has joined #olpc-meeting
  • jzGreen takes a back seat

<mchua> is this for the contributors program meeting? <mchua> jzGreen: ^^ <CanoeBerry> Yeah <CanoeBerry> In 5 min!

  • hullaw has joined #olpc-meeting
  • FGrose has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> Welcome Aaron & Fred! <FGrose> CanoeBerry: Hi <hullaw> Thanks! I finally made it to a meeting! Amazing. <CanoeBerry> :) <hullaw> Might have to leave early tho :( <CanoeBerry> If you can help me a quorum going over the next ~5min that's be great! <CanoeBerry> *get a quorum going <CanoeBerry> And check over the 5 proposals while we wait: <mchua> I unfortunately had to run, but wanted to relay a message from Rodrigo_Padula that he wants to know how his existing dev program project (which already has XOs) can tell you more about what he's doing <mchua> (and yes, I already pointed him towards the wiki page and this meeting) <CanoeBerry> Has he posted to ?

  • tomeu has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> And written to to share his successes if he needs help posting on/around ? <CanoeBerry> Ciao Praha <mchua> CanoeBerry: don't know... I told him to follow the instructions on the contrib program wikipage and he said ok, and then I have to run <mchua> (now) <mchua> good luck, folks! sorry I can't stick around

  • mchua has left #olpc-meeting ("Holy shiny distraction, Batman!")
  • Caryl has joined #olpc-meeting

<Caryl> Hi is this the place? <tomeu> hi! <CanoeBerry> Alright, let's start in 2 min now that the crowds are here :) <Caryl> Adam, come to MT and help me find the dead mouse in my basement apartment! <CanoeBerry> Please read over the 5 proposals summarized here: <Caryl> done <CanoeBerry> How's beautiful Montana darling? <Caryl> MT is beautiful! Jamaal would like us to go over his timeline and reporting committment also so that he can get his project started. <CanoeBerry> OK, what's the ticket number so we can look that over later? <Caryl> #39449 <Caryl> He is trying to attend this meeting, but is lost on the first page. <Caryl> He hasn't done this before <CanoeBerry> OK give him a call? Let's discuss his at the end today. <CanoeBerry> Shall we begin now? <Caryl> ok Verison is lousy here but I will try.

[ PROJECT #1 : Dokeos + OLPC (for better XO learning and teaching) - Peru ]

<CanoeBerry> Thanks. Let start w/ Project #1: <CanoeBerry> Dokeos + OLPC (for better XO learning and teaching) [Peru] <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> (ongoing progress) <CanoeBerry> (Spanish) <CanoeBerry> (English) <CanoeBerry> Requests 6 XO's for 24 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: (beware, long paste coming!) <CanoeBerry> - develop an OLPC style for the Dokeos project <CanoeBerry> - integrate better Dokeos with OLPC (through testing) <CanoeBerry> - demo Dokeos and OLPC in a variety of local open-source and <CanoeBerry> e-learning events ( <CanoeBerry> - package Dokeos for delivery with teachers' OLPC (for local <CanoeBerry> e-learning servers) <CanoeBerry> - try OLPC's wireless range for remote e-learning applications <CanoeBerry> - public reporting of progress (in Spanish) on <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> Brian Jordan helped refer this prjct -- related writeup in OLPC News here: <CanoeBerry>

  • jamaa21 has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> Plz all discuss! <CanoeBerry> Hi Jamaal! <jamaa21> hi all <Caryl> I _really_ like this project. I would like us to ask that they also promise to work on the translation of Sugar to Quechua since they evidentally have the resources to do so <CanoeBerry> jamaa21: agenda is here if you can help us review all 5 proposals + yours: <CanoeBerry> <hullaw> Sounds like it would actually be good exposure for the XO <jamaa21> thank you

  • dsaxena Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

<jamaa21> yes <CanoeBerry> Look good yes, and Brian Jordan agrees to mentor Project #1 here... (Dokeos) <Caryl> Peru already has lots of XOs, but this is special open-source software they want to develop for it <jamaa21> we haope to have newspaper coverage and parntal involvement <CanoeBerry> jamaa21: we will discuss your project in ~20min once we've covered the 1st five. <jamaa21> ok

  • Wael has joined #olpc-meeting

<Caryl> They have specifically asked for Sebastian Silva to help. Perhaps he and Brian could co-mentor <hullaw> Was just looking at <hullaw> I like that they have a constructivist approach <CanoeBerry> Reaction? Project #1 "would love 12 XO's, but asks for 6" <hullaw> 6 sounds like a good start to me <Caryl> If they would commit to translating Sugar to Quechua I would go for the 12 Otherwise 6 <CanoeBerry> Great: can we have another vote of confidence from someone else?

