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Note: this is a second initiative to join OLPC emerging from Poland. First one took place in years 2006-2008. Wiki link (page in polish) [here]

1. The Team

At start we are 5:

  • Jakub Ratajczak - programmer, businessman, runs a primary school in WAW. Main focus: Sugar
  • Pawel Makowiecki - social entrepreneuer, funder of the Responsible Business Institute IOB, one of the most innovative "think-and-do-tank" in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Innovation in Poland. Focus: open source, know-how transfer
  • Krzysztof Kielak, programmer (python, gtk, html)
  • Mateusz Kieniewicz, engeneur from the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP, main focus: robotics
  • Dominik Granada, NGO president FRKS, educator, manager. Main focus: XO+Sugar application/usability in rural schools, collaborative activities, know-how transfer

2. The plan

There are to main areas we want to concentrate on. (1) Localize Sugar with basic Activities, run a pilot project to see what could be the possible advantage of using XO's and/or Sugar only in polish education perspective; (2) Build a Community and run a Lending Library in Warsaw.

3. Contact

We set up a community webpage/blog: OLPC.PL. There should be an english version in near future.