
Revision as of 01:42, 15 January 2007 by (talk) (Added Greenstone Digital Library as possible searchable library collection/digital collection delivery tool.)
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I started a discussion page for library software adn content delivery - If I have put this in the wrong spot please move it to the right place. Thanks - Stephen

Greenstone Digital Library

Greenstone Digital Library as possible searchable library collection/digital collection delivery tool

The [Greenstone Digital Library] system provides a lightweight digital library in terms of application and collection size if properly configured. Greenstone can deliver collections on very old 16 bit hardware with much lower specs than the the OLPC laptop.

My suggestions

Application configuration;

  • Only include the cgi library interface
  • lightweight http server (their may already be one on the device that could be reused)

Don't include the GLI interface for library creation, ditto for the supporting code, and perl wrappers/plugins etc. Much of the application in the full download is not required for searching/viewing collections.

Collection configuration;

  • Collections can be optimised and compressed in a variety of ways that would easily allow fitting a great deal of content into a small portion of the space available on the OLPC, or even on a small USB flashdrives for distribution.
  • The most efficient ways of including content is to store/compress it as either plain text or html (if linking or lightweight images are needed). This facility already exists in Greenstone.

Stephen De Gabrielle