
< User:Skierpage
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Heres the log from my XO after my User:Skierpage#Display pulses after standby (Out-of-memory?) problem. <trac>8490</trac> filed, discussion in XO screen pulses after "standby", OOM afterwards thread on devel at

At the point I started entering these commands my display had stopped pulsing on and off, but Sugar was incredibly unresponsive. It took over three minutes for Terminal to start and I think Browse had died (killed by oom killer?? — there was no "oom" string in dmesg output or ~olpc/.sugar/default/logs).

Slow as molasses output

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

 56.0 KiB +   7.0 KiB =  63.0 KiB	cat
 60.0 KiB +   7.0 KiB =  67.0 KiB	agetty
 80.0 KiB +  10.5 KiB =  90.5 KiB	ck-xinit-session
112.0 KiB +  14.0 KiB = 126.0 KiB	mingetty (2)
116.0 KiB +  16.0 KiB = 132.0 KiB	gnome-pty-helper
124.0 KiB +  14.0 KiB = 138.0 KiB	xinit
136.0 KiB +   9.5 KiB = 145.5 KiB	startx
144.0 KiB +  18.0 KiB = 162.0 KiB	hald-addon-input
160.0 KiB +  18.5 KiB = 178.5 KiB	hald-runner
172.0 KiB +  16.5 KiB = 188.5 KiB	dbus-launch
176.0 KiB +  22.5 KiB = 198.5 KiB	NetworkManagerDispatcher
216.0 KiB +  13.0 KiB = 229.0 KiB	udevd
232.0 KiB +  41.0 KiB = 273.0 KiB	gam_server
244.0 KiB +  31.5 KiB = 275.5 KiB	olpc-dm
220.0 KiB +  85.0 KiB = 30KiB	avahi-daemon (2)
376.0 KiB +  40.0 KiB = 416.0 KiB	sshd
364.0 KiB +  58.0 KiB = 422.0 KiB	telepathy-salut
408.0 KiB +  38.0 KiB = 446.0 KiB	NetworkManager
436.0 KiB +  32.5 KiB = 468.5 KiB	hald
536.0 KiB +  29.0 KiB = 565.0 KiB	crond
648.0 KiB +  44.5 KiB = 692.5 KiB	bash
740.0 KiB + 110.5 KiB = 850.5 KiB	console-kit-daemon
812.0 KiB +  41.0 KiB = 853.0 KiB	dbus-daemon (2)
696.0 KiB + 203.5 KiB = 899.5 KiB	su
  1.9 MiB +  61.0 KiB =   2.0 MiB	rsyslogd
  1.9 MiB + 174.5 KiB =   2.1 MiB	ohmd
  2.2 MiB +  58.0 KiB =   2.3 MiB	matchbox-window-manager
  2.8 MiB +  29.5 KiB =   2.8 MiB	init (2)
  3.0 MiB +  81.5 KiB =   3.1 MiB	Xorg
 13.8 MiB + 256.0 KiB =  14.0 MiB	Log <8aef3da5a3
 14.8 MiB + 410.0 KiB =  15.2 MiB	Terminal <8bf36
 15.6 MiB + 220.0 KiB =  15.9 MiB	Journal <71a0a2
 16.3 MiB +   4.2 MiB =  20.5 MiB	Write <f037d99c
 48.9 MiB +   4.8 MiB =  53.7 MiB	python (5)
                        139.5 MiB

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

free output

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        235748     232340       3408          0          0      67728
-/+ buffers/cache:     164612      71136
Swap:            0          0          0

