Debian Junior

Revision as of 08:16, 14 February 2007 by Jacobolus (talk | contribs)
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Software in the Debian Junior packages is meant for children. Some requires adult setup. Much, but not all, is educational.

  • junior-arcade games
  • junior-art tuxpaint, gimp, xpaint
  • junior-doc Quick Guides to Debian Junior
  • junior-games-* solitaire, 3D, network, simulation, text
  • junior-gnome gbatnav, gcompris, mathwar
  • junior-internet Firefox
  • junior-kde kig (geometry), kstars, ktuberling, kworldclock
  • junior-math games, calculator, fractals, cryptography
  • junior-programming gvrng kturtle littlewizard
  • junior-puzzle games, jigsaw puzzles
  • junior-sound bplay, cdtool, grip, vorbis-tools, xmms
  • junior-system Midnight Commander file browser and toolkit, xcruise, lavaps
  • junior-toys
  • junior-typing
  • junior-writing emacs, vim, nedit, nano, dict, aspell, abiword