Talk:Sugar on Ubuntu
automake default in Ubuntu Edgy seems to be automake-1.7 and not automake-1.4
To be quite honest, i've only been using debian based systems for about 2 weeks now, so my no means am I an expert, but I believe the "python2.4-avahi" in the big apt-get statement should be "python-avahi". Python-avahi is a virtual package that (as of now) supplies python2.4-avahi. --PKPerson
The python2.4-avahi package has been replace by python-avahi according to my APT application. I'll modify the main page.
Sugar-jhbuild is hard to work with
I realize that Sugar is changing very rapidly and you guys on the OLPC team are doing an incredible job. I am trying to build activities and teach others how to do the same. However I find it very difficult to use sugar-jhbuild. I get so many errors and I am currently wrestling w/ them -- chundevi
My experience
I'm running Edgy, recently updated from Dapper. After installing all the packages listed in the article, I still got a complaint about missing Python 2.5; I think this may be due to a recent change to the OLPC source. I tried installing a python2.5-dev package with apt-get, but jhbuild didn't recognize it, probably because 2.4 was still the version behind the "python" command. I managed to get around the problem by running a command I saw on another sugar page, which apparently builds Python 2.5 (among other things) from source:
./sugar-jhbuild build meta-sugar-base ./sugar-jhbuild build
I had to skip the abiword module (don't remember the error), and I had to skip the Squeak module because a "" site was down; I guess that's where it downloads the source from. Otherwise, sugar seemed to build OK for me.
The commands listed in the article failed to launch the avahi-daemon for me, for some reason (error: "The name org.freedesktop.Avahi was not provided by any .service files"). I had to start it manually:
sudo avahi-daemon
After that, "sugar-jhbuild run" worked. When it is running, I see the icons for chat, abiword, penguin TV, firefox, and tamtam. There is a blank spot where the memosono icon would be; clicking on the spot launches memosono. There are errors in the console that may be related:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/media/data2/src/sugar-jhbuild/build/share/activities/Memosono.activity/activity/activity-memorygame.svg'
(/media/data2/src is the local path on my machine where I put sugar-jhbuild.) The penguin TV icon fails with this message in the console:
DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildSignaled: Process /media/data2/src/sugar-jhbuild/build/bin/sugar-activity-factory received signal 8
Likewise, tamtam fails with the following message:
DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process /media/data2/src/sugar-jhbuild/build/bin/sugar-activity-factory exited with status 1
The other icons all seem to work OK (chat, firefox, abiword). Surprisingly, the abiword icon works, even though I chose to skip the module's failed build. —Leejc 00:15, 7 February 2007 (EST)