ps alx output

4     0    1    0  20   0   4948  2628 -      S    ?          0:02 oatc               /init
5     0    2    0  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kthreadd]
1     0    3    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
5     0    4    2 -100  -      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:27 [watchdog/0]
1     0    5    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:02 [events/0]
1     0    6    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [khelper]
1     0   50    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kblockd/0]
1     0   57    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kseriod]
1     0  110    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:14 [kswapd0]
1     0  111    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [aio/0]
1     0  230    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kpsmoused]
5     0  266    1  20   0      0     0 -      Z    ?          0:00 [init] <defunct>
1     0  292    2  30  10      0     0 -      SN   ?          0:49 [jffs2_gcd_mtd0]
4     0  298    1  20   0   1944   208 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /sbin/init
1     0  319    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [ksuspend_usbd]
1     0  324    2  15  -5      0     0 -      D<   ?          0:00 [khubd]
5     0  371    1  16  -4   2316   220 -      S<s  ?          0:00 /sbin/udevd -d
1     0  430    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kmmcd]
5     0  923    1  20   0  29260  2040 -      Sl   ?          1:47 rsyslogd -c 3
5    81  935    1  20   0   2812   436 -      Ss   ?          0:04 dbus-daemon --system
5    68  945    1  20   0   5696   604 -      Ss   ?          0:02 hald
5     0  948    1  20   0  16684  1084 -      Ssl  ?          0:02 /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon
4     0 1011  945  20   0   3608   164 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-runner
4     0 1039 1011  20   0   3680   148 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-addon-input: Listening on /dev/input/event3 /dev/input/event0 /dev/input/event1 /dev/input/event2
5     0 1057    1  20   0   7220   384 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
5     0 1065    1  20   0   3140   612 -      Ss   ?          0:01 crond
5     0 1084    1  20   0  29472   604 -      Ssl  ?          0:03 NetworkManager --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
5     0 1097    1  20   0   3800   192 -      Ss   ?          0:00 NetworkManagerDispatcher --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
5   497 1115    1  20   0   2920   276 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: running [xo-0D-5B-9C.local]
1   497 1116 1115  20   0   2800   136 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
5     0 1124    1  20   0  10236  2496 -      Ss   ?        154:31 ohmd
0   500 1131 1260  20   0  45636 17600 -      S    ?          1:25 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity terminal.TerminalActivity -b org.laptop.Terminal -a 8bf3608fc12a5da14ab0d054fecd30bdefb01fa2
4     0 1157  298  20   0   2744   252 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/olpc-dm
4     0 1158  298  20   0   1816    60 -      Ss+  tty2       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty2
4     0 1159  298  20   0   1816    60 -      Ss+  tty1       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty1
4     0 1160  298  20   0   1820    64 -      Ss+  ttyS0      0:00 /sbin/agetty -l /bin/bash -w -n ttyS0 115200 vt100
4     0 1161  298  20   0  40248 13360 -      Ss   ?          0:06 python /usr/sbin/rainbow-daemon
4   500 1168 1157  20   0   2668   144 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/olpc-session -- -fp built-ins -wr
0   500 1187 1168  20   0   3016   128 -      S    ?          0:00 xinit /usr/bin/olpc-session -- /usr/bin/X -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
4     0 1188 1187  20   0  17156  3584 -      Rs+  tty3      13:45 /usr/bin/X :0 -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
0   500 1191 1131  20   0   2912   176 -      S    ?          0:00 gnome-pty-helper
0   500 1192 1131  20   0   4928   960 -      Ss   pts/0      0:03 /bin/bash
0   500 1231 1187  20   0   2088    84 -      Ss   ?          0:02 /usr/bin/ck-xinit-session /usr/bin/sugar
0   500 1260 1231  20   0  67684 29308 -      S    ?         12:10 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell
1   500 1264    1  20   0   3088   176 -      S    ?          0:00 dbus-launch --exit-with-session --config-file=/etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf sugar-shell
1   500 1265    1  20   0   2892   736 -      Ss   ?          0:04 /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --config-file /etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf
0   500 1292    1  20   0   9504  2440 -      S    ?          0:01 matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -theme sugar -kbdconfig /usr/share/sugar/data/kbdconfig
0   500 1294    1  20   0  18256  7688 -      S    ?          0:09 python /usr/bin/sugar-presence-service
0   500 1303    1  20   0   6812   652 -      S    ?          0:00 /usr/libexec/telepathy-salut
0   500 1305    1  20   0  16992  4148 -      S    ?          0:24 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell-service
0   500 1307    1  20   0  31840  8016 -      Sl   ?          0:45 python /usr/bin/datastore-service
0   500 1308 1307  20   0   3876    60 -      S    ?          0:00 /bin/cat
0   500 1310 1260  20   0  43052 16912 -      S    ?          0:35 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity journalactivity.JournalActivity -b org.laptop.JournalActivity -a 71a0a26e1c9f9204316c105cb1d092a7fc088b2f
5 10000 1378 1161  20   0  63220 25420 -      S    ?          1:08 python /usr/sbin/rainbow-daemon
5 10005 1451 1161  20   0      0     0 -      Z    ?          1:27 [Browse <cda95f1] <defunct>
1     0 1710    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
1     0 2075    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
0   500 2147 1192  20   0   4552   836 -      R+   pts/0      0:00 ps alx
1     0 2544    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_main]
1     0 2545    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_worker]
0   500 2686 1260  20   0  43684 14932 -      S    ?          0:18 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity logviewer.LogActivity -s -b org.laptop.Log -a 8aef3da5a3e77e111838f7ebd0faca2408cec705
0   500 2688    1  20   0   2992   408 -      S    ?          0:10 /usr/libexec/gam_server

