OLPCO2e link Agenda 21

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OLPC and OLPCO2e focus on linking initiatives between the different sections in Agenda 21 and comes in from Section IV: Means of Implementation / technology transfer, education, international institutions and mechanisms and financial mechanisms and Millennium Development Goal Nr.2 brining Universal Primary Education by 2015.


Agenda 21 is a program run by the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development. to help Humanity make it beyond the year 2100.

Was humanity going to run into a wall because of lack of access to potable sweet water? Or was it overpopulation of the planet ? Or some unknown disease like AIDS, Alzheimer, Obesitas, ... ? Or Extremism and a dirty bomb ? Not enough food? Not being able to solve problems because we don't tap into the human potential of the vast majority of the inhabitants of this planet ? Or Dissapearing Biodiversity ? Or .. well, the first hidden trigger we stepped un apparently is the one of Global Climate Destabilisation / Greenhouse Effect which is projected to kill over 1 billion people over the next 40 yrs, i.e. one sixth of the human population, now that it is not possible anymore to turn back the situation to a Global Climate Destabilisation equal to a 0°C average overheating. (more on the latter: [www.ipccc.org Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change - Nobel Price winning institution supported by most Nobel Price Winners, all scientific federations including AAAS, NAS, NASA, etc.])

In 1989, all our nations were asked by the United Nations to bring forward the greatest thinkers, scientists, nobel price winners, captains of industry, bankers, financiers, artists, inspiring leaders of top quality organisations, individuals, groups from all walk in life. They were locked up - so to speak - for over 3 years to listen all the major challenges our planet and humanity was facing and to develop a Plan of Action to navigate us safely through all these challenges and hidden trigger mechanisms and make it beyond the year 2100 as many of the challenges indicated most of humanity were not going to make it beyond that date.

Agenda 21, is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans impact on the environment, mobilizing all and tapping into the many unused resources we have, e.g. intellectual potential of woman or Africans and other developing nations.

The number 21 refers to an agenda for the 21st century and its goal to help the whole of humanity make it beyond the year 2100.

After about 4 years of consultation, starting in 1989, ending in 1992, the full text of Agenda 21 was revealed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro on June 14, 1992, where 178 governments voted to adopt the programme. The final text was the result of drafting, consultation and negotiation, beginning in 1989 and culminating at the two-week conference.

There are 40 chapters in the Agenda 21, divided into four main sections.

Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions

Includes combating poverty, changing consumption patterns, population and demographic dynamics, promoting health, promoting sustainable settlement patterns and integrating environment and development into decision-making.

Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development

Includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), and control of pollution.

Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups

Includes the roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and workers.

Section IV: Means of Implementation

Includes science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and mechanisms and financial mechanisms.

The more these plans of actions of individuals and individual organisations and companies align with the plan of action laid out in Agenda 21, the more inter linkage there will be between the individual plans of action and the more synergies will emerge and observed and the easier it will become for individual goals, missions of organisations and companies to be achieved. It is expected that the world GDP - Gross Domestic Product = all Products and Services produced on the planet and captured in the economic system- of 2008 = 65 Trillion $, will grow to an exponential of that the more individuals, organisations and companies make the transit and re-define themselves from themselves in the Fossile Based Economy to the Low Carbon Economy.

OLPCO2e.org positions itself in the Low Carbon Economy, as an organisation that adds shareholder value to other organsiations both in the Fossile Based Economy, the Low Carbon Economy and in the Transition Economy by helping them develop leadership in the Low Carbon Economy using as a blueprint the plan of action layed out in Agenda 21 and coming in from Section IV and MDG 2. OLPCO2e is leading by example: OLPCO2e is bringing money - both money from the Fossile Based Economy and money from the Low Carbon Economy - i.e. CO2e-Certificates, Green-, White-, etc Certificates - and monetizing the Low Carbon Economy potential of the OLPCO-XO and X1 computers.

OLPCO2e is working on an IPO and deal bringing together a manufacturer of - Low Consumption Bulbs - PV - PhotoVoltaics - Small and Medium Sized Windturbines and war resistant windturbines - Peace Bombs - Grid-, Voltage-, Amperage- and cos phi measuring devices and stabilizers in order to offer "Zero Investment Solutions" to the Educational Sector, Schools, but also Hospitals, Elderly Care Centers, Public Buildings, public markets, but also private sector food chains, parking operators, airport operators, etc. The CO2e-, White-, Green- or other Certificates these buildings thus start producing are also split 50-50 as is the energy savings in the electricity bill in the case of existing builldings but also in the case of Lumen-sale contracts for new buildings.


Long Term

Mid Term

2015 Millennium Development Goals

http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Development_Goals

2 Goals

2.1 Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

2.2 Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education

2.3 Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

2.4 Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

2.5 Goal 5: Improve maternal health

2.6 Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

2.7 Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability

2.8 Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

Short Term

- Agreement with [www.AfricaCO2.org www.AfricaCO2.org - Low Carbon Economy-/Kyoto Protocol Consultants and Leadership Developers], mobilizing the mostly the African diaspora and diaspora of nations investing in Africa a.o. India. Done. (Note: for AfricaCO2's Plan of Action and timing on lectures on the topic to the Ambassadors, Ministers of Education, African Delegate on Climate Change and Adaptation, etc. please contact AfricaCO2.org/com)

Immediate Action

On OLPCO2e.org = [olpco2e.org] we give an example on how to develop leadership around Agenda 21/MDG nr.2 Universal Primary Education and how to mobilize assets from the High Carbon Economy transition and the new curriencies in the Low Carbon Economy to bring money to the achieve the goal via the One Laptop Per Child open community initiative.

Sincerely and Awaiting your earliest reply,  Skype: Sven AERTS For OLPCO2e.org - Working on Agenda21-Section IV: Means of Implementation / Bringing money from the Low Carbon Economy transition to the citizen/consumer.

Suggested Links:

A physical representation of an OLPCO2e CO2e-Certificate olpco2e.org and OLPCO2e.org [www.AfricaCO2.org www.AfricaCO2.org - Low Carbon Economy-/Kyoto Protocol Consultants and Leadership Developers] [www.coren.be - EU Federation managers of Agenda 21/ISO16000/EMAS auditors, leadership developers and coaches for the Educational and Not for Profit sector]