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	<title>Vision: Children in the developing world are inadequately educated - One Laptop per Child (OLPC)</title>
	<meta name="Description" content="Nearly two-billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated. The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis are profound. Children are consigned to poverty and isolation." />
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		<h1>Vision: Children in the developing world are inadequately educated</h1>
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				<h2><a href="mission/" accesskey="1" title="Mission: Provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore">mission</a></h2>
				<a href="mission/" accesskey="1" title="Mission: Provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore"><img src="../img/mission.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="mission" /></a>
					<cite>"It's an education project, not a laptop project."</cite>
					<p>— Nicholas Negroponte</p>
				<p>Our goal: To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves. 
				<a href="mission/" class="read-more">read more</a></p>

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				<h2><a href="progress/" accesskey="2" title="Progress: Discover the origins of OLPC ">progress</a></h2>
				<a href="progress/" accesskey="2" title="Progress: Discover the origins of OLPC "><img src="../img/progress.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="progress" /></a>
				<p>The project's origins stretch back more than four decades to the primordial days of computing, when most machines were still the size of small dinosaurs and next to no one dreamed they would ever be suitable for children. Pioneering thinkers such as Seymour Papert disagreed sharply, and over time would prove the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool for children. Some of the key milestones in One Laptop per Child's long march from radical theory to reality.
				<a href="progress/" class="read-more">view timeline</a></p>	
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				<h2><a href="news/" accesskey="3" title="News: Discover the OLPC latest news">news</a></h2>
				<a href="news/" accesskey="3" title="News: Discover the OLPC latest news"><img src="../img/news.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="news" /></a>
				<p>The laptop generates a steady stream of  international press coverage that promises to flow even deeper and faster as we move toward launch of our Generation One machines later this year. Click below for the OLPC latest news from everywhere, as well as an extensive archive of both print and electronic articles and videos. 
				<a href="news/" class="read-more">read more</a></p>
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				<h2><a href="people/" accesskey="4" title="People: Discover persons who brings their personal passion to OLPC project">people</a></h2>
				<a href="people/" accesskey="4" title="People: Discover persons who brings their personal passion to OLPC project"><img src="../img/people.jpg" width="200" height="98" alt="people" /></a>
				<p>OLPC was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of Media Lab veterans, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of exceptionally talented and dedicated people from academia as well as industry, the arts, business, and the open-source community. Each brings a unique skill set, and a deep personal passion, to the project.  
				<a href="people/" class="read-more">read more</a></p>		
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