Kill Write activity

I killed Write and then...

free output

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        235748     231804       3944          0          0      79728
-/+ buffers/cache:     152076      83672
Swap:            0          0          0
Kill Log activity
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        235748     218576      17172          0          0      83916
-/+ buffers/cache:     134660     101088
Swap:            0          0          0 output

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

 56.0 KiB +   7.0 KiB =  63.0 KiB	cat
 60.0 KiB +   7.0 KiB =  67.0 KiB	agetty
 80.0 KiB +  10.5 KiB =  90.5 KiB	ck-xinit-session
112.0 KiB +  14.0 KiB = 126.0 KiB	mingetty (2)
116.0 KiB +  16.0 KiB = 132.0 KiB	gnome-pty-helper
124.0 KiB +  14.0 KiB = 138.0 KiB	xinit
136.0 KiB +   9.5 KiB = 145.5 KiB	startx
144.0 KiB +  18.0 KiB = 162.0 KiB	hald-addon-input
160.0 KiB +  18.5 KiB = 178.5 KiB	hald-runner
172.0 KiB +  16.5 KiB = 188.5 KiB	dbus-launch
176.0 KiB +  22.5 KiB = 198.5 KiB	NetworkManagerDispatcher
216.0 KiB +  13.0 KiB = 229.0 KiB	udevd
244.0 KiB +  31.5 KiB = 275.5 KiB	olpc-dm
220.0 KiB +  85.0 KiB = 305.0 KiB	avahi-daemon (2)
376.0 KiB +  40.0 KiB = 416.0 KiB	sshd
408.0 KiB +  40.0 KiB = 448.0 KiB	NetworkManager
436.0 KiB +  34.5 KiB = 470.5 KiB	hald
456.0 KiB +  88.0 KiB = 544.0 KiB	telepathy-salut
536.0 KiB +  24.0 KiB = 560.0 KiB	crond
748.0 KiB +  43.5 KiB = 791.5 KiB	bash
672.0 KiB + 172.5 KiB = 844.5 KiB	su
740.0 KiB + 114.5 KiB = 854.5 KiB	console-kit-daemon
840.0 KiB + 247.5 KiB =   1.1 MiB	dbus-daemon (2)
  1.9 MiB +  53.0 KiB =   2.0 MiB	rsyslogd
  2.0 MiB + 172.5 KiB =   2.2 MiB	ohmd
  2.3 MiB + 105.0 KiB =   2.4 MiB	matchbox-window-manager
  3.0 MiB +  29.5 KiB =   3.0 MiB	init (2)
  3.3 MiB + 139.5 KiB =   3.5 MiB	Xorg
 15.5 MiB +   1.3 MiB =  16.8 MiB	Terminal <8bf36
 16.0 MiB +   1.2 MiB =  17.2 MiB	Journal <71a0a2
 58.3 MiB +   2.1 MiB =  60.4 MiB	python (5)
                        115.5 MiB