  • dsaxena has joined #olpc-meeting

<FGrose> +1 <Skywalker> +1 <CanoeBerry> dsaxena: welcome.. we are just wrapping up reviewing Project #1.. 4 votes in favor and no serious objection, approved!

[ PROJECT #2 : Recruitment Revolution: Success Links - Los Angeles, USA ]

<CanoeBerry> Let's move onto Project #2 now: <CanoeBerry> Recruitment Revolution: Success Links [Los Angeles, USA] <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> Requests 15 XO's for 12 months (or starter batch) <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> The project objective is to establish (materials around) an ongoing <CanoeBerry> professional <CanoeBerry> development program, which makes career success and the steps towards <CanoeBerry> attaining it transparent and simple. (More to follow, Caryl Bigenho <CanoeBerry> mentoring) <CanoeBerry> Caryl, do you want to introduce this ambitious work? <Caryl> Yes...I have talked with Brian has a wonderful curriculum in mind <Caryl> I think it would be great for upper elementary students and could get more machines into the students in LAUSD <CanoeBerry> What materials would he actually be able to share with the wider OLPC/Sugar community? <CanoeBerry> Over what timeframe do you think? <Caryl> He will develop a curriculum and hopefully new Activities <CanoeBerry> Or results/methods if not materials immediately? <Caryl> He suggested one year, I suggested 2 school years to fine tune <Caryl> He can start with the Activities we already have. <CanoeBerry> Project applicant certainly has bountiful enthusiasm which is great. <CanoeBerry> How many XO's might you suggest to start him off? <Caryl> We may be able to enlist some members of the various SoCal Linux groups to assist with new ones

  • jamaa21 Quit ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")

<Caryl> I would suggest 2. <Skywalker> Why does he need 15 XOs to develop content based materials? <Caryl> This poject could end up needing more than the 15 he asks for <hullaw> Could he use an emulator on other devices? <Wael> is he having a team working on it with him? <Caryl> I don't think he knows how large elementary school classes are <Caryl> I think he wants to focus a lot on teamwork and collaboration <CanoeBerry> This may end up being connected to Caryl's library, note that this project has a *lot* of fruitful possiblitities Caryl is working.. <FGrose> He could integrate SoaS machines when he learns more about them. <Caryl> Also the school he works with probably doesn't have any machines for classroom use <Caryl> Not my library...CUELA's library <Wael> so Caryl, you think 2 is good for a start? <Caryl> That is what I would recommend <CanoeBerry> In the short term, I would suggest yes. <CanoeBerry> Let's go with 2 XO's. <CanoeBerry> Objections?

  • jamaal21 has joined #olpc-meeting

<Wael> just a question.... <Wael> who would be following up on progress? and how wld it be reported? <Skywalker> 3 xos, minimal for decent team and collaboration experience in that case <CanoeBerry> Wael: Caryl will monitor this project. <CanoeBerry> Caryl: u still there to explain? <Caryl> trying but I am a lousy typist <Caryl> Brian has a lot of great contacts in LA to help him with the project. <CanoeBerry> I say let's finalize on 2 XO's for now, with Caryl bringing us feedback in coming weeks. <hullaw> +1 <Caryl> He is a very reliable person <Wael> ok...+1 <FGrose> +1 <CanoeBerry> Thanks Caryl-- your help will be invaluable.

