Contributors program/May 7, 2010

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  • XO-1.5 early production machines now available/shipping:
  • New projects & libraries -- teaching them Community Outreach:
  • Which projects might you enjoy Mentoring below?!
  • Fast Review of the 5 latest (greatest!) HW/Project Proposals -- please
 join us advocating for, and/or reviewing shortcomings of these proposals:
 #1 Benji Smith’s Eagle and Youth Group Project - Jefferson, Maryland
 #2 Fedora Security Lab - India, Germany, USA
 #3 Lubuto Library Project - Zambian Literacy Programming Project - Silver Spring, Maryland
 #4 Language Documentation on Ambrym, Vanuatu - Berlin; Paris
 #5 Laptops Uganda
 #6 Marshall Public Schools - Marshall, Wisconsin
 #7 Awareness and Outreach - Rochester, Michigan
 #8 Summer pyGames - North Charleston, South Carolina
 #9 Audio/Video for Etoys, Scratch and Squeak - United Kingdom
 #10 Haitian Education Fund - Virginia
 #11 Pre-K Education Outreach - Louisiana
 #12 50 XO-1 RTC batteries - Maine / Granada, Nicaragua
 #13 Processing for the XO - Berlin, Germany
 #14 XO-1.5 for Google kernel hacker

<MikeLee> Anyone here?

  • gwerra has joined #olpc-meeting
  • gwerra has left #olpc-meeting
  • gwerra has joined #olpc-meeting
  • leftStanding has joined #olpc-meeting

<gwerra> and its 2:40 EDT right? <CanoeBerry> MIkeLee: still there? <MikeLee> Hi <CanoeBerry> gwerra: which project is yours? <gwerra> Fedora <CanoeBerry> Great <leftStanding> it i currently 2:43 EDT <CanoeBerry> Which Project # is that? <gwerra> 2 <CanoeBerry> Please identify your Project #s, thanks.

  • SharonE Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))

<MikeLee> I have prohject 3 <CanoeBerry> Great <leftStanding> sweet i am representing project 8 <CanoeBerry> leftStanding: what is your Project #? <CanoeBerry> Great. <CanoeBerry> Let's go very fast.

[ PROJECT #1 - Benji Smith’s Eagle and Youth Group Project - Jefferson, Maryland ]

<CanoeBerry> Let's begin. Please help critique/mentor/vote for Project #1 here: <CanoeBerry> Benji Smith’s Eagle and Youth Group Project - Jefferson, Maryland <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 7/10 XOs over undetermined months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> My project will provide entertainment and a learning experience for the <CanoeBerry> children of Los Toscones by providing them with basic computers that <CanoeBerry> can be <CanoeBerry> used for both fun and educational purposes. <CanoeBerry> I have created a quick-start guide that can be used on deployments <CanoeBerry> world-wide. The information being put in it can be found here: <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> I have put all of this information into a nice booklet that can be <CanoeBerry> printed <CanoeBerry> at someone's own home and can be distributed when they are doing <CanoeBerry> their own <CanoeBerry> deployments. It is currently in the process of being translated into <CanoeBerry> Spanish. Note: this is NOT yet completed. In three weeks after AP <CanoeBerry> exams, I <CanoeBerry> will begin doing a LOT of work, I just don't have the time right now. <CanoeBerry> You can track the progress of the project using the project updater, <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> It has <CanoeBerry> all kinds of information, as does all of the sidebar. <CanoeBerry> Votes up/down? <CanoeBerry> The applicant asks for 7 more XO-1s, in addition to the 3 XO-1s already received. <leftStanding> CanoeBerry: how many XOs are available total?

  • Jade-Lemon-65 has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> leftStanding: there is no set number <MikeLee> I'm still not clear on success relized from the three they have already... <leftStanding> does project #1 provide all of these instructions in the language of the users? what sort of end supervision is there (kids in country)? <CanoeBerry> Exactly the concerns.

  • SharonE has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> Let's put this project on hold until the guide here is further advanced: <CanoeBerry> <SharonE> Hi i'm here

[ PROJECT #2 - Fedora Security Lab - India, Germany, USA ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #2 now -- please all review/critique/vote for: <SharonE> sorry - I was waiting but got disconnected. can we go back and deal with it today? i have lots of answers! <CanoeBerry> Fedora Security Lab - India, Germany, USA <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 2-4 XOs over 6 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> We are planning to use the XOs for testing the <CanoeBerry> Fedora Security Lab which is to be used as a Learning platform for <CanoeBerry> budding Security Professionals. We would like to test the compatibility <CanoeBerry> with the laptops and its hardware, and if something does not work right, <CanoeBerry> we would even be happy to write/make changes to the hardware/software <CanoeBerry> and contribute it back to the community. <SharonE> (I'm Benji's mom - he's at school) <CanoeBerry> SharonE: we just completed Review #1 and need to move fast. <CanoeBerry> Can you plz submit your progress report by email? Thanks-- <SharonE> The camp is set up for the 2nd to last week of June - so if we don't get moving and get computers soon, we need to cancel. Time's running short. <CanoeBerry> Include "50626" in the subject line when you write to <CanoeBerry> Email us. <CanoeBerry> Thanks. <MikeLee> Is this security lab actually part of the overall Fedora effort? <CanoeBerry> Onto Project #2 now. We have 14 projects we must complete fast. <gwerra> MikeLee: Yes <gwerra> MikeLee: <CanoeBerry> I vote yes.

  • dsaxena_ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)

<MikeLee> Thx. Given the ongoing use of Fedora as the base OS, this seems like a valuable initiative <CanoeBerry> Why would 4 XOs be needed though? <MikeLee> I vote yes. <CanoeBerry> Are 2 XO-1's sufficient? <leftStanding> this is testing security related issues with the xo? are there major differences as to why they couldn't use a regular pc with fedora? <gwerra> CanoeBerry: It was a minimum of two <CanoeBerry> OK, let's finalize the XO count by email. <CanoeBerry> Objections? <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <leftStanding> none <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED

[ PROJECT #3 - Lubuto Library Project - Zambian Literacy Programming Proje ct - Silver Spring, Maryland ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #3 -- please critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Lubuto Library Project - Zambian Literacy Programming Project - <CanoeBerry> Silver Spring, Maryland <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 6 XO-1.5s over 24 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> There is a critical need for means to teach all Zambian children to <CanoeBerry> read in their original language that the educational system cannot <CanoeBerry> meet. Lubuto libraries reach out-of-school children and can help them <CanoeBerry> toward reading by read-aloud and storytelling programs, but tools for <CanoeBerry> reading teaching in Zambian languages are not available. Youth who <CanoeBerry> have been using the One Laptop Per Child XO laptops in Lubuto <CanoeBerry> libraries and experienced Zambian reading teachers will together be <CanoeBerry> trained in the OLPC application Etoys and create early reading <CanoeBerry> programs in Zambian languages. The programs will then be made <CanoeBerry> available on laptops in the libraries and via the website <CanoeBerry> to inspire creation of similar programs in other African countries and <CanoeBerry> languages. <CanoeBerry> IN FULL HERE: <CanoeBerry> MikeLee: care do introduce/summarize real fast? <CanoeBerry> *care to introduce/summarize?

  • kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> kushal: welcome! <MikeLee> This effort already has funding from the Gates oundation and support of the Zambian Ministry of Education to... <leftStanding> it sounds well thought out <kushal> CanoeBerry, thanks <MikeLee> develop language learning modules in Etoys for many of their tribal dialects <MikeLee> the main language in Zambia is English <CanoeBerry> MikeLee: I have high-level OLPC Zambia connections/possibilities right here in Canada -- we must talk! <CanoeBerry> +1 (I vote yes) <MikeLee> Great. We work thru thr Zambian embassy here in DC <leftStanding> +1 <leftStanding> i imagine they can get additional through other sources <CanoeBerry> August Zambian delegation / funding possibilities on this end too. <CanoeBerry> Any questions for the applicant? <CanoeBerry> And if not, let's finalize. <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED