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

ps alx output

4     0    1    0  20   0   4948  2856 -      S    ?          0:02 oatc               /init
5     0    2    0  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kthreadd]
1     0    3    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
5     0    4    2 -100  -      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:27 [watchdog/0]
1     0    5    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:02 [events/0]
1     0    6    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [khelper]
1     0   50    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kblockd/0]
1     0   57    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kseriod]
1     0  110    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:17 [kswapd0]
1     0  111    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [aio/0]
1     0  230    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kpsmoused]
5     0  266    1  20   0      0     0 -      Z    ?          0:00 [init] <defunct>
1     0  292    2  30  10      0     0 -      SN   ?          0:49 [jffs2_gcd_mtd0]
4     0  298    1  20   0   1944   208 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /sbin/init
1     0  319    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [ksuspend_usbd]
1     0  324    2  15  -5      0     0 -      D<   ?          0:00 [khubd]
5     0  371    1  16  -4   2316   220 -      S<s  ?          0:00 /sbin/udevd -d
1     0  430    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kmmcd]
5     0  923    1  20   0  29260  2204 -      Sl   ?          1:48 rsyslogd -c 3
5    81  935    1  20   0   2812   624 -      Ss   ?          0:04 dbus-daemon --system
5    68  945    1  20   0   5696   600 -      Ss   ?          0:02 hald
5     0  948    1  20   0  16684  1080 -      Ssl  ?          0:02 /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon
4     0 1011  945  20   0   3608   164 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-runner
4     0 1039 1011  20   0   3680   148 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-addon-input: Listening on /dev/input/event3 /dev/input/event0 /dev/input/event1 /dev/input/event2
5     0 1057    1  20   0   7220   384 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
5     0 1065    1  20   0   3140   644 -      Ss   ?          0:01 crond
5     0 1084    1  20   0  29472   600 -      Ssl  ?          0:03 NetworkManager --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
5     0 1097    1  20   0   3800   192 -      Ss   ?          0:00 NetworkManagerDispatcher --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
5   497 1115    1  20   0   2920   276 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: running [xo-0D-5B-9C.local]
1   497 1116 1115  20   0   2800   136 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
5     0 1124    1  20   0  10240  2780 -      Ss   ?        155:04 ohmd
0   500 1131 1260  20   0  44408 20088 -      S    ?          1:33 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity terminal.TerminalActivity -b org.laptop.Terminal -a 8bf3608fc12a5da14ab0d054fecd30bdefb01fa2
4     0 1157  298  20   0   2744   252 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/olpc-dm
4     0 1158  298  20   0   1816    60 -      Ss+  tty2       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty2
4     0 1159  298  20   0   1816    60 -      Ss+  tty1       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty1
4     0 1160  298  20   0   1820    64 -      Ss+  ttyS0      0:00 /sbin/agetty -l /bin/bash -w -n ttyS0 115200 vt100
4     0 1161  298  20   0  40248 13624 -      Ss   ?          0:06 python /usr/sbin/rainbow-daemon
4   500 1168 1157  20   0   2668   144 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/olpc-session -- -fp built-ins -wr
0   500 1187 1168  20   0   3016   128 -      S    ?          0:00 xinit /usr/bin/olpc-session -- /usr/bin/X -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
4     0 1188 1187  20   0  11496  3804 -      Ss+  tty3      14:27 /usr/bin/X :0 -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
0   500 1191 1131  20   0   2912   176 -      S    ?          0:00 gnome-pty-helper
0   500 1192 1131  20   0   4928  1064 -      Ss   pts/0      0:03 /bin/bash
0   500 1231 1187  20   0   2088    84 -      Ss   ?          0:02 /usr/bin/ck-xinit-session /usr/bin/sugar
0   500 1260 1231  20   0  67940 31604 -      S    ?         12:42 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell
1   500 1264    1  20   0   3088   176 -      S    ?          0:00 dbus-launch --exit-with-session --config-file=/etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf sugar-shell
1   500 1265    1  20   0   2896   880 -      Ss   ?          0:05 /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --config-file /etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf
0   500 1292    1  20   0   9504  2660 -      S    ?          0:02 matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -theme sugar -kbdconfig /usr/share/sugar/data/kbdconfig
0   500 1294    1  20   0  18256  8016 -      S    ?          0:09 python /usr/bin/sugar-presence-service
0   500 1303    1  20   0   6812   904 -      S    ?          0:00 /usr/libexec/telepathy-salut
0   500 1305    1  20   0  16992  4148 -      S    ?          0:24 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell-service
0   500 1307    1  20   0  31840  9748 -      Sl   ?          0:55 python /usr/bin/datastore-service
0   500 1308 1307  20   0   3876    60 -      S    ?          0:00 /bin/cat
0   500 1310 1260  20   0  43052 20496 -      S    ?          0:41 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity journalactivity.JournalActivity -b org.laptop.JournalActivity -a 71a0a26e1c9f9204316c105cb1d092a7fc088b2f
5 10000 1378 1161  20   0      0     0 -      Z    ?          1:25 [Write <f037d99c] <defunct>
5 10005 1451 1161  20   0      0     0 -      Z    ?          1:27 [Browse <cda95f1] <defunct>
1     0 1710    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
1     0 2075    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
0   500 2256 1192  20   0   4548   832 -      R+   pts/0      0:00 ps alx
1     0 2544    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_main]
1     0 2545    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_worker]

Tried to start new Browse, that hung, so restarted Sugar

I pressed Ctrl+Alt+Erase. After a long time X and Sugar restarted. But still very slow.

free output

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        235748     227864       7884          0          0     101664
-/+ buffers/cache:     126200     109548
Swap:            0          0          0 output

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

 60.0 KiB +   7.0 KiB =  67.0 KiB	agetty
 76.0 KiB +  27.0 KiB = 103.0 KiB	cat
112.0 KiB +  14.0 KiB = 126.0 KiB	mingetty (2)
 92.0 KiB +  34.5 KiB = 126.5 KiB	ck-xinit-session
120.0 KiB +  43.0 KiB = 163.0 KiB	gnome-pty-helper
148.0 KiB +  23.0 KiB = 171.0 KiB	hald-addon-input
136.0 KiB +  55.0 KiB = 191.0 KiB	xinit
176.0 KiB +  22.5 KiB = 198.5 KiB	NetworkManagerDispatcher
172.0 KiB +  38.5 KiB = 210.5 KiB	hald-runner
192.0 KiB +  46.5 KiB = 238.5 KiB	dbus-launch
248.0 KiB +  19.0 KiB = 267.0 KiB	udevd
144.0 KiB + 180.5 KiB = 324.5 KiB	startx
260.0 KiB + 146.5 KiB = 406.5 KiB	su
376.0 KiB +  40.0 KiB = 416.0 KiB	sshd
284.0 KiB + 177.5 KiB = 461.5 KiB	olpc-dm
456.0 KiB + 107.0 KiB = 563.0 KiB	avahi-daemon (2)
504.0 KiB +  73.0 KiB = 577.0 KiB	NetworkManager
608.0 KiB +  58.5 KiB = 666.5 KiB	hald
340.0 KiB + 555.0 KiB = 895.0 KiB	crond (2)
524.0 KiB + 385.0 KiB = 909.0 KiB	bash (2)
756.0 KiB + 197.0 KiB = 953.0 KiB	telepathy-salut
664.0 KiB + 308.0 KiB = 972.0 KiB	dbus-daemon (2)
716.0 KiB + 369.5 KiB =   1.1 MiB	ohmd
912.0 KiB + 216.5 KiB =   1.1 MiB	console-kit-daemon
  1.8 MiB +  62.0 KiB =   1.9 MiB	rsyslogd
  2.4 MiB + 481.0 KiB =   2.9 MiB	matchbox-window-manager
  3.1 MiB +  46.5 KiB =   3.1 MiB	init (2)
  3.2 MiB + 288.0 KiB =   3.5 MiB	olpc-update-que
  3.5 MiB + 380.5 KiB =   3.8 MiB	Xorg
 12.4 MiB +   2.3 MiB =  14.7 MiB	Journal <642704
 13.6 MiB +   2.3 MiB =  15.9 MiB	Terminal <fefe6
 50.9 MiB +   5.3 MiB =  56.2 MiB	python (5)
                        113.0 MiB

