Talk:OLPC Slovenia

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Maja Najdič in Monishankar Singha za OLPC Bangladesh

V sredo 2. marca, 2011 sva dobila 2 XO-1 laptopa. Za Fedex sva morala plačati 40 eur, vendar pa nama je G. Holt takoj odgovoril, da so zaračunali po nepotrebnem saj je bila pošiljka DDP, torej že plačana. Pravi, da je še veliko birokratskih zadev potrebno urediti, preden bodo stvari stekle tako kot je treba. Spodaj je link za kratek album prejete pošiljke iz Cambridga.

Najini kontaktni podatki so: Maja Najdic, E: maja_najdic (at sign) yahoo (dot com sufrfix), M: +386 40 712 712 Monishankar Singha, E: ms.singha (at sign) yahoo (dot com sufrfix), M: +386 31 684 942 POGLEJTE ŠE ZEMLJEVID Z VPISOM SLOVENIA ALI BANGLADESH

KORESPONDENCA Z MENTORJEM Georgem Huntom "The activities useful with the XOs in orphanage would be firstly learning the technology, how can they apply this technology to their daily school life activites and later the teachers can give us some proposals for the activities useful with the laptops.

We have to ask you to send us contact info for the ones in Comilla and ones for the tecnical scills. We were in Bangladesh in october 2009 and there we bought a computer but the electricity was going on only 2,5 hours per day with the interruptions. The internet access is provided by the Grameen link, wireless internet receiver through usb. They do not have electricity connection in every classroom. For the wi-max we do not have any information yet."'

NAJIN PROJEKT SE IMENUJE "Improving digital literacy in Bangladesh rural areas" - (koordinirano iz Slovenije)