OLPC Nicaragua

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2007 status: red
Estado actual: rojo

Esta página es para mostrar cualquier noticia o avance sobre el proyecto OLPC en Nicaragua y discutir su posible adopción o promoción por parte del Gobierno Nacional.

This page is to show any news or advance regarding the OLPC project in Nicaragua and to discuss its possible adoption or promotion by the local government. In late 2008, Telmex donated 3000 laptops to Nicaragua. The government has asked Waveplace to help them with training 400 teachers.

Presentación oficial del proyecto OLPC en Nicaragua

El viernes 22 febrero se llevó a cabo la presentación oficial de la computadora XO y el proyecto OLPC en Nicaragua en el marco de la inauguración del Linux Tour 2008 organizado por los Grupos de Usuarios Linux de Nicaragua (GUL-NIC). Se contó con una amplia cobertura de los medios de comunicación previo al evento:

eTwinning between Nicaragua and the Netherlands

Februar 16, 2009 The Dutch foundation OpenWijs.nl, inspired by the concept of OLPC, started September 2008 an educational eTwinning project in El Rama, a rural city in Nicaragua with 54.000 inhabitants. The project was funded by the local government of the city Maastricht (the Netherlands) and set up in close collaboration with the city bond Maastricht – Rama. Two volunteers have been in El Rama to train 21 teachers of primary school Horacio. Most of them had never used a PC before. When they knew how to use the XO they have discussed with the educational expert how to use it in their lessons. Therefore they tested several activities and visited the internet, also with pupils in the classroom to learn how to guide them.

Between September 2008 and Februar 2009 two primary schools in Maastricht started also with an OLPC project. Two teachers and two ICT- cordinators have been trained. All pupils group 8 (10 – 12 years old) received their own XO and used it at school and at home. Pupils, teachers and parents are satisfied with the XO, Sugar and the educational activities. The hardware could be faster and supplied with more internal memory.

In Februar 2009 we hope to start the eTwinning by supplying 80 pupils in El Rama with their XO. However now OLPC stops with the GiveMany programme it is not clear how to succeed. Maybe we can get some XO's from the ministry of Education who received in September 2008 3.000 XO's from TelMex and didn't use them untill now (!). This ministry is very happy with the OLPC projects from OpenWijs.nl and of Waveplace, an American foundation active in the Caribbean. For the next project the ministry will pay the Technico for El Rama who will support the teachers.