Journal Entries

Revision as of 10:26, 3 December 2010 by Erikos (talk | contribs)
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A Journal entry the metadata (e.g. decription, title, tags, color) and optionally a preview. Furthermore an entry contains of a data file in most of the cases. For example a .odt file in Write. The entry for a Memorize Game has no file associated with it, only the metadata and a preview (there is no state saved).

In 0.82 when you copied a Journal entry to a storage device (e.g. USB) the files where stored in the root directory of the device and the metadata and preview was stored in a hidden folder called You can that go to another machine and copy those entries over or use the stick as backup and copy back the entries to your Journal later. The entries on the device do have the color of the creator of the entries. Other files on the stick are shown in black and white.

The datastore has changed significantly from 0.82 to 0.84 and therefore the old entries are not handled by the new datastore. Furthermore the copying to a storage device did only copy the data file over and the metadata and preview were omitted.

The new patches in 9657 and 9658 do handle now both cases. Details below.

Sharing/Backup Journal entries using a storage device 9657

The new code will store the metadata and preview in a hidden folder like in 0.82. The folder will be named .Sugar_metadata. There will be two files per entry, one for the metadata named filename.metadata and one for the preview (if exists) named filename.preview.

Convert Journal entries that have been saved to a storage device in 0.829658

In 10.1.2 the new Journal can not read Journal entries that have been saved to a storage device (e.g. USB key).

We have added now code that converts those entries to a