[ PROJECT #4 - Language Documentation on Ambrym, Vanuatu - Berlin; Paris ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #4 -- please critique/mentor/vote for: <MikeLee> Thanks! <CanoeBerry> Language Documentation on Ambrym, Vanuatu - Berlin; Paris <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XOs over 6-12 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> The participants are currently documenting several <CanoeBerry> languages in the Southwest of the island of Ambrym, Vanuatu. <CanoeBerry> The project <CanoeBerry> work involves audio and video recordings, which will lead to the <CanoeBerry> production <CanoeBerry> of dictionaries, story books and grammars for the previously undocumented <CanoeBerry> and undescribed languages. Due to the lack of devices with the <CanoeBerry> capacity to <CanoeBerry> display accustic and visual information, however, local communities will <CanoeBerry> hardly have access to the audio and video recordings. Also, the <CanoeBerry> opportunities for speakers to actively participate in the <CanoeBerry> documentation of <CanoeBerry> their languages and traditional knowledge themselves are very <CanoeBerry> limited. <CanoeBerry> The <CanoeBerry> laptops provided by the OLPC project would help to make recordings <CanoeBerry> accessible to the communities as well as empower the youngest <CanoeBerry> generations to <CanoeBerry> use modern technologies to explore and record the traditional knowledge <CanoeBerry> which is in acute danger of being lost. The objectives of a collaboration <CanoeBerry> with the OLPC would therefore be the distribution of laptops to local <CanoeBerry> schools, storing the data collected during the documentation work on the <CanoeBerry> laptops and training children -- and their teachers -- to use the laptops <CanoeBerry> for documentation. The country of Vanuatu has already shown interest <CanoeBerry> in the <CanoeBerry> OLPC and is very adamant about the importance of language <CanoeBerry> documentation so <CanoeBerry> that we expect a collaboration would be welcome. <CanoeBerry> Reflections? Objections? Suggestions? <leftStanding> the connection with kids and xo's is flaky <leftStanding> wouldn't a regular laptop with audio software work just as well? <CanoeBerry> Yeah. Stil I vote yes, if this project demonstrates a bit more clueful progress, as 1 XO-1 might push forward their experimentation? <CanoeBerry> Language/localization is a key goal of our project if they are serious! <MikeLee> They could as well with a netbook, but 1 XO-1 is low risk as Adam says <leftStanding> ok agree <leftStanding> +1 <CanoeBerry> I'm in the middle. <MikeLee> +1 <gwerra> +1 <CanoeBerry> +1 if I ask them followup question by email. <CanoeBerry> Objections? <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED if they agree to work with OLPC/Sugar's localization community.

[ PROJECT #5 - Laptops Uganda ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #5 -- please critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Laptops Uganda <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 20 XOs over 24 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> - Impart computer knowledge to the young. since my country 75% of the <CanoeBerry> population are the young people <CanoeBerry> - To bring unity by appreciating diversity, my country has more than 90 <CanoeBerry> tribes, divided into 85 districts and has been affected by wars for the <CanoeBerry> last 30 years that’s has caused too much tribal difference yet we are <CanoeBerry> all Africans. So, I bringing kids of different tribes together sharing <CanoeBerry> the same computers it brings a sense of love and peace through sharing <CanoeBerry> hence unity. <CanoeBerry> - To fight computer illiteracy in the youth, many youth in Uganda have <CanoeBerry> never had an encounter with computers so weather I use an OX laptop or <CanoeBerry> any other brand of computers it will be the same to them. They need the <CanoeBerry> skill no matter the type of computers being used. <CanoeBerry> - Prepare the young for the future ,this 21st century the use of <CanoeBerry> computerized digital peripherals has became part of life in the world , <CanoeBerry> me volunteering to reach out to the kids and the youth am preparing <CanoeBerry> them <CanoeBerry> for the future time so as to make the world a global village <sonrasalt> ooops didn' know u were on. I'm here <CanoeBerry> sonrasalt: welcome! <CanoeBerry> can you help comment on the above? <CanoeBerry> is applicant here to defend above Proposal #5? <CanoeBerry> it needs help! <leftStanding> is the area stable enough for the xo's to benefit the different tribes?

