User:Kevgor/Mavrothal scripts for XO 1.0

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Mavrothal XO1 Scripts

October 2011


mavrothal and mav2 scripts are invoked one time at install in XO1 version of

rc.local file is invoked at every boot.

Make room script

# This script will remove extra localization, dri, firmware and
# 256x256 icon files from the F14-based OLPC builds for the XO-1.
# Will also prevent installation of additional locales by new rpms
# mavrothal, GPL2, 2011
# No warranties.
# version 6. Works with jffs2

# Check if it is an XO-1
XOVER=`cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_version`
if [ "$XOVER" != "1" ] ; then
	echo " This script is for the XO-1 only" 
	exit 0

# Check if it is an OLPC build
BUILDORG=`cat /etc/issue | grep OLPC`
if [ "$BUILDORG" = "" ] ; then
	echo " This script is for OLPC builds only" 
	exit 0

# Check if it is an F14 build
KERNVER=`uname -r | cut -d "." -f 3`
if [ "$KERNVER" != "35" ] ; then
	echo " This is script is for F14 builds only" 
	exit 0

# Make sure we have language set
LANGVER=`cat /home/olpc/.i18n | cut -d "\"" -f2 | cut -d "_" -f 1`
if [ "$LANGVER" = "" ] ; then
	echo " There is no language set!" 
	echo " Please set language in the control panel"
	echo " and then reboot and run this script again"
	sleep 5
	exit 0

# How much space do we have available before deletions
AVAILBEF=`df -B M / | awk 'END {print $4}' | tr -d 'M'` 

# Delete extra locales, dri and firmware files
OSVER=`ls /versions/pristine`
# Make sure we do not delete needed files
# Pristine Versions 
mv /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/lib/firmware/usb8388.bin .
mv /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/"$LANGVER"* .
mv /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/locale.alias .
# Do delete what we do not need
rm -rf /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/lib/firmware/*
rm -rf /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/*
rm -rf /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/usr/lib/dri/*
rm -rf /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/usr/share/icons/*/256x256
# Restore needed
mv usb8388.bin /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/lib/firmware/
mv "$LANGVER"* /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/
mv locale.alias /versions/pristine/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/ 
# Run Versions
mv /versions/run/"$OSVER"/lib/firmware/usb8388.bin .
mv /versions/run/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/"$LANGVER"* .
mv /versions/run/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/locale.alias .
# Do delete what we do not need
rm -rf /versions/run/"$OSVER"/lib/firmware/*
rm -rf /versions/run/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/*
rm -rf /versions/run/"$OSVER"/usr/lib/dri/*
rm -rf /versions/run/"$OSVER"/usr/share/icons/*/256x256
# Restore needed
mv usb8388.bin /versions/run/"$OSVER"/lib/firmware/
mv "$LANGVER"* /versions/run/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/
mv locale.alias /versions/run/"$OSVER"/usr/share/locale/

# Prevent additional locales being installed by new RPMs
LANGVERLONG=`cat /home/olpc/.i18n | cut -d "\"" -f2 | cut -d "." -f 1`
echo  "%_install_langs "$LANGVER":"$LANGVERLONG"" > /etc/rpm/macros.lang
sleep 1

# How much space do we have available after deletions
AVAILAFT=`df -B M / | awk 'END {print $4}' | tr -d 'M'`

# How much did we delete

echo " An additional $DELETED MB of disk space is now available"
sleep 3
exit 0

Copy persistent Start Swap script - One time at install from USB into boot init area

echo Mavrothal swap and cleanup
cp /media/PATRIOT/rc.local /etc/rc.d/rc.local
echo Mavrothal Done
exit 0

Mavrothal Start Swap script

rc.local - Assumes linux-swap partition already created on 'esternal SD card which exists as /dev/mmcblk0p2

# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

touch /var/lock/subsys/local
sleep 3
/sbin/swapon /dev/mmcblk0p2