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

ps alx output

4     0    1    0  20   0   4948  2856 -      S    ?          0:02 oatc               /init
5     0    2    0  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kthreadd]
1     0    3    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:01 [ksoftirqd/0]
5     0    4    2 -100  -      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:38 [watchdog/0]
1     0    5    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:03 [events/0]
1     0    6    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [khelper]
1     0   50    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kblockd/0]
1     0   57    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kseriod]
1     0  110    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:30 [kswapd0]
1     0  111    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [aio/0]
1     0  230    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kpsmoused]
5     0  266    1  20   0      0     0 -      Z    ?          0:00 [init] <defunct>
1     0  292    2  30  10      0     0 -      SN   ?          0:49 [jffs2_gcd_mtd0]
4     0  298    1  20   0   1944   612 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /sbin/init
1     0  319    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [ksuspend_usbd]
1     0  324    2  15  -5      0     0 -      D<   ?          0:00 [khubd]
5     0  371    1  16  -4   2316   436 -      S<s  ?          0:00 /sbin/udevd -d
1     0  430    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kmmcd]
5     0  923    1  20   0  29260  2196 -      Sl   ?          2:21 rsyslogd -c 3
5    81  935    1  20   0   2812   868 -      Ss   ?          0:05 dbus-daemon --system
5    68  945    1  20   0   5696  1228 -      Ss   ?          0:02 hald
5     0  948    1  20   0  16808  2228 -      Ssl  ?          0:03 /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon
4     0 1011  945  20   0   3608   580 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-runner
4     0 1039 1011  20   0   3680   280 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-addon-input: Listening on /dev/input/event3 /dev/input/event0 /dev/input/event1 /dev/input/event2
5     0 1057    1  20   0   7220   384 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
5     0 1065    1  20   0   3140   644 -      Ss   ?          0:02 crond
5     0 1084    1  20   0  29472  1232 -      Ssl  ?          0:03 NetworkManager --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
5     0 1097    1  20   0   3800   192 -      Ss   ?          0:00 NetworkManagerDispatcher --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
5   497 1115    1  20   0   2920   788 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: running [xo-0D-5B-9C.local]
1   497 1116 1115  20   0   2800   136 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
4     0 1158  298  20   0   1816    60 -      Ss+  tty2       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty2
4     0 1159  298  20   0   1816    60 -      Ss+  tty1       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty1
4     0 1160  298  20   0   1820    64 -      Ss+  ttyS0      0:00 /sbin/agetty -l /bin/bash -w -n ttyS0 115200 vt100
1     0 1710    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
1     0 2075    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
1     0 2544    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_main]
1     0 2545    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_worker]
5     0 3395    1  20   0   8896  3312 -      Ss   ?          0:33 ohmd
4     0 3430  298  20   0   2744  1272 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/olpc-dm
4     0 3431  298  20   0  40248 22660 -      Ss   ?          0:05 python /usr/sbin/rainbow-daemon
4   500 3438 3430  20   0   2668  1072 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/olpc-session -- -fp built-ins -wr
0   500 3457 3438  20   0   3016   760 -      S    ?          0:00 xinit /usr/bin/olpc-session -- /usr/bin/X -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
4     0 3458 3457  20   0  10532  5452 -      Ss+  tty3       0:05 /usr/bin/X :0 -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
0   500 3472 3457  20   0   2088   624 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/bin/ck-xinit-session /usr/bin/sugar
0   500 3502 3472  20   0  60956 33180 -      S    ?          0:19 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell
1   500 3505    1  20   0   3088   652 -      S    ?          0:00 dbus-launch --exit-with-session --config-file=/etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf sugar-shell
1   500 3507    1  20   0   2776  1024 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --config-file /etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf
0   500 3549    1  20   0   9504  5504 -      S    ?          0:00 matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -theme sugar -kbdconfig /usr/share/sugar/data/kbdconfig
0   500 3551    1  20   0  15692  8684 -      S    ?          0:02 python /usr/bin/sugar-presence-service
0   500 3553    1  20   0   6676  2472 -      S    ?          0:00 /usr/libexec/telepathy-salut
0   500 3555    1  20   0  11540  6544 -      S    ?          0:05 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell-service
0   500 3557    1  20   0  31600 13088 -      Sl   ?          0:04 python /usr/bin/datastore-service
0   500 3558 3557  20   0   3876   460 -      S    ?          0:00 /bin/cat
0   500 3560 3502  20   0  39708 24056 -      S    ?          0:06 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity journalactivity.JournalActivity -b org.laptop.JournalActivity -a 642704a48c13138f8a7024353660b710ad591fb3
5     0 3569 1065  20   0   3636  1416 -      S    ?          0:00 CROND
0     0 3576 3569  20   0   2664   976 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /bin/bash -c /usr/sbin/olpc-update-query --auto -s 10 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
0     0 3577 3576  20   0   9908  5784 -      S    ?          0:00 /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/sbin/olpc-update-query --auto -s 10
0   500 3594 3502  20   0  42568 25316 -      S    ?          0:05 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity terminal.TerminalActivity -b org.laptop.Terminal -a fefe6acb57dcc77ae079900e5fa0e3bbc08ac70e
0   500 3595 3594  20   0   2912   732 -      S    ?          0:00 gnome-pty-helper
0   500 3596 3594  20   0   4928  1600 -      Ss   pts/0      0:00 /bin/bash
0   500 3630 3596  20   0   4552   840 -      R+   pts/0      0:00 ps alx

Complete reboot!