  • MikeLee Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))

<CanoeBerry> Much Uganda work is blossoming, but it remains very independent, and the country needs serious (self-)help :) <sonrasalt> needs action plan, objectives, goals? are they elsewhere? <leftStanding> i'm just wondering if the xo's would be sold off or used ineffectively <CanoeBerry> OLPC has received ideas/emails on more than 160 Uganda within our community support system: <leftStanding> is there a person in charge? <CanoeBerry> leftStanding: agreed this project needs much more demonstrable backing <CanoeBerry> -1 until then. <CanoeBerry> other thoughts? <sonrasalt> Needs XO specific target activity or goal <CanoeBerry> yes: any supporters of the above? <leftStanding> i agree <CanoeBerry> Motion to put above project on hold until then. <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <sonrasalt> Need to postpone this one. You can put me onthe list and I will do at least one round of questions <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> ON HOLD <CanoeBerry> Thanks all.

[ PROJECT #6 - Marshall Public Schools - Marshall, Wisconsin ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #6 - please all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Marshall Public Schools - Marshall, Wisconsin <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XO-1.5 over 3 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Our objective is to out fit our students grades 5-8 with laptops. <CanoeBerry> Currently that includes 354 Student. The School District of Marshall is <CanoeBerry> in an Agriculture community where 65 % of our Students have Computers <CanoeBerry> with internet access at home. The other 35% either have old computers <CanoeBerry> or no computers with access to the internet. Of these 35% parents and <CanoeBerry> students are not computer literate. <CanoeBerry> Our local Library has 6 computers for general use. Each user can only us <CanoeBerry> it for an hour a day. This is not enough time for a student to study or <CanoeBerry> research a paper. If they had their own computer it would give them a <CanoeBerry> valuable resource. <CanoeBerry> Going to a 1 to 1 computer program will insure all students are on a <CanoeBerry> equal bases on technology. Student will be able to take their computers <CanoeBerry> home to study or go to our Public Library to use there free internet. <CanoeBerry> Parents will be able to learn with students on how to use a computer. <CanoeBerry> Oops, this project was PRE-APPROVED!

  • Teal-Violet-55 has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> Reflections still welcome, but let's move on if not! <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED

[ PROJECT #7 - Awareness and Outreach - Rochester, Michigan ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #7 - please all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Awareness and Outreach - Rochester, Michigan <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XO-1.5 over indefinite months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> As a part of our fresh, new corporate philanthropic efforts, we'd like <CanoeBerry> to augment our "One Laptop Per Child *Per Week*" program ( <CanoeBerry> with an outreach <CanoeBerry> program to our customers to encourage their involvement in the <CanoeBerry> program. Our <CanoeBerry> contribution isn't tied directly to sales (we'll be contributing <CanoeBerry> regardless <CanoeBerry> of each month's profits) but we believe there's potential donations to be <CanoeBerry> had by increasing awareness through our corporate blog, press <CanoeBerry> releases and <CanoeBerry> appearances at conferences. <sonrasalt> OK this one needs some work also. <Jade-Lemon-65> This is my proposal. We've chosen OLPC as our charity of choice <leftStanding> is this a business idea? <CanoeBerry> CORRECTION:

