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Test case: Short name::School Server (XS) Registration
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::Network Sub-category Test subcategory::XS
Component System component::Wireless and Network Manager
Feature [[System feature::School server (XS)]]
Objective Test objective::Verify that an XO computer can register to a School Server (XS) properly.
Tools Test tools::School Server (XS), Access Point (AP), multiple XOs
Setup [[Test setup::Setup instructions:
  1. If possible, do all non School server-related testing first. Once registered to a schoolserver, an XO may always try to reach it.
  2. Setup XS and its AP
  3. If desired, clear out all network settings and registration settings on each XO:
  • To clear out network settings, from VT type: rm /home/olpc/.sugar/default/nm/networks.config
  • To clear out previous school server registrations, from VT edit the file: /home/olpc/.sugar/default/config (in 8.2 or prior; newer XO software builds use gconf for school server settings). Remove the lines that start with [Server], server, and backup1.]]
Procedure [[Test procedure::Execute this procedure on each laptop.
  1. If necessary, remove previous school server registrations as noted above.
  2. Through the network neighborhood screen, connect each XO to the AP to which the school server is attached.
  3. After connecting to the correct AP; mouse over the XO central user representation on the home screen, then click on 'Register' from the popup menu.
  4. Attempt to Browse the Internet, share activities, etc. If possible run "olpc-netstatus" from within the Terminal Activity as well.]]
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
[[Pass criteria::Expected Results:
  1. All XO laptop platforms should be able to connect to the school server. A message should appear indicating successful registration.
  2. All users can browse the Internet using the Browse Activity if the XS has Internet access available.
  3. All users can collaborate on activities, view other school server users, etc., while registered to the school server.
  4. "olpc-netstatus" on each XO should note that the "Telepathy" mode used is "gabble".]]
Comments More notes::No staggering of XO laptop registration should be required, and the school server should tolerate the XOs connecting/registering to the AP as well as itself in any order.
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