User:Felice/website copy

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  This page is monitored by the OLPC team.

This is the template file for the new—as of January, 2007— website. Translators, please note that this is the template file. You should copy this file into a PO file specific to your target language rather than doing in-line edits here.

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: OLPC website files Version 2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-11 12:00-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-11 15:00-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "align"
msgstr "_: the alignment (left or right) of your language goes here"

msgid "lang"
msgstr "en"

msgid "xml:lang"
msgstr "en"

msgid "olpc"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC)"

msgid "titletext"
msgstr "a $100 laptop for the world's children's education"

msgid "description"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a new, non-profit association dedicated to research to develop a $100 laptop, a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children."

msgid "keywords"
msgstr "OLPC, One Laptop per Child, laptop, educational proposition, volunteering, children, children expressing, children exploring, children learning, children resources, education, OLPC Wiki, OLPC learning vision, open source software, non-profit association, humanitarian project, OLPC foundation."

msgid "copyright"
msgstr "Content is available under <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 2.5</a>"

msgid "skiplink"
msgstr "Skip to content"

msgid "logo"
msgstr "back to home page"

msgid "readmore"
msgstr "read more"

msgid "viewtimeline"
msgstr "view timeline"

msgid "vision"
msgstr "vision"

msgid "visionlink"
msgstr "link to vision"

msgid "mission"
msgstr "mission"

msgid "missionlink"
msgstr "link to mission"

msgid "progress"
msgstr "progress"

msgid "progresslink"
msgstr "link to progress"

msgid "news"
msgstr "news"

msgid "newslink"
msgstr "link to news"

msgid "people"
msgstr "people"

msgid "peoplelink"
msgstr "link to people"

msgid "laptop"
msgstr "laptop"

msgid "laptoplink"
msgstr "link to laptop"

msgid "hardware"
msgstr "hardware"

msgid "hardwarelink"
msgstr "link to hardware"

msgid "software"
msgstr "software"

msgid "softwarelink"
msgstr "link to software"

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msgstr "interface"

msgid "interfacelink"
msgstr "link to interface"

msgid "design"
msgstr "design"

msgid "designlink"
msgstr "link to design"

msgid "foundation"
msgstr "participate"

msgid "foundationlink"
msgstr "link to participate"

msgid "purpose"
msgstr "purpose"

msgid "purposelink"
msgstr "link to purpose"

msgid "program"
msgstr "program"

msgid "programlink"
msgstr "link to program"

msgid "participate"
msgstr "participate"

msgid "participatelink"
msgstr "link to participate"

msgid "propose"
msgstr "propose"

msgid "proposelink"
msgstr "link to propose"

msgid "children"
msgstr "children"

msgid "childrenlink"
msgstr "link to children"

msgid "olpcwiki"
msgstr "olpc wiki"

msgid "olpcwikilink"
msgstr "link to OLPC wiki"

msgid "career"
msgstr "career"

msgid "careerlink"
msgstr "link to career"

msgid "contact"
msgstr "contact"

msgid "contactlink"
msgstr "link to contact"

msgid "sitemap"
msgstr "site map"

msgid "sitemaplink"
msgstr "link to site map"

msgid "languages"
msgstr "languages"

msgid "languageslink"
msgstr "link to languages"

msgid "altlogo"
msgstr "logo: one laptop for child"

msgid "altlogofoundation"
msgstr "logo: one laptop for child foundation"

msgid "educationalproposition"
msgstr "educational proposition"

msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "frequently asked questions"

msgid "December"
msgstr "December"

msgid "November"
msgstr "November"

msgid "October"
msgstr "October"

msgid "September"
msgstr "September"

msgid "August"
msgstr "August"

msgid "July"
msgstr "July"

msgid "June"
msgstr "June"

msgid "May"
msgstr "May"

msgid "April"
msgstr "April"

msgid "March"
msgstr "March"

msgid "February"
msgstr "February"

msgid "January"
msgstr "January"

msgid "designedby"
msgstr "Designed by"

msgid "poweredby"
msgstr "Powered by"

msgid "highlights"
msgstr "highlights"

msgid "features"
msgstr "features"

msgid "specs"
msgstr "specs"

msgid "benefits"
msgstr "benefits"

msgid "demo"
msgstr "demo"

msgid "developers"
msgstr "developers"

msgid "exploring"
msgstr "exploring"

msgid "expressing"
msgstr "expressing"

msgid "learning"
msgstr "learning"

msgid "resources"
msgstr "resources"