  • MikeLee has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> I like this approach of people taking outreach seriously. <CanoeBerry> <sonrasalt> OK this is a effectively moving effort.. <Jade-Lemon-65> We've been working on increasing its presence on our site and have begun to discuss dev ideas <MikeLee> sorry, my chat session froze <Jade-Lemon-65> we'd like to get our hands on one to work with it and blog about our efforts <sonrasalt> Where are the donated laptops going? <Jade-Lemon-65> just one <Jade-Lemon-65> coming to our offices, thento conventions we attend <CanoeBerry> Jade-Lemon-65: can you also introduce quickly, explaining how you can help OLPC longer term? <CanoeBerry> +1 is my vote, if I understand this correctly -- others please vote and ask questions too. <CanoeBerry> MikeLee: are you familiar with ? <sonrasalt> Is there some information on the conventions and your presentaton? <leftStanding> Jade-Lemon-65: is this a philanthropic effort? <Jade-Lemon-65> We're an eCommerce company with a demonstrated histrory of development and I'd like to move our overall marketing and visibility efforts in a more philanthropic directionn <MikeLee> No. Just loading the site now. <Jade-Lemon-65> We're donating one a week <Jade-Lemon-65> We just started this month <sonrasalt> 1 xo 1.5 sounds good. +1 <MikeLee> +1 <sonrasalt> Nice mission. I'll support this effort. <Jade-Lemon-65> +1 from me (obviously) <CanoeBerry> Jade-Lemon-65: remind me, is directing donations to ? <CanoeBerry> Or using offline / paper donations ? <CanoeBerry> Soudns great. <CanoeBerry> Any objections out there? <Jade-Lemon-65> Directly through the site - under Dane Downer <leftStanding> none <CanoeBerry> Perfect. Keep in touch. <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED <Jade-Lemon-65> Thank you all.

[ PROJECT #8 - Summer pyGames - North Charleston, South Carolina ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #8 - please all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Summer pyGames <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 50 XOs over 3 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Primary Objective: To use the love of games and competition to inspire <CanoeBerry> students to learn about programming and interactive media, to create <CanoeBerry> educational games for elementary school students, and to empower <CanoeBerry> students to <CanoeBerry> make a difference in the world. <CanoeBerry> Secondary objectives: To educate students, parents, and educators about <CanoeBerry> open source recourse, tools, and licenses to improve their schools, work, <CanoeBerry> and communities. <CanoeBerry> MikeLee: you might have the best insight? <leftStanding> hi i'm part of the summer pygames project <CanoeBerry> 50 is a lot! <leftStanding> we only need 20 now

  • Jade-Lemon-65 Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)

<gwerra> 50 sure is a lot <CanoeBerry> leftStanding: great, plz introduce your plans! <leftStanding> last summer i mentored a team of high school students <CanoeBerry> are XO-1s and/or XO-1.5s being requests? <leftStanding> and programmed the XO to made an educational computer game <leftStanding> a mix please, several of the 1.5s to test out <leftStanding> we are part of FIRST robotics in the area <leftStanding> as well as <leftStanding> and this year we will have at least 3 teams <leftStanding> and have an actual competition between groups of high school students <leftStanding> there is buy in from 3 school districts <leftStanding> and the companies that support the local FIRST team, such as BOSCH and BAE Systems <CanoeBerry> if a set number of XOs is approved and shipped this month, when will they be returned? <leftStanding> our game will be sent out to the Palmetto Project laptops <sonrasalt> this looks great <leftStanding> this will be returned no later than august <leftStanding> probably before <CanoeBerry> great <sonrasalt> how many macines are requeste? <CanoeBerry> 50! <leftStanding> 20 <leftStanding> we only need 20 now <CanoeBerry> sounds much more doable! <MikeLee> Will the code for the games be posted online? <leftStanding> of course! last years game is already downloadable at <leftStanding> its on the teams page <leftStanding> all material is GPL and CC <MikeLee> OK, hadn't clecked in yet. <leftStanding> i'm making sure of that :) <CanoeBerry> is there a blog? <CanoeBerry> or twitter account we can follow? <leftStanding> on that page, it will happen shortly, we just had the mentor <CanoeBerry> that you can include within and ? <leftStanding> volunteer meeting <leftStanding> include links too, CanoeBerry? <CanoeBerry> how about we ship 20 XO-1s and 2 XO-1.5s when the blog/twitter account is shiny? <CanoeBerry> is that reasonable? <sonrasalt> Request if for 50 laptops. Should try and get some donated to this project or funded . it is a good project worth it for 20 <MikeLee> leftstanding: do submit the blog link to those aggregators sites. it's easy. <leftStanding> yes that sounds reasonable <leftStanding> does a drupal blog thing work or will i need a wordpress? <sonrasalt> any <MikeLee> any blog system with RSS feed <CanoeBerry> Yeah <leftStanding> ah ok! <CanoeBerry> +1 <leftStanding> +1 <sonrasalt> +1 <CanoeBerry> Please all vote. <MikeLee> +1 <CanoeBerry> Objections? <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <gwerra> +1 <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED! <leftStanding> sweet! Thank you everyone <CanoeBerry> This is great-- thank you everyone. ... <leftStanding> CanoeBerry: is there a way to contact you?

  • Teal-Violet-55 Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)

<CanoeBerry> Definitely, email above, or here on IRC -- what's up? <leftStanding> ok cool, i want to be able to let you know when the blog is up as well as any news about the summer pygames project

  • NeoSangamon-dfe8 has joined #olpc-meeting
  • NeoSangamon-dfe8 Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  • GrannieB has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> leftStanding: best way of course is to email including your 5-digit project # in the subject line -- i also get those emails :) <CanoeBerry> PS 61819

[ PROJECT #9 - Audio/Video for Etoys, Scratch and Squeak - United Kingdom ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #9 - please all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Audio/Video for Etoys, Scratch and Squeak - United Kingdom <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XO-1 over undetermined months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Get audio and video facilities working in Etoys, Scratch & Squeak <CanoeBerry> PRE-APPROVED! For the Freudenbergs & all's colleagues in the US. <CanoeBerry> Any questions? Reflections? <CanoeBerry> If not, let's move on to Project #10! <MikeLee> +1 <sonrasalt> OK looks good, necessary work #9

[ PROJECT #10 - Haitian Education Fund - Virginia ]

<CanoeBerry> Great, onto Project #10 - please all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Haitian Education Fund - Virginia <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 2 XOs over 4 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> The long-term objective of this project is to provide Diocese of <CanoeBerry> Hinche, Haiti students between the ages of 7 and 12 with access to XO <CanoeBerry> laptops. The Diocese of Hinche has 87 schools with a total of <CanoeBerry> approximately <CanoeBerry> 25,000 children in the targeted age range. <CanoeBerry> +1 on 2 XOs for experimentation -- even if this group is still getting up to speed. <CanoeBerry> They've had good discussion with apparently. <leftStanding> +1 <CanoeBerry> Norfolk, VA <MikeLee> If they are talking to Waveplace, then +1 <CanoeBerry> Any reflections/objections? <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED <sonrasalt> This projects is moving step by step, sounds solid +1

[ PROJECT #11 - Pre-K Education Outreach - Louisiana ]

<CanoeBerry> Ontro Projecty #11 -- please all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> Pre-K Education Outreach - Louisiana <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 2 XOs over 4 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> To bring early education and development skills, including computer <CanoeBerry> use and coordination skills to toddlers under pre-K age four. <CanoeBerry> Hmm. <CanoeBerry> Appears to need some work. <leftStanding> can those age groups use a laptop? i'm not familiar <MikeLee> Pre-K too early in my opinion <CanoeBerry> -1 <leftStanding> -1 <MikeLee> -1 <gwerra> 0 <CanoeBerry> This group can purchase on eBay <CanoeBerry> Objections? <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <sonrasalt> yes.. that is another good way <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <sonrasalt> -1 <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> ON HOLD.

[ PROJECT #12 - 50 XO-1 RTC batteries - Maine / Granada, Nicaragua ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #12 now.. <CanoeBerry> 50 XO-1 RTC batteries - Maine / Granada, Nicaragua <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 50 XO-1 RTC batteries <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> Debricking for deployment: <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> PRE-APPROVED. And shipped!

[ PROJECT #13 - Processing for the XO - Berlin, Germany ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #13 now.. <CanoeBerry> Please all critique/mentor/vote for.. <CanoeBerry> Processing for the XO - Berlin, Germany <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XO-1.5 over 6 months <CanoeBerry> Project Objectives: <CanoeBerry> A. Questions <CanoeBerry> Evaluating if there is a point in having Processing running on the XO. <CanoeBerry> Evaluating the differences between Processing and Pippy. They are pretty <CanoeBerry> similar; has Processing enough advantages to justify the effort? Is the <CanoeBerry> XO's performance able to handle Processing? Processing requires Java; <CanoeBerry> is there enough additional value to justify such a rather big install? <CanoeBerry> If all these questions will be answered with "yes, it is worth a try", <CanoeBerry> the next set of questions will have to be evaluated <CanoeBerry> What about Processing and Sugar? Processing is window based. To achieve <CanoeBerry> a satisfying user experience at least three windows are necessary <CanoeBerry> (1. The editor, 2. The compiled running program, 3. A Browser to display <CanoeBerry> the reference manual). Can this be adjusted to use just one screen, as <CanoeBerry> Sugar does, without losing the simplicity? If not? Is there a way to <CanoeBerry> not using Sugar that still makes sense. (I know that there are ways to <CanoeBerry> do so, but I'm not targeting some geeky artists). <CanoeBerry> B. Objectives <CanoeBerry> If all these questions can be answered in a positive way, the <CanoeBerry> objectives are: <CanoeBerry> 1. Getting Processing to run on the XO, <CanoeBerry> 2. Getting Processing to talk to the Camera, the mesh, the Gaming <CanoeBerry> Buttons, etc. <CanoeBerry> 3. Providing Sample Applications and Tutorials that enable children to <CanoeBerry> get started with programming. <CanoeBerry> Sorry the above was so long! <leftStanding> does anyone have a link to processing? <MikeLee> Processing is cool. Some people had it running on the Xo-1 <leftStanding> <CanoeBerry> +1 <sonrasalt> I don't nicht verstehen diese understand it <kushal> +1 <MikeLee> Processing is a Java-based data visualization toolkit for artists <kushal> processing is very nice <MikeLee> +1 <MikeLee> would hope that the evaluation could be done in somewhat less than 6 months tho <sonrasalt> +1 OK 1 laptop <CanoeBerry> Further Advocacy / Objections? <MikeLee> Processing is a Java-based data visualization toolkit for artists <kushal> processing is very nice <MikeLee> +1 <MikeLee> would hope that the evaluation could be done in somewhat less than 6 months tho <sonrasalt> +1 OK 1 laptop <CanoeBerry> Further Advocacy / Objections? <CanoeBerry> Questions? <CanoeBerry> Calling once.. <CanoeBerry> Calling twice.. <CanoeBerry> Calling thrice.. <CanoeBerry> APPROVED.

[ PROJECT #14 - XO-1.5 for Google kernel hacker ]

<CanoeBerry> Onto Project #14 - please all critique/mentor/vote for: <CanoeBerry> XO-1.5 for Google kernel hacker <CanoeBerry> <CanoeBerry> [SPECIFIC SITE NEEDS TO BE POSTED OFF <CanoeBerry> ] <CanoeBerry> Requests 1 XO-1.5 over undetermined months <CanoeBerry> PRE-APPROVED by cjb. <kushal> :) <CanoeBerry> Thanks all for your invaluable support! MEETING ADJOURNED!


<CanoeBerry> Have an awesome weekend. <MikeLee> on to my next meeting! <leftStanding> you too! <sonrasalt> +1 <CanoeBerry> We will meet very briefly Sunday 4pm if you are interested in the latest from OLPC.

  • MikeLee Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)

<CanoeBerry> Email holt @ laptop . org if you want to join the quick/small call.

  • gwerra has left #olpc-meeting

<leftStanding> CanoeBerry: is there a way to contact you?

  • Teal-Violet-55 Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)

<CanoeBerry> Definitely, email above, or here on IRC -- what's up? <leftStanding> ok cool, i want to be able to let you know when the blog is up as well as any news about the summer pygames project

  • NeoSangamon-dfe8 has joined #olpc-meeting
  • NeoSangamon-dfe8 Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  • GrannieB has joined #olpc-meeting

<CanoeBerry> leftStanding: best way of course is to email including your 5-digit project # in the subject line -- i also get those emails :) <CanoeBerry> PS 61819