[ PROJECT #3 : Initiative for a massive deployment in NorthEast Africa Region ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #3: <Caryl> Can someone test the machines before they are sent <Caryl> to make sure the mesh works well? <CanoeBerry> Initiative for a massive deployment in NorthEast Africa Region <CanoeBerry> (NorthEast Africa) <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> Request 4 XO's for 6 months <Caryl> On some machines it doesnt <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: (beware, long paste coming!!) <CanoeBerry> These laptops will be used for local volunteers orientation (still <CanoeBerry> building) team <CanoeBerry> and to be presented to sponsoring authorities to introduce XO and <CanoeBerry> show its <CanoeBerry> capabilities. Contacts established with different authorities and <CanoeBerry> community <CanoeBerry> development organizations and political parties, positive feedback <CanoeBerry> received <CanoeBerry> and we'd like to move on to next steps to guarantee sponsorships and <CanoeBerry> funds <CanoeBerry> for the project. The purpose is a massive deployment of XO (10,000) in <CanoeBerry> NorthEast Africa region and to build-up a local support group for <CanoeBerry> this initiative. <Caryl> This is very much like my Roadshow in a Box which has had pretty good success so far <CanoeBerry> Wael: would you like to introduce? <Wael> next one i'll make much shorter :-) <Wael> Well, so far all we know about XO is what we have read so far in the internet...... <Caryl> They have no timeline. They need to send us one that shows who and when they plan to demonstrate the machines to <hullaw> caryl: +1 <Wael> I have already started joining some professional IT friends with me.....we need to know all about it first..... <FGrose> Every country deserves at least 4 XOs if they have a willing sponsor <Caryl> Interesting concept! <hullaw> question: how are the XO going to get from Dubai to location? <Wael> well.........I'm planning to leave 1 XO for our volunteers team for the time being familiarize themselves with it.....and the other 3 for roaming demos <CanoeBerry> Caryl's # is 2 XO Laptop not 4 :) <CanoeBerry> If we should consider starting with 2? <Wael> I will get them myself.....already talked to my friend thier and he will ship them to me directly :-) <FGrose> That was USA <CanoeBerry> Wael: are you going to publish a bit of your ongoing progress here.. <CanoeBerry> <Wael> ok..... <Wael> but 2 XOs isn't enough <Caryl> How about a timeline? <CanoeBerry> We ask for a link from: <Wael> depends on when i recieve them........ <Caryl> My Roadshow is actually 3. They all fit in one XO box <Wael> let's say 3 weeks ahead maximum......i could be using them for demos already :-) <Caryl> He also wants one to leave home <CanoeBerry> Wael: what's the rational for 1 volunteer & 3 roaming demos? SJ suggests the reverse.. <Wael> not hom Caryl <Caryl> I say 4 if his timeline for demos looks good when he submits it <CanoeBerry> Or perhaps 2 volunteers + 2 roaming demos? <Wael> we'll have our own small gathering office......and still i have many welling to get involved..... <Caryl> That could work <Wael> another thing <CanoeBerry> Wael: how will they help specifically?

  • dsaxena Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))

<Wael> i must raise here <Wael> my main sponsoring official entity mentioned in one of the meeting the Classmate.... <CanoeBerry> (We need volunteers to do real work around Sugar/Support/Devel, working alongside this worldwide effort before approving significant numbers of laptops :) <Wael> mastering my XOs would help a lot convincing them <_sj_> wael, if they go with either XOs or Classmates that will be great <FGrose> Wael: may also be suitable. It works on Classmates. <Wael> Mr.Osama my friend whom i mentioned on the proposal is more than happy to join this effort.......he's a linux addict anyway :-) <CanoeBerry> Great, can you have him call me to join Support Gang or other volunteering efforts? <CanoeBerry> Let's finalize a laptop count here.. <CanoeBerry> SJ? Caryl? Others? <Caryl> I think SoaS will run on the Classmate won"t it? <FGrose> As requeste <FGrose> yes <Wael> yes......actyally just last night i asked him to join....and he's ready <Wael> i will get him call others very soon :-) <FGrose> # As requested. <Caryl> 4 if we get a definite timeline first <hullaw> I like the 2 volunteer/2 demo model <Wael> Caryl <Wael> we're a 3rd world country :-) <Wael> there are nothing such as definite :-).....but i'll do my best to start demos in 3 weeks if i get them within 10 days <CanoeBerry> Wael: what's the urgency? <Caryl> Even third world countries need goals. They can always be revised. Without them, often things get bogged down and nothing happens <Wael> the urgency is that they already have funds now.....if we don't get in soon, they will relocate thier funds into other projects on queue <CanoeBerry> So when can you have a rough schedule to show us as Caryl requests? <Caryl> I missed something Who is they? What funds? <Wael> I understand Caryl......I'm saying i can't give exact dates now......but I can report back progress as it happens <Wael> they are called the Unity Development Fund...... <_sj_> a timeline is important for sharing results as well. <Wael> thier budget for this year is 70Million.....they are started a lot of development projects on rural areas, like relocating citizens, building houses....schools...etc <CanoeBerry> Wael: I'm going to require a timeline and basic summary published to then I will ship 4. <_sj_> bear in mind that even roadshows like caryls imply sharing what is made in the process... caryl produces some of the best "showcase XOs" material we have <_sj_> when she prepares for her conferences and workshops <CanoeBerry> Thanks All. <CanoeBerry> Let's move onto Project #4 <Wael> hold pls <hullaw> Gotta head out...sorry and good luck!! <CanoeBerry> Bye hullaw!

