OLPC Firmware q3a63/Test plan

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  • verify machine-signature value is CL1 ,
    • check,
  • verify flash XO-1.75 firmware is prevented,
    • check,
  • check that pong remains playable,
    • check,
  • check output from .mppt is rational,
    • check,
  • try the new bat-recover,
    • deferred,
  • test USB hot plug behind hub, -r2152,
    • with no USB devices attached, boot to ok prompt, type dir u:, expected response is Can't open directory,
    • with a USB device attached, boot to ok prompt, type dir u:, expected response is directory contents,
    • with no USB devices attached, boot to ok prompt, type dir u:, expected response is Can't open directory, insert a USB drive directly into a port, type dir u:, expected response is directory contents,
    • with only a USB hub attached, boot to ok prompt, type dir u:, expected response is Can't open directory, insert a USB drive into the hub, type dir u:, expected response is directory contents,
    • on Q3A62, repeat above test, response was Can't open directory.
    • check,
  • test USB overcurrent response, on ports and via hub, -r2155,
  • check that internal microSD and external SD can be read repeatedly,
  • check that Linux kernel shows new device tree entries, -r2175,
  • write code that uses new feature $case .