Help Activity refresh/Chapter/Browse

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The Browse activity is your means to explore a wider source of information and content that can be found in what's called the World Wide Web (Internet or Web for short). Although there are some built-in information included on this activity (OLPC Library), to make the most of this activity you need an internet connection. Please see the chapter on "Neighborhood View and Connecting to the Internet". (Note: link to chapter)

The first thing that you will see when you first click on the Browse icon from the Home View is what's called the Home page.

Browse - home.png



  • Toolbar
    • Activity Naming
    • Edit Tool (scissors)
    • Viewing Tool (Eye tool)
      • Tray Toggle tool
    • Home Icon
    • URL bar
    • Navigation Arrows
    • Bookmark Tool
    • Stop Icon
  • OLPC Library