  • hullaw Quit ("CGI:IRC")

<Wael> so how could start anything without any units? <CanoeBerry> Email a timeline and publish a basic summary as I've instructed above. <CanoeBerry> Then I will ship 4 units. <CanoeBerry> OK? <FGrose> SoaS sticks will fill gap while you wait for XOs <Wael> fine <CanoeBerry> Thanks :) <Skywalker> Must go. Have an 8pm appointment.

[ PROJECT #4 : The SpikerBox: Bringing Neurophysiology to Everyone - Michigan, USA ]

<CanoeBerry> Moving onto Project #4: <CanoeBerry> The SpikerBox: Bringing Neurophysiology to Everyone [Michigan, USA] <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <Skywalker> bye <CanoeBerry> Requests 2 XO's for 7 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> We have developed, using off-the-shelf components, low cost amplifiers <CanoeBerry> and manipulators for experimenting with the nervous system of insects. <CanoeBerry> Our goal is to increase the public's understanding of nervous system <CanoeBerry> function through the development of low-cost tools. Currently, all you <CanoeBerry> need with our devices is a laptop with a line-in input to record the <CanoeBerry> neural activity. We would like to couple our devices to the XO to <CanoeBerry> demonstrate extremely low-cost high-accessibility science. <Caryl> SJ: thanks for the compliment happy <CanoeBerry> Bye Skywalker UK! <Skywalker> ;)

  • Skywalker Quit ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")

<CanoeBerry> :) <jzGreen> nice idea <Caryl> Interesting concept, but insects + any computer will be an attention getter. I think SoaS might work just as well though <FGrose> Good demonstration of hardware-facilitated learning <Wael> have to run...... <CanoeBerry> SJ's pushed this one along.. <Wael> thanks all <FGrose> Takes advantage of microphone input on XO

  • Wael Quit

<CanoeBerry> By Wael, send email soon!

  • sandrat has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> Hi sandrat. We're wrapping up Prjct #4 of 5 if you can help :) <jzGreen> whats the question, sorry <CanoeBerry> Plz see the agenda here: <CanoeBerry> I'm tempted to approve these 2 XO Laptops for , other opinions? <Caryl> Activities developed for SoaS might have a better chance of wide distribution? Could they do it for both the native XO and SoaS? <FGrose> <FGrose> example I just learned about <Caryl> It sounds like a great, fun Activity ... old science teacher talking... <FGrose> XO has advantages built in for easy adoption, but SoaS variants would follow I imagine <Caryl> I would love to be a "tester" for this project! <CanoeBerry> Can we reach consensus? <jzGreen> from what I understand, if its the mic input, its any computer <FGrose> Your brain? :) <jzGreen> so its XO or SoaS <FGrose> XOs as requested <CanoeBerry> +1 <CanoeBerry> Other voices? <Caryl> +1 but please commit to trying to get on SoaS too!

[ PROJECT #5 : Fourth Grade Scientists and Mathematicians - Massachusetts, USA ]