After reboot the system was snappy and fine. Here are the numbers.

free output

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        235748     200592      35156          0          0      76324
-/+ buffers/cache:     124268     111480
Swap:            0          0          0 output

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

 72.0 KiB +  18.0 KiB =  90.0 KiB	agetty
 80.0 KiB +  22.0 KiB = 102.0 KiB	cat
 92.0 KiB +  28.5 KiB = 120.5 KiB	ck-xinit-session
120.0 KiB +  34.0 KiB = 154.0 KiB	gnome-pty-helper
112.0 KiB +  50.0 KiB = 162.0 KiB	mingetty (2)
132.0 KiB +  53.0 KiB = 185.0 KiB	anacron
136.0 KiB +  52.0 KiB = 188.0 KiB	xinit
152.0 KiB +  67.0 KiB = 219.0 KiB	hald-addon-input
168.0 KiB +  58.5 KiB = 226.5 KiB	hald-runner
196.0 KiB +  43.5 KiB = 239.5 KiB	dbus-launch
184.0 KiB +  80.5 KiB = 264.5 KiB	NetworkManagerDispatcher
260.0 KiB +  21.0 KiB = 281.0 KiB	udevd
148.0 KiB + 237.5 KiB = 385.5 KiB	startx
268.0 KiB + 161.5 KiB = 429.5 KiB	su
288.0 KiB + 184.5 KiB = 472.5 KiB	olpc-dm
484.0 KiB +  69.0 KiB = 553.0 KiB	sshd
536.0 KiB +  27.5 KiB = 563.5 KiB	dhclient
536.0 KiB +  36.0 KiB = 572.0 KiB	crond
556.0 KiB +  68.5 KiB = 624.5 KiB	rsyslogd
456.0 KiB + 232.0 KiB = 688.0 KiB	avahi-daemon (2)
416.0 KiB + 283.5 KiB = 699.5 KiB	bash
632.0 KiB + 130.0 KiB = 762.0 KiB	wpa_supplicant
796.0 KiB + 127.0 KiB = 923.0 KiB	NetworkManager
636.0 KiB + 328.0 KiB = 964.0 KiB	dbus-daemon (2)
704.0 KiB + 344.5 KiB =   1.0 MiB	ohmd
912.0 KiB + 173.0 KiB =   1.1 MiB	telepathy-salut
876.0 KiB + 242.5 KiB =   1.1 MiB	console-kit-daemon
  1.7 MiB + 123.0 KiB =   1.8 MiB	hald
  2.4 MiB + 461.0 KiB =   2.9 MiB	matchbox-window-manager
  4.3 MiB +  46.5 KiB =   4.4 MiB	init (2)
  5.2 MiB + 423.5 KiB =   5.6 MiB	Xorg
 12.8 MiB +   2.4 MiB =  15.1 MiB	Journal <a6676e
 13.6 MiB +   2.3 MiB =  15.9 MiB	Terminal <8bf36
 52.3 MiB +   5.3 MiB =  57.5 MiB	python (5)
                        116.0 MiB

