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Educator standard text

en This user is a native speaker of English.
EDU Grades:
Country: [[OLPC |]]

About me

I live in a town of 1,000 in southern Oregon. As a teacher, I have summers to devote. I'm at a stage in my life when I want to make sure I share what I have learned in a way that will benefit others.

Ideally, include photo taken with XO.

Contact information

Dana Rensi

Interests and expertise

I am an Educational Media Specialist, Spanish Teacher, Technology Mentor to Faculty, and Moodle Administrator. I was a Fulbright Teacher to the Peruvian Amazon and have a keen interest in helping to deploy the XO in the Amazon.

Current projects

I follow the olpc-sur list. I've offered to volunteer and no one has taken me up on it.

Learning activities

Designing learning activities for use with the XO.

Past projects

List of completed OLPC-related projects.