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The “ Papillon ” [“Butterfly”] educational concept is a free learning method which grows with knowledge like a living organism, creates, uses, reuses and improves continuesly new things. Imaginative multimedia learning environments are offered and depicted in an initial online school book [1] with this educational content. A concept that connects worlds; multimedia, intercultural and interdisciplinary as well as classical education and New Media — intelligently networked!

The Papillon method works on the base of keywords and transforms teaching books into a huge dynamic ecosystem of knowledge. Gifted students and less gifted will be promoted together.

This completely new digital learning method allows children to see our world in a global context, fosters an alert creative spirit as well as analytical abilities, teaches playful learning and motivates students to develop their own ideas, and can also provide help for self-help in the best sense. In addition, the project not only imparts knowledge, but also forms the entire personality. Students and teachers work together in an educational network. Papillon is one example for new paths of imparting knowledge in the 21. Century.

Today the digitization of our world is as significant as the invention of the alphabet. Therefore promotes "Papillon" the imparting of media literacy as a key cultural techniques of the 21st Century, because digital technology will mean a fundamental change in our perception.

What you might want to call blackmail under any other circumstance. ,


Papillon [Butterfly] is the name and the principle of the educational concept. Butterflies represent metamorphosis and change. Their flutter from flower to flower is a symbol of the central principle: “multiple interlinking” because everything is connected in our global world. The principle is based on an interdisciplinary and narrative presentation of knowledge. By merging seemingly oppositional themes such as nature and culture, religion and science, tradition and new media, book and internet grows an interdisciplinary universe of knowledge. Just like a butterfly students are able to leave the classroom to learn in fascinating multimedia worlds, without being limited by time or space. Papillon knowledge spaces are experienced emotionally, socially and creative. The lessons will be easier, more interesting and stimulates the networked thinking. Papillon makes the lessons come alive and makes sure that all students are involved in the unlocking of the secrets of the vast universe of knowledge


Reading is the most important prerequisite for learning. Therefore the GOLD DUST story is the heart of the dynamic teaching and learning concept. It promotes reading motivation, language skills, creativity and imagination. In addition, relates the fantastic story their unique magic through combination from book and Internet. The book will be the onlinebook and thus an experience.

The story of Prince Aron of Nubia, the hero of the GOLD DUST adventure, is full of unusual ideas and surreal images which are “drawn” with the word. A tale full of fantasy with a real-life background which still keeps children occupied for a long time. It is linked to two other parts and the GOLD DUST constellation is developed as a trilogy.

Fairytales [2] convey a simple basic thought: A good character makes you beautiful. It is exactly the right format to spin a yarn about the great questions of life.

Children like to read fairytales and understand them without problems. They are certainly the most beautiful stories in the world. Their material has everything great and beautiful within it. Fairytales are the mirror reflection of the human soul. We can re-find ourselves in them. Because fairytales are a common cultural heritage of all of the people in the world, we encounter each other through their language of symbols even across borders. Fairytales convey to us a magical world through which the children can easily distinguish between the rules and rituals of reality, good and evil. They are an appropriate means of evoking fantasy and creativity and thereby promote the moral and social competence to make judgments.

Dan Ariely, MIT Media Lab [3] [4] ("Predictably Irrational",[5] Chapter 11 The Context of Our Character, Part I: Why We Are Dishonest, and What We Can Do about It) [6] has scientifically demonstrated that the mere thought of a moral authority promotes honesty [7]. “The most important human endeavor,” Albert Einstein wrote, “is striving for morality.”

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Oliver Wetter's work was chosen to be the cover of the fantasy story “GOLD DUST” that is part of the education concept “Papillon”. He doneted the piece: „The source“ [8].

Online Book

The online schoolbook "GOLD DUST" develops out of the fantasy story "GOLD DUST", the core of the digital teaching concept "Papillon".

The digital textbook is a combination of grand adventure, magical effects and global learning. To see our world with different eyes and share the knowledge is what the educational concept "Papillon" wants to present.

The Application example [9]shows how to implement the “Papillon” method.

With the emotional Papillon-concept to learn means more fun and intensive learning because it is interactive[10]and adapted to the 21st century. It goes way beyond pure e-book-usage.[11]

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