<CanoeBerry> Great, let's approve and move onto final prjct #5 <CanoeBerry> Fourth Grade Scientists and Mathematicians [Massachusetts, USA] <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XO for 1-3 months <Caryl> don't forget Jamaal! <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> The purpose of this very short proposal is just to acquire one <CanoeBerry> laptop so I can play around with it and figure out how I might be <CanoeBerry> able to <CanoeBerry> implement it in my classroom. I really want to use technology in my <CanoeBerry> classroom to help students learn, and to help them really *be* <CanoeBerry> mathematicians and scientists. <CanoeBerry> Jamaal #6 yes. <CanoeBerry> Prjct #5 here is a go. <cjb> hm, I don't get it <Caryl> Where is the requestor located? <jamaal21> thank you, everyone <CanoeBerry> The applicant is at MIT here, and wants a short-term loan to evaluate her classroom science possibilities. <cjb> but what's the followup? <sandrat> This proposal is great. Reasonable request. It would be nice to learn about the results, what students responded to most. Tracking results is always such a big challenge for any XO project. It would be great to have outcomes be a part of this <CanoeBerry> She will be teaching next year right in town here, and will benefit a lot from looking at CFS (MChua) & Gardner (CMeeks) etc. <cjb> it sounds like she wants to test laptops before she buys them <Caryl> Don't you guys have a lending library for her to use? <cjb> but there is no way for her to buy XOs <sandrat> I'd like to visit the class <cjb> so I don't get the relevance at all <CanoeBerry> She wants to work on Sugar Activities around her science curriculum, if I understand. <CanoeBerry> EG. Measure etc. <Caryl> She could use SoaS or a lending library <jzGreen> Caryl: i second that <cjb> CanoeBerry: that doesn't seem to be what the app says <jzGreen> I'm using SoaS to demo to a class here in france <cjb> it doesn't even mention activities or programming <cjb> just that she wants to play around with a laptop to see how it works for teaching <CanoeBerry> Some of the phone call not transcribed into the ticket, sorry. <sandrat> In XO apps, playing is the right word, but the learning is serious. <Caryl> Curriculum development with existing Activities is a valid contributors project. But I don't see the need for a Contributors XO here <CanoeBerry> Also sorry the Boston library no longer exists.. <CanoeBerry> That is the primary reason for this request. <sandrat> What about measuring outcomes as a contribution, and presenting a way to measure them? <CanoeBerry> Which I favor. <FGrose> CanoeBerry: you mentor? <CanoeBerry> We need a Boston librarian to re-activate the Boston-area XO Library, know anyone?! <jzGreen> Is she able to achieve her goals with SoaS? Is there a special need for an XO in her goals? <CanoeBerry> FGrose: Yes <CanoeBerry> jzGreen: not sure yet. <Caryl> Boston is gone? They need to request machines for a new one. <CanoeBerry> We need a new Boston library & librarian. <CanoeBerry> Plz send anyone interested to me! <CanoeBerry> The MIT library folded :| <Caryl> sad! <CanoeBerry> OK, let's wrap up. <FGrose> CP is the "district library" then <CanoeBerry> Project #5 is a very short-term evaluation loan, that I would favor as the applicant is a teacher who understand "constructivism" etc judging from my phone call, and we'll go from there. <sandrat> Make it a go then <CanoeBerry> OK? Let's move onto 6. <Caryl> OK...let's support the teachers <Caryl> +1

[ PROJECT #6 : FAMLI/Audubon MS XO Library and Repair Center - Los Angeles, USA ]

<CanoeBerry> Caryl, can you introduce/review Jamaal's status? <CanoeBerry> jamaal21: can you explain what you need? <jamaal21> yes <Caryl> Jamaal was approved but we wanted more definete reporting committments <jamaal21> i met with Famli parents and students <jamaal21> after school program for low income students <Caryl> I think he talked to Adam about this, but idin't understand he needed to put it into his proposal until I talked with him this morning <CanoeBerry> What do you need from the group right now Jamaal? <jamaal21> students will organize and decide on library parameters <Caryl> He has all his people on board and anxious to start before theit summer program ends <CanoeBerry> Caryl: What's your specific recommendation for helping Jamaal over the coming week? <jamaal21> i will be introducing them to internet mesh computing <jamaal21> journaling <jamaal21> documenting <Caryl> He needs some machines now to get the groundwork laid with the students doing a lot of the rule-making for their lending library <jamaal21> and researching <Caryl> He also needs a committment of more machines to follow before school starts in Sept unless they can call be sent now, which would be better <jamaal21> we are hopong to chat with the international community as well <sandrat> good <CanoeBerry> Caryl: conclusion? We need to wrap up this meeting with a specific recommendation for Jamaal around shipping & where he should take this. <CanoeBerry> We can talk details later. <jamaal21> ok <Caryl> I would recommend sending all or some of the 10 machines he has requested. Jamaal what do you think? <jamaal21> very good <jamaal21> we will host a summer program june 20 <Caryl> would some work ok at this time? <jamaal21> i will report once a month, and milestone in three months <Caryl> Or do you need all 10 to get started? <jamaal21> we are flexible

  • Copper-Umber-20 has joined #olpc-meeting

<FGrose> How many students do you have now?

  • Copper-Umber-20 Quit (Client Quit)

<jamaal21> 50 <FGrose> +1 for 10 XOs <Caryl> Ooooh! Let's go for the ten then <Caryl> +1 for 10 <sandrat> +2 for 10 <CanoeBerry> OK, let's call it a day, thanks all! <jamaal21> thank you happy <CanoeBerry> jamaal21: we expect miracles <CanoeBerry> :) <Caryl> Bye...happy! <FGrose> miracle happen <jamaal21> you truely help the needy in the US <Caryl> they do! <CanoeBerry> Happy wkd all.. we should have a quick Sunday 4PM EDT mtg if you're interested in joining, see: <CanoeBerry> Bye! <Caryl> Bye again off to lunch