 Private  +   Shared  =  RAM used	Program 

ps alx output

4     0    1    0  20   0   4952  4136 -      S    ?          0:02 oatc               /init
5     0    2    0  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kthreadd]
1     0    3    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [ksoftirqd/0]
5     0    4    2 -100  -      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [watchdog/0]
1     0    5    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [events/0]
1     0    6    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [khelper]
1     0   50    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kblockd/0]
1     0   57    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kseriod]
1     0  108    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
1     0  109    2  20   0      0     0 -      S    ?          0:00 [pdflush]
1     0  110    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kswapd0]
1     0  111    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [aio/0]
1     0  230    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kpsmoused]
5     0  266    1  20   0      0     0 -      Z    ?          0:00 [init] <defunct>
1     0  292    2  30  10      0     0 -      SN   ?          0:49 [jffs2_gcd_mtd0]
4     0  298    1  20   0   1944   768 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /sbin/init
1     0  319    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [ksuspend_usbd]
1     0  324    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [khubd]
5     0  371    1  16  -4   2316   600 -      S<s  ?          0:00 /sbin/udevd -d
1     0  427    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [kmmcd]
1     0  744    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_main]
1     0  745    2  15  -5      0     0 -      S<   ?          0:00 [lbs_worker]
5     0  923    1  20   0  27136  1128 -      Sl   ?          0:00 rsyslogd -c 3
5    81  935    1  20   0   2812  1032 -      Ss   ?          0:00 dbus-daemon --system
5    68  945    1  20   0   5704  3188 -      Ss   ?          0:01 hald
5     0  948    1  20   0  16684  2504 -      Ssl  ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon
0     0  949  945  20   0   3608  1124 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-runner
0     0 1039  949  20   0   3680  1112 -      S    ?          0:00 hald-addon-input: Listening on /dev/input/event3 /dev/input/event0 /dev/input/event1 /dev/input/event2
5     0 1057    1  20   0   7220  1020 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
1     0 1065    1  20   0   3140  1068 -      Ss   ?          0:00 crond
5     0 1084    1  20   0  29360  2308 -      Ssl  ?          0:00 NetworkManager --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
1     0 1097    1  20   0   3800  1308 -      Ss   ?          0:00 NetworkManagerDispatcher --pid-file=/var/run/NetworkManager/
5     0 1115    1  20   0   8924  3304 -      Ss   ?          0:01 ohmd
5   497 1119    1  20   0   2800  1452 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: running [xo-0D-5B-9C.local]
1   497 1120 1119  20   0   2800   436 -      Ss   ?          0:00 avahi-daemon: chroot helper
1     0 1133    1  39  19   1824   632 -      SNs  ?          0:00 anacron -s
4     0 1157  298  20   0   2744  1276 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/olpc-dm
4     0 1158  298  20   0   1816   464 -      Ss+  tty2       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty2
4     0 1159  298  20   0   1816   464 -      Ss+  tty1       0:00 /sbin/mingetty --loginpause --autologin root --noclear tty1
0     0 1160  298  20   0   1820   424 -      Ss+  ttyS0      0:00 /sbin/agetty -l /bin/bash -w -n ttyS0 115200 vt100
4     0 1161  298  20   0  40240 22656 -      Ss   ?          0:06 python /usr/sbin/rainbow-daemon
4   500 1168 1157  20   0   2668  1076 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/startx /usr/bin/olpc-session -- -fp built-ins -wr
0   500 1187 1168  20   0   3016   760 -      S    ?          0:00 xinit /usr/bin/olpc-session -- /usr/bin/X -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
4     0 1188 1187  20   0  12304  7288 -      Ss+  tty3       0:06 /usr/bin/X :0 -fp built-ins -wr -auth /var/tmp/olpc-auth/.Xserverauth
0   500 1207 1187  20   0   2088   624 -      Ss   ?          0:02 /usr/bin/ck-xinit-session /usr/bin/sugar
0   500 1243 1207  20   0  60980 34652 -      S    ?          0:25 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell
1   500 1249    1  20   0   3088   656 -      S    ?          0:00 dbus-launch --exit-with-session --config-file=/etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf sugar-shell
1   500 1252    1  20   0   2780  1052 -      Ss   ?          0:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --config-file /etc/dbus-1/session-olpc.conf
0   500 1263    1  20   0   9504  5516 -      S    ?          0:00 matchbox-window-manager -use_titlebar no -theme sugar -kbdconfig /usr/share/sugar/data/kbdconfig
0   500 1265    1  20   0  15812  8864 -      S    ?          0:02 python /usr/bin/sugar-presence-service
0   500 1274    1  20   0   6812  2628 -      S    ?          0:00 /usr/libexec/telepathy-salut
0   500 1276    1  20   0  11540  6544 -      S    ?          0:07 python /usr/bin/sugar-shell-service
0   500 1278    1  20   0  31604 12892 -      Sl   ?          0:05 python /usr/bin/datastore-service
0   500 1279 1278  20   0   3876   464 -      S    ?          0:00 /bin/cat
0   500 1281 1243  20   0  39848 24652 -      S    ?          0:06 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity journalactivity.JournalActivity -b org.laptop.JournalActivity -a a6676e7ec246e64a9a7395c7561cdd834f443492
4     0 1304    1  20   0   5444  1828 -      S    ?          0:00 /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant-global -ddd -t
4     0 1306    1  20   0   2508  1060 -      S    ?          0:00 /sbin/dhclient -d -sf /etc/NetworkManager/callouts/nm-dhcp-client.action -pf /var/run/ -lf /var/run/ eth0
0   500 1347 1281  20   0  44396 25300 -      S    ?          0:04 python /usr/bin/sugar-activity terminal.TerminalActivity -b org.laptop.Terminal -a 8bf3608fc12a5da14ab0d054fecd30bdefb01fa2 -o 107b4907-6322-42ec-bf73-24e09f331f15
0   500 1350 1347  20   0   2912   732 -      S    ?          0:00 gnome-pty-helper
0   500 1351 1347  20   0   4928  1596 -      Ss   pts/0      0:00 /bin/bash
0   500 1403 1351  20   0   4544   832 -      R+   pts/0      0:00 ps alx

what does it all mean?!

TODO: Is there a category for stuff like this?