Proposal and Plan

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> > > PROJECT OBJECTIVES > § To motivate children to go school and participate in school > activities > § To train primary school teachers how to use modern technology for > educational purposes. > § To improve literacy percentage in Bangladesh > § To educate children how to use modern technology > § To educate children how to get information through internet > § To create an areawise network comminuty > § Enhancing family entertainment through OLPC program and adtional: > One Laptop > Per Family (OLPF) program > § To prove the importance of having computers in primary schools in > Bangladesh > > PLAN OF ACTION: > > PLAN ACTION A: > > We are planning to start this project according to governing system in > Bangladesh. The system is consist of the following way: many villages > consist > one Union, many Unions consist one Upazila, many Upazilas consist one > District, > many Districts consist the country. > > So, first we will select rural Unions and all those primary schools in > those > Unions. We will provide OX laptops to those children (age 6-12). At > the > beginning of the program we will chech if they know the letters. The > program > will include 2 lessons of 1,5 hours per week. Every two months we will > make a > test to check the results of study. After main school vacation we will > give > final questionnaires to understand how much children remember the use > of OX > laptops, how much they used laptops during the vacations at home and > with the > family members, what did they use it for ect. > > If tests show positive results, we will extend our project from Union > to Upazila > level then Distric level and then the whole country. > > PLAN ACTION B: > > As it is important to improve literacy among adults, too; we will > provide OX > laptops to selected adults (age: around 50) in an Union. In a priod of > one year > we will check the improvement of literacy among adults. If this shows > positive > result then we will try to ask organizations and institutions to > provide > economic support to produce OX laptops also for adults in Bangladesh. > > > NEEDS > > Why is this project needed? > A: as you have read the objectives, it is clear that this project is > very > essential for a poor country like Bangladesh to improve the literacy > level of > people. > > Locally? > A: The children education will give them better motivation to improve > their > life standards. > > > In the greater OLPC/Sugar community? > A: It will be clear that how much the XO machines are useful and > applicable for > different purposes in an area where there is no electricity. > > Outside the community? > A: They will know the benefits of XO machines and would coleborate to > enhance > the usability. > > Why can't this project be done in emulation using non-XO machines? > A: country like Bangladesh can't afford huge amount of money for > computers which > are expensive. > > Why are you requesting the number of machines you are asking for? > A: Because of the number of students and teachers in a primary school. > > Will you consider (1) salvaged/rebuilt or (2) damaged XO Laptops? > A: All kinds of possible consideration will depend on our outcomes of > the > project. If we get the better results, then we will encourage all the > possible > responsible institutions to support OLPC program to develop in various > ways. > > > SHARING DELIVERABLES > > In the beginning we will web-publish the project and this completed > proposal on > a blog and notify you about its adress (after you confirm it). We can > join our > information in your OLPC internet site and present all about our > project in > Bangladesh, there. > > This is how we will also convey tentative ideas & results back to the > OLPC/Sugar > community, prior to completion. > > Yes, we need help forcommunicatingwith OLPC/Sugar global community. > > We will also present the final fruits of our labor to the children or > community > members worldwide on the mentioned blog adress and OLPC internet site. > > > Ourwork will probably not have any possible applications or use > outside our > community. If in the future there will be a possible application, we > will let > you know. > > We have not yet investigated working with nearby XO Lending Libraries > or Project > Groups. > > > QUALITY/MENTORING > > Yes, our Project would benefit from Support, Documentation and Testing > people. > We need information about Teachers' input into Usability. > We will also need technical support and/or mentoring about that. > Our work will you promoted through school experts and teachers, also > through > articles in newspapers and magazines, billboards ect . and through > community > getherings. > All kinds of mentoring is welcomed. Yes, we need experienced mentors > from the > OLPC/Sugar community. > > TIMELINE > Maximum estimated period of time will be one year and 2 months > including all > school holidays. Update progress of the project will be on the > internet for all.