User:Holt/XS Community Edition/0.2/Installing

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XS-CE 0.2 will run on XO 1.75.

XO 1.75 Install


This recipe installs XS Community Edition on XO-1.75 (ARM) running OLPC OS 12.1.0 ( with power management turned off within My Settings | Power.

During the install process, your XS server must be connected to the Internet, via its built-in Wifi adapter/ears (it may NOT connect to the Internet thru a USB Ethernet Adapter during your install). After the install process, your XS server may connect to the Internet using others mean.

Also required is a USB Ethernet Adapter connected to a separate Wifi access point (call it AP-LAN) so kids' XOs can later connect their XOs to the server.

Repeat any of the download steps below if they fail due to Internet/DNS glitches.


  1. Ensure that the USB Ethernet Adapter is connected (or at least available, for the "INSERT USB ETHERNET ADAPTER" step below).
  2. Launch Terminal Activity (unhide Terminal if necessary, clicking List View in the top right of Home View).
  3. Change to user root by typing "su".
  4. Change directory by typing "cd /etc/yum.repos.d"
  5. Download the needed yum repo definition by typing "wget".
  6. Install xs-config-xo by typing "yum -y install xs-config-xo" (downloads 17+ MB).
  7. Type "bootstrap-xo" (downloads 34+ MB).
  8. Press [Enter] to reboot.
  9. Launch Terminal Activity.
  10. Change to user root by typing "su".
  11. Type the command "xs-setup" . This generates a long list of "yum" install requests, similar to the normal adding of functions that you would do if you loaded a minimal "network" install CD from Fedora, and then added additional functions one at a time. (downloads 200+ MB)
  12. "INSERT USB ETHERNET ADAPTER NOW" warning will appear (if it was not inserted earlier). Insert it as instructed.
    Type "y" to continue. 40+ minutes later, your XS should return to a root prompt with the message "XS configured; services are ready to use." (downloads about 200 MB !)
  13. Reboot.


  1. Use "ifconfig" to determine the ip address of the XS.
    Take note of its eth0-ip-address = WAN-ip.
    If you've inserted the USB Ethernet Adapter above (serving the LAN/Intranet) also take note of the school server's eth1-ip-address = LAN-ip =
  2. If you inserted the USB Ethernet Adapter above, configure its own Wifi Access Point (AP) to properly serve other LAN/Intranet client XOs. (If the Wifi AP is a router, DO NOT plug into its "WAN" port -- instead use any of its LAN/normal ports. And be sure to enable the AP's "bridge mode" or similar, to disable the AP's own DHCP)