#: vision.html

msgid "visiontitle"
msgstr "Vision: Children in the developing world are inadequately educated"

msgid "visionleftsidebar1"
msgstr "mission"

msgid "visionp1"
msgstr "“It's an education project, not a laptop project.”"

msgid "visionp2"
msgstr "— Nicholas Negroponte"

msgid "visionp3"
msgstr "Our goal: To provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment and express themselves."

msgid "visionleftsidebar2"
msgstr "progress"

msgid "visionp4"
msgstr "The project's origins go back more than four decades to the early days of computing, when most machines were still the size of small dinosaurs, and almost no one dreamed they would ever be suitable for children. But pioneering thinkers like Seymour Papert disagreed sharply, and over time led the long march from radical theory to reality proving the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool for children."

msgid "visionrightsidebar1"
msgstr "news"

msgid "visionp5"
msgstr "The laptop generates a steady stream of international press coverage. Click below for the OLPC latest news, as well as for an extensive print and electronic press archive."

msgid "visionrightsidebar2"
msgstr "people"

msgid "visionp6"
msgstr "OLPC was founded by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of Media Lab veterans, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of exceptionally talented and dedicated people from academia, industry, the arts, business, and the open-source community. Each individual involved brings a unique skill set, and a deep personal passion, to the project."

#: mission.html

msgid "missiontitle"
msgstr "Mission: Provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore"

msgid "missionh1"
msgstr "mission"

msgid "missionp1"
msgstr "Most of the nearly two–billion children in the developing world are inadequately educated, or receive no education at all. One in three does not complete the fifth grade."

msgid "missionp2"
msgstr "The individual and societal consequences of this chronic global crisis are profound. Children are consigned to poverty and isolation—just like their parents—never guessing what the light of learning could mean in their lives. At the same time, their governments struggle to compete in a rapidly evolving, global information economy, hobbled by a vast and increasingly urban underclass that cannot support itself, much less contribute to the commonweal, because it lacks the tools to do so."

msgid "missionh2"
msgstr "It is time to rethink this equation."

msgid "missionp3"
msgstr "Given the resources that poor countries can reasonably allocate to education—sometimes less than $20 per year per pupil, compared to the approximately $7500 per pupil spent annually in the U.S.—even a doubled or redoubled national commitment to traditional education, augmented by external and private funding, would not get the job done. Moreover, experience strongly suggests that an incremental increase of “more of the same”—building schools, hiring teachers, buying books and equipment—is a laudable but insufficient response to the problem of bringing true learning possibilities to the vast numbers of children in the developing world."

msgid "missionh3"
msgstr "Standing still is a reliable recipe for going backward."

msgid "missionp4"
msgstr "Any nation's most precious natural resource is its children. We believe the emerging world must leverage this resource by tapping into the children's innate capacities to learn, share, and create on their own. Our answer to that challenge is the XO laptop, a children's machine designed for “learning learning.”"

msgid "missionp5"
msgstr "XO embodies the theories of constructionism first developed by MIT Media Lab Professor Seymour Papert in the 1960s, and later elaborated upon by Alan Kay, complemented by the principles articulated by Nicholas Negroponte in his book, <i>Being Digital</i>."

