Trial1 TODO

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Laptop Storage

We have two alternatives here: a more traditional file and directory model and the goal system, the journal.

File and directory model

  • Save images from a web page, using a context menu, activated by the right mouse button.
  • Insert images in the write activity using a file picker.
  • Auto open docs from the web.

There are some features that we will not be able to implement using this model:

  • Renaming of files
  • Deletion of files



  • Fix the dnd bug
  • Make drag of images from mozilla work
  • Make drag of images to abi work
  • Add a way to rename objects, both in activity and in the journal

Data Store

  • Free text search

Journal activity

  • Entries renaming
  • Updating keep flag
  • Free text search

Write activity

  • Autosave also by a timeout (now it saves on focus-out and on close).


  • Let activities rename their journal entry title by an entry in the activity rollover