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The main New Zealand page is OLPC_New_Zealand

It tells you about all the groups in New Zealand:

  • Auckland
  • Wellington
  • Christchurch

It tells you about the projects we are supporting, testing we are doing, promotional events we organise and/or attend.

To hear about our events, subscribe: http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/olpc-nz and look at [laptop.org.nz]

We welcome new people and those that want to get involved.

The information below is for those wanting the history of the Wellington test group.

Our Plans

1. Testing Activities 2. Keep working on our testing strategy to ensure we are getting it right. 3. Keep having fun!

List of activities to "test more"

  • Turtle Art
  • Screencast

Make movies and upload them on the internet so others can see how easy all this is :-)

Preparation for Linux Conference - Wellington, NZ, January 2010 - http://docs.google.com/View?id=dqrh3jr_4fk347fgv

See the Linux conference info here - http://www.lca2010.org.nz

What else is going on?

WellyNZTesters have issued a Call For Papers for the education minicof we're running at the LCA2010 conference on mid January next year

We're testing the full activity bundle for the upcoming Peru deployment

An Auckland group has started and Christchurch is starting

Some kind folks in Sydney are rounding up unused dust gathering XOs from the LCA2007 giveaway to ship to Wellington.

Vik has the XO driving the RepRap machine to make view finders for itself!