
Revision as of 22:10, 29 October 2010 by SDGathman (talk | contribs) (About me)
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Hi! My dad bought an XO-1 via G1G1 for my daughter for Christmas. She has outgrown it, but now I use it with a USB keyboard and mouse. It has been very fun configuring a full F11 desktop to run in 256M, booting from an 8G SDHC. The process has provided the excuse to try a number of alternative applications due to lower memory requirements. Ekiga, Pidgin, terminal, firefox, claws-mail, all work beautifully. I've spent many work hours outdoors in the sun (ok, shade - I don't like sunburn) with an easily read screen. I'm waiting for a netbook with Pixel Qi display and adult keyboard. I want a foot treadle generator (easily used while seated) to charge my XO/netbook while working.

You can read more about me here: