Talk:OLE Nepal

Revision as of 08:59, 11 August 2009 by Nhorning (talk | contribs)
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This is Nhorning's tentative reorganization plan for this Wiki. I'm reorganizing the site to reflect what I perceive to be OLE's current priorities. Feel free to modify and provide input.

Open Learning Exchange Nepal

  • Overview of OLE Nepal
"We have a full-time staff of 21 that includes two full-time volunteers. 
Our content development team   has 2 graphic designers, six programmers, and a full-time educator.  
Check out our demonstration activities. For the present, we are entirely focusing on..."
- Demonstration activities link broken...Removing it until I can find others. 
- Staff is probably out of date. 
- Needs to be updated. Try a brief outline of the current projects and deployments.
- Insert some photos from the blog in here....


  • Links to redmine?
  • Content from redmine?
    • is that type of information appropriate for this site?
      • I've decided to include links with interns and interested developers in mind. Relivant content will Then be migrated from redmine to the public Wiki for informational purposes.



  • Overview
    • Screen shot
    • Link to separate full page
    • Overview of each each section

Deployments and Trials

Current Deployments

OLE Nepal in Bashuki and Bishwamitra schools

  • As is for now

Deployment guide

Incomplete sections:

  • Training
  • Power
  • Content development
  • Timeline

Older stuff/Futher Resources

Will be shunted to the bottom of the page and may be deleted later depending on relevance