Application Program: Test of ability with arithmetic english demo
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#!/bin/python # # date: 09/08/2006 version 1.0 # author: Mesar Hameed <> # License: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 or later # a quick mockup program to illustrate/bounce ideas for starters to # Application Program: Test of ability with arithmetic - OLPC # # what needs doing: # level 9 is missing # think about possible ways of creating translations in a plugable fashion # either as command line argument or as compile time option # tk gui, make it all pretty and sugary # test on sugar platform import sys import random import timing nq=10 #number of questions per round def addition(lvl,nq,minval,maxval): result = [] for curr in range(nq): a,b = random.randrange(minval,maxval),random.randrange(minval,maxval) c=a+b result.append(a), result.append('+') result.append(b), result.append(c) result.insert(0,lvl) return result def subtraction(lvl,nq,minval,maxval,simplified=False): result = [] for curr in range(nq): a,b = random.randrange(minval,maxval),random.randrange(minval,maxval) if simplified and b>a: a,b=b,a c=a-b result.append(a), result.append('-') result.append(b), result.append(c) result.insert(0,lvl) return result def multiplicationTable(lvl,nq,maxval,division=False): result = [] for curr in range(nq): a,b = random.randrange(0,maxval),random.randrange(0,maxval) c=a*b if division: if c==0 and a==0: a,b,c=c,b,a if c==0 and b==0: a,b,c=b,a,c result.append(c), result.append('/') result.append(b), result.append(a) else: result.append(a), result.append('*') result.append(b), result.append(c) result.insert(0,lvl) return result def playround(questions): name=questions.pop(0) print "playing the maths quiz, level ", name nq=len(questions)/4 timing.start() while len(questions) != 0: qid="("+str(1+nq-len(questions)/4)+"/"+str(nq)+") " q =qid + str(questions[0])+ " " + str(questions[1]) + " " + str(questions[2]) + " = " inputhandler(q,questions[3]) del questions[:4] #end loop timing.finish() print "Well done!, you completed the level in ",round((timing.milli()/1000.0),2), "seconds" def inputhandler (prompt,expectedAnswer="",attempts=3): counter = ans=0 while counter < attempts: try: ans=raw_input(prompt) if ans == "exit" : verifyExit() ans="0" counter-=1 if str(ans) in str(expectedAnswer) and str(ans) != "": return ans except ValueError: counter+=1 continue counter+=1 print "the correct answer is ",expectedAnswer return 0 def verifyExit(): try: quit=raw_input("Are you sure you wish to exit? [y/n]: ") if quit == "y": print "thankyou for playing the maths quiz." sys.exit() except: print "goodbye" sys.exit() def welcome(): print "Welcome to OLPC maths quiz!\t" print "Have a play, and see how far you can get.\n\n" print "1, level 1: basic addition (to 20)" print "2, level 2: basic subtraction (from 20)" print "3, level 3: intermediate addition (to 200)" print "4, level 4: intermediate subtraction (from 100)" print "5, level 5: addition of negative numbers" print "6, level 6: mixture of negative and posative numbers" print "7, level 7: multiplication table. ( to 12*12)" print "8, level 8: basic division" print "Type exit at any point to quit." while True: print "there are 8 levels, which level do you want to play?" lvl=inputhandler("1 -- 8? ",range(1,9)) if lvl == "1": questions=addition(1,nq,0,10) elif lvl == "2": questions=subtraction(2,nq,0,20,1) elif lvl == "3": questions=addition(3,nq,0,50) elif lvl == "4": questions=subtraction(4,nq,0,100,1) elif lvl == "5": questions=addition(5,nq,-100,0) elif lvl == "6": questions=subtraction(6,nq,0,100,0) elif lvl == "7": questions=multiplicationTable(7,nq,12) elif lvl == "8": questions=multiplicationTable(8,nq,12,1) #this actually does divisions within the multiplication table. playround(questions) welcome()