msgid "missionp6"
msgstr "Extensively field-tested and validated among some of the poorest and most remote populations on earth, constructionism emphasizes what Papert calls “learning learning” as the fundamental educational experience. A computer uniquely fosters learning learning by allowing children to “think about thinking”, in ways that are otherwise impossible. Using the XO as both their window on the world, as well as a highly programmable tool for exploring it, children in emerging nations will be opened to both illimitable knowledge and to their own creative and problem-solving potential."

msgid "missionp7"
msgstr "OLPC is not, at heart, a technology program, nor is the XO a product in any conventional sense of the word. OLPC is a non-profit organization providing a means to an end—an end that sees children in even the most remote regions of the globe being given the opportunity to tap into their own potential, to be exposed to a whole world of ideas, and to contribute to a more productive and saner world community."

msgid "missionp8"
msgstr "Until then, stay tuned."

#: map.html

msgid "map"
msgstr "map"

msgid "green"
msgstr "green"

msgid "red"
msgstr "red"

msgid "orange"
msgstr "orange"

msgid "yellow"
msgstr "yellow"

msgid "mapp1"
msgstr "(green) those countries we plan to pilot"

msgid "mapp2"
msgstr "(red) those countries we plan to include in the post-launch phase"

msgid "mapp3"
msgstr "(orange) those countries who have expressed interest at the ministry-of-education level or higher"

msgid "mapp4"
msgstr "(yellow) those countries who are currently seeking government support"

#: progress.html

msgid "progresstitle"
msgstr "Progress: Discover the origins of OLPC"

msgid "progressleftsidebar1"
msgstr "What's coming..."

msgid "progressp1"
msgstr "The origins of OLPC stretch back more than four decades to the primordial days of computing, when most machines were still the size of small dinosaurs and next to no one imagined they had any connection to children. Pioneer thinkers such as Seymour Papert dreamed they would be suitable for children, and time has proved the immense power of the personal computer as a learning tool. Some of the key milestones in One Laptop per Child's long march from radical theory to reality..."

msgid "2007"
msgstr "2007"

msgid "progressn37"
msgstr "B2-Test machines deployed to children in launch countries."

msgid "progressn36"
msgstr "Rwanda starts out the New Year with a bang by announcing that it, too, will participate in OLPC."

msgid "2006"
msgstr "2006"

msgid "progressn35"
msgstr "Uruguay commits to OLPC."

msgid "progressn34"
msgstr "875 B1-Test machines roll off the Quanta assembly-line in Shanghai. XO is for real."

msgid "progressn33"
msgstr "Libya announces it has signed up for 1.2 million laptops, one for every school-age child in the nation."

msgid "progressn32"
msgstr "OLPC has an Arabic-speaking launch country."

msgid "progressn31"
msgstr "Red Hat and Pentagram present the user interface for the laptop. SES-Astra joins OLPC."

msgid "progressn30"
msgstr "First working prototype of the dual-mode display is unveiled."

msgid "progressn29"
msgstr "Wikipedia becomes first source of content for the laptop."

msgid "progressn28"
msgstr "500 developer boards are shipped worldwide. <a href="">Csound</a> is demonstrated over the mesh network."

msgid "progressn27"
msgstr "Nortel and eBay become members. $100 School Server is announced."

msgid "progressn26"
msgstr "Squid Labs and FreePlay present first human-powered systems for the laptop."

msgid "progressn25"
msgstr "OLPC opens its offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Noted industrial designer Yves Behar takes charge of form-factor issues."

msgid "progressn24"
msgstr "Marvell joins OLPC and partners on network hardware for the laptop. The <a href="">OLPC</a> goes live (domain courtesy of <a href="">Mohamed Rostom</a>)."

msgid "progressn23"
msgstr "Negroponte and Kemal Dervis, head of the <a href="">UN Development Program (UNDP)</a>, sign a memo of understanding at the <a href="">World Economic Forum</a>. The planned OLPC Gen-1 launch remains focused on 5–10 million laptops in large countries or regions. Over time, UNDP will serve as OLPC's ground force in many of the 166 countries in which it has offices, assisting with everything from communications with ministries to logistics for school rollout."

msgid "2005"
msgstr "2005"

msgid "progressn22"
msgstr "OLPC announces that Quanta Computers, the world's largest maker of laptops, will become the ODM for the laptop."

msgid "progressn21"
msgstr "At the World Symposium on the Information Society in Tunis, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan presents OLPC's latest iteration, the so-called green machine, with its distinctive pencil-yellow hand crank. At a jammed press conference with Negroponte, Annan breaks the handle. Time for a design review."

msgid "progressn20"
msgstr "“This is not just a matter of giving a laptop to each child, as if bestowing on them some magical charm. The magic lies within—within each child, within each scientist—, scholar—, or just-plain-citizen-in-the-making. This initiative is meant to bring it forth into the light of day.”"

msgid "progressn20a"
msgstr "—Kofi Annan"

msgid "progressn19"
msgstr "Two weeks later, President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria declares himself “enchanted” by the $100 laptop and commits his country to one million units."

msgid "progressn18"
msgstr "After meeting in Bangkok with Negroponte, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra announces that Thailand will adopt OLPC, the first country officially to do so. Unfortunately for Shinawatra, he would later be deposed by a military coup in September 2006."

msgid "progressn17"
msgstr "Negroponte reports to a partners' meeting at Google headquarters that more than 50 countries have now inquired about the laptop. Twenty of the queries came from heads of state. BrightStar is introduced as a partner."

msgid "progressn16"
msgstr "Design Continuum becomes OLPC's industrial-design partner."

msgid "progressn15"
msgstr "Brazilian President Lula da Silva meets with Negroponte and Papert in Brasilia, where he embraces the $100 laptop for Brazil. So that Brazil can move forward, President Silva gives his cabinet officers just 29 days to set an agenda, he says, because “anything longer than 30 days is uninteresting.”"

msgid "progressn14"
msgstr "First meeting of corporate partners at the Media Lab. Members include AMD, News Corp., Google, and Red Hat, which will create a Linux-based operating system for the laptop."

msgid "progressn13"
msgstr "Negroponte sketches out his idea for a $100 laptop for the poor children of the world in an e-mail to his old friend, Hector Ruiz, CEO of AMD. Six hours later, Ruiz replies: “Count us in, and we would be delighted to take a lead role here.” Within weeks, News Corp. and Google also join as founding members of the newly formed program, One Laptop per Child."

msgid "progressn12"
msgstr "Later in the month, Negroponte presents the idea for the $100 laptop at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where the political, economic, and cultural elite of the world gather each year. Although he has nothing to show his audience but a simple mock-up with no functioning parts, the machine makes a big splash. John Markoff writing for <i>The New York Times</i>, calls Negroponte “the Johnny Appleseed of the digital era.”" 

msgid "2002"
msgstr "2002"

msgid "progressn11"
msgstr "Govenor Angus King of the state of Maine is persuaded by Papert that “one-to-one is the only meaningful ratio for deploying computers to school children,” and launches the first <a href="">large-scale, saturation distribution 42,000 of laptops</a>—to all of the state's seventh-graders. The program is later renewed and expanded."

msgid "progressn11a"
msgstr "“Giving all the children this powerful device, this key, is a very powerful transformative idea,” says King."

msgid "progressn10"
msgstr "Negroponte provides 20 children in a small, remote Cambodian village with connected laptops; for their individual use at school, at home, and in the community. He will add 20 more the following year. The children and their families quickly innovate multiple uses for the machines and easily teach themselves to navigate the Internet. Their first English word? “Google.”"

msgid "1998"
msgstr "1998"

msgid "progressn9"
msgstr "Lego debuts its Mindstorms™ as a product with which children build “programmable bricks” into their constructions."

msgid "1995"
msgstr "1995"

msgid "progressn8"
msgstr "In his influential <i>Being Digital</i>, Negroponte paints a picture of the future of personal computing. The book becomes an international best-seller and is translated into 40 languages."

msgid "1988"
msgstr "1988"

msgid "progressn7"
msgstr "Working with the Omar Dengo Foundation in Costa Rica, Papert and a team from the Media Lab help design and implement a constructionist program that includes the training of a dozen Costa Rican teachers at MIT. The self-sustaining program is instrumental in moving Costa Rica away from economic dependence on agricultural exports toward a technology-based economy."

msgid "progressn7a"
msgstr "“Logo became a culture, a way of rethinking learning.”"

msgid "progress7b"
msgstr "—Clotilde Fonseca, executive director of the Omar Dengo Foundation."

msgid "progressn6"
msgstr "<a href="">LEGO/Logo</a> launches as a commercial product with which kids connect their robotic constructions to a personal computer with a cable."

msgid "1985"
msgstr "1985"

msgid "progressn5"
msgstr "The <a href="">MIT Media Lab</a> opens its doors. Its mission, in part, is to “invent and creatively exploit new media for human well-being without regard for present-day constraints.”"

msgid "progressn4"
msgstr "Papert opens “The School of the Future,” a multi-year, high-density computer project at The Hennigan Elementary School in Boston, Massachusetts. The children work primarily with Logo. Hennigan will also become a pilot test site for the Media Lab's LEGO/Logo project."

msgid "1982"
msgstr "1982"

msgid "progressn3"
msgstr "In a French government-sponsored pilot project, Papert and Negroponte distribute Apple II microcomputers to school children in a suburb of Dakar, Senegal. The experience confirms one of Papert's central assumptions: children in remote, rural, and poor regions of the world take to computers as easily and naturally as children anywhere. These results will be validated in subsequent deployments in several countries, including Pakistan, Thailand, and Colombia."

msgid "1980"
msgstr "1980"

msgid "progressn2"
msgstr "Papert publishes <i>Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas</i>, a popular guide to his theories of constructionism and computing for kids."

msgid "1968"
msgstr "1968"

msgid "progressn1"
msgstr "Alan Kay describes his proto-laptop, the Dynabook, as “a portable interactive personal computer, as accessible as a book.”"

msgid "1967"
msgstr "1967"

msgid "progressn0"
msgstr "Wally Feurzeig, Daniel Bobrow, Richard Grant, Cynthia Solomon, and Seymour Papert introduce Logo, the first programming language written especially for children."

#: media.html

msgid "media"
msgstr "media coverage"

msgid "videolist"
msgstr "See list of videos on"

#: news.html

msgid "newstitle
msgstr "News: Discover the OLPC latest news..."

msgid "newsh1"
msgstr "news"

msgid "newsp1"
msgstr "The Laptop generates a steady stream of international press coverage that promises to flow even deeper and faster as we move toward launch of our Gen-1 machines later this year."

msgid "newsh2"
msgstr "OLPC has No Plans to Commercialize XO Computer."

msgid "newsp2"
msgstr "January 12, 2007, "

msgid "newsh3"
msgstr "OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer."

msgid "newsp3"
msgstr "January 3, 2007, "

msgid "newsh4"
msgstr "Rwanda Commits to One Laptop per Child Initiative."

msgid "newsp4"
msgstr "January 3, 2007, "

msgid "newsh5"
msgstr "Low Cost Laptop Could Transform Learning."

msgid "newsp5"
msgstr "December 31, 2006, "

msgid "newsrightsidebar1"
msgstr "media coverage"

#: people.html

msgid "peopletitle"
msgstr "People: Discover persons who bring their personal passion to OLPC project"

msgid "peoplename1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte"

msgid "peoplerank1"
msgstr "Chairman"

msgid "peoplep1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte is founder and chairman of the One Laptop per Child non-profit organization. He is currently on leave from MIT, where he was co-founder and director of the MIT Media Laboratory, and the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Technology."

msgid "peoplename2"
msgstr "Antonio Battro"

msgid "peoplerank2"
msgstr "Chief Education Officer"

msgid "peoplep2"
msgstr "Considered a world leader in the new field of neuroeducation, Antonio Battro is an MD and PhD who specializes in the development of basic cognitive and perceptual processes in children and adolescents."

msgid "peoplename3"
msgstr "Walter Bender"

msgid "peoplerank3"
msgstr "President, Software and Content"

msgid "peoplep3"
msgstr "Walter Bender is a founding member and former executive director of the Media Lab. He attended Harvard University, where he received his BA, before earning his MS from MIT."

msgid "peoplename4"
msgstr "Michail Bletsas"

msgid "peoplerank4"
msgstr "Chief Connectivity Officer"

msgid "peoplep4"
msgstr "As former director of computing at the MIT Media Lab, Michail Bletsas designed and deployed most of their Internet network infrastructure systems. His research has since evolved to develop broadband Internet access to underserved areas."

msgid "peoplenamep5"
msgstr "David Cavallo"

msgid "peoplerank5"
msgstr "Director, Central and South America"

msgid "peoplep5"
msgstr "David Cavallo is the co-head of the Media Lab's Future of Learning research group, which focuses on the design and implementation of new learning environments and on the design of new technologies to change the way we think about “learning” and “school”."

msgid "peoplename6"
msgstr "Jim Gettys"

msgid "peoplerank6"
msgstr "Vice President, Software Engineering"

msgid "peoplep6"
msgstr "With extensive knowledge and background in software engineering, Jim Gettys' interest in open-source systems for education on very inexpensive computers led him to One Laptop per Child."

msgid "peoplename7"
msgstr "Khaled Hassounah"

msgid "peoplerank7"
msgstr "Director, Middle East and Africa"

msgid "peoplep7"
msgstr "After working in close collaboration with large organizations in the U.S., India, the Middle East and China, Khaled Hassounah's interest are now focused on developing technological solutions for underdeveloped countries."

msgid "peoplename8"
msgstr "Mary Lou Jepsen"

msgid "peoplerank8"
msgstr "Chief Technology Officer"

msgid "peoplep8"
msgstr "Mary Lou Jepsen is a pioneer in developing display technologies, and has earned worldwide recognition as a top innovator in the field of LCoS systems. She has contributed to many breakthroughs, including the largest hologram in the world."

msgid "peoplename9"
msgstr "Charles Kane"

msgid "peoplerank9"
msgstr "Chief Financial Officer"

msgid "peoplep9"
msgstr "Chuck Kane has acquired a wealth of experience at a number of respected organizations, including Aspen Technology, Corechange, Inc., Open Text, Inc. and Deloitte and Touche."

msgid "peoplename10"
msgstr "SJ Klein"

msgid "peoplerank10"
msgstr "Director of Content"

msgid "peoplep10"
msgstr ""

msgid "peoplename11"
msgstr "Ivan Krstić"

msgid "peoplerank11"
msgstr "Director, Security Architecture"

msgid "peoplep11"
msgstr "An accomplished software architect and researcher, Ivan Krstić is currently on leave from Harvard University. Krstić is deeply involved with open-source and free software, and specializes in architecture and security of large distributed systems."

msgid "peoplename12"
msgstr "Nia Lewis"

msgid "peoplerank12"
msgstr ""

msgid "peoplep12"
msgstr ""

msgid "peoplename13"
msgstr "Robert Fadel"

msgid "peoplerank13"
msgstr "Director of Finance"

msgid "peoplep13"
msgstr "Robert Fadel is managing the administrative functions, and assisting in strategic planning and relations with partner organizations and governments."

msgid "peopleh1"
msgstr "advisors"

msgid "peoplep20"
msgstr "Rebecca Allen, Howard Anderson, José María Aznar, V. Michael Bove, Jr., Benjamin Mako Hill, William Kolb, Alan Kay, Ayo Kusamotu, Rodrigo Mesquita, Eben Moglen, Seymour Papert, Bruce Parker, Mitchel Resnick, Ted Selker, Larry Weber, and Barry Vercoe"

msgid "peopleh2"
msgstr "members"

msgid "peoplep21"
msgstr "<a href="">AMD</a>, <a href="">Brightstar</a>, <a href="">Chi Lin</a>, <a href="">eBay</a>, <a href="">Google</a>, <a href="">Marvell</a>, <a href="">NewsCorp</a>, <a href="">Nortel</a>, <a href="">Quanta</a>, <a href="">Red Hat</a>, and <a href="">SES Astra</a>"

msgid "peoplep22"
msgstr "Product Certification: <a href="">Underwriters Laboratories</a><br/>Global Development Partner: <a href="">UNDP</a><br/>Legal Council: <a href="">Foley Hoag</a><br/>Banking and Finance: <a href="">Citigroup</a><br/>Industrial Design: <a href="">Fuse Project</a><br/>Interface and Graphic Design: <a href="">Pentagram</a><br/>Media and Public Relations: <a href="">W2 Group</a>"

msgid "peopleh3"
msgstr "board of directors"

msgid "peoplep23"
msgstr "Ethan Beard (Google); Martha Bejar (Nortel); Eddie Chao (Quanta); Marcelo  Claure (Brightstar); Gary Dillabough (eBay); Gustavo Arenas (AMD); Mike Evans (Red Hat); Ed Horowitz (SES Astra); Jeremy Philips (NewsCorp); Scott Soong (Chi Lin); Sehat Sutardja (Marvell); Nicholas Negroponte (OLPC); Walter Bender (OLPC); Joe Jacobson (MIT Media Lab); Seymour Papert (MIT Media Lab); Steve  Kaufman (Riverside Partners); and Tom Meredith (MFI)"

#: foundation.html

msgid "foundationtitle"
msgstr "One Laptop per Child Foundation, Invest your money and your time - OLPC Foundation"

msgid "foundationdescription"
msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership."

msgid "foundationkeywords"
msgstr "OLPC Foundation, non-profit association, tax-exempt social benefit organization, mission, grassroots initiatives, learning tools, education, children, Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, Nicholas Negroponte, Richard Rowe, Ashton Hawkins, Robert D. Fadel."

msgid "giveagift"
msgstr "give a gift"

msgid "foundationp1" 
msgstr "Learn about the mission of the OLPC Foundation, its organization and leadership. "

msgid "foundationp2"
msgstr "See the kinds of programs under consideration by the Foundation. "

msgid "foundationp3"
msgstr "Get involved with One Laptop per Child by investing in one or more programs and volunteering your services. "

msgid "foundationp4"
msgstr "Propose a Special Laptop Program or Grassroots Learning Initiative. "

#: purpose.html

msgid "purposetitle"
msgstr "Purpose: The OLPC Foundation is a tax-exempt, social-benefit organization"

msgid "purposeh1"
msgstr "purpose"

msgid "purposeh2"
msgstr "Mission"

msgid "purposep1"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation's mission is to stimulate local grassroots initiatives designed to enhance and sustain over time the effectiveness of XO laptops as learning tools for children living in lesser-developed countries."

msgid "purposeh3"
msgstr "Organization"

msgid "purposep2"
msgstr "The OLPC Foundation is a tax-exempt (501c3) social-benefit organization chartered in the State of Delaware and headquartered at One Cambridge Center, Cambridge Massachusetts, 02142."

msgid "purposeh4"
msgstr "Board"

msgid "purposebullet1"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte, Chairman"

msgid "purposebullet2"
msgstr "Richard Rowe, President"

msgid "purposebullet3"
msgstr "Ashton Hawkins, Secretary"

msgid "purposebullet4"
msgstr "Robert D. Fadel"

msgid "purposebullet5"
msgstr "Calestous Juma"

#: program.html

msgid "programtitle"
msgstr "Program: Enhance learning among children in lesser-developed countries — OLPC Foundation"

msgid "programh1"
msgstr "The Foundation's Program — focus on grassroots innovations"

msgid "programp1"
msgstr "The mission of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) movement is to ensure that all school-aged children in the developing world are able to engage effectively with their own personal laptop, networked to the world, so that they, their families and their communities can openly learn and learn about learning."

msgid "programp2"
msgstr "The OLPC Association focuses on designing, manufacturing and distributing XO laptops to children in lesser developed countries, initially concentrating on those governments that have made commitments for the funding and program support required to ensure that all of their children own and can effectively use a laptop."

msgid "programp3"
msgstr "Initially the OLPC Foundation is focusing on the grassroots, “bottoms-up” aspects of the OLPC mission. It provides grants and loans for the development and use of open educational resources and grassroots learning innovations that enhance the effectiveness of the XO in lesser developed communities around the world for children, their families and communities."

msgid "programp4"
msgstr "This can include proposals such as:"

msgid "programindenta"
msgstr "(a) Online, open-source, wiki-textbooks, math and science projects, dictionaries, geographies, histories, social studies, health and nutrition courses, and translations into indigenous languages. These materials can be customized for a particular region or group of children or for more general use throughout the XO world;"

msgid "programindentb"
msgstr "(b) Software applications not otherwise available on XO that will enhance the general usefulness of XO's in every location. This could be, for example, educational games; collaborative and archiving tools; or artistic, video and graphic tools;"

msgid "programindentc"
msgstr "(c) Peripherals that will increase the effectiveness of the XO. These may include a variety of manual battery chargers and low-cost USB peripherals that extend the ways the XO can be used to benefit children, their families and their communities; and"

msgid "programindentd"
msgstr "(d) Organizational capacity building innovations that will enhance children's learning by improving their broader learning environment and/or by enabling them to become acquainted with, and interact with, children from different countries and cultures."

msgid "programp5"
msgstr "All materials and peripherals developed with OLPC Foundation support must follow open source formats and standards and be available without fee for use by any child with an XO laptop."

msgid "programp6"
msgstr "The deadline for applications for the first round of Grassroots Innovations is 31 May 2007. Applicants will be informed no later than 30 June concerning the status of their proposal. Applicants need to understand that at this point OLPC and the OPLC Foundation are severely limited in the number of such programs they can support. Those who wish to apply for such a Grassroots Learning Innovations, need to go to the link below and fill out the application."

msgid "programp7"
msgstr "<a href="">Go to Application for Grassroots Innovation Proposal</a>"

msgid "programh2"
msgstr "Special Laptop Program"

msgid "programp8"
msgstr "The Foundation is in the process of raising funds that will enable it, in the future, to subsidize the cost of XO laptops to groups of children who will not be provided XO's by governments because of the special nature of their circumstances."

msgid "programp9"
msgstr "Examples of these exceptional cases include programs for refugee children, for children in isolated parts of a country who are not included in a government program and for children living in exceptionally poor countries. Support for such Special Laptop Programs will be dependent upon funding from outside sources that can be used for this purpose."

msgid "programp10"
msgstr "Because of the limitations of the Foundation's current funding and because of the importance of ensuring highly effective content and support for the initial phases of this program, the Foundation is not accepting applications for the funding of Special Laptop Programs at this point. It is hoped that this program can be activated before the end of 2007."

#: participate.html

msgid "participatetitle"
msgstr "Participate: Invest your money and your time in OLPC project"

msgid "participateh1"
msgstr "Contribute"

msgid "participatep1"
msgstr "The One Laptop per Child Foundation is supported by individuals, businesses and foundations. Contributions large and small are greatly appreciated and will be used to support grassroots learning innovations throughout the lesser-developed world. Contributions may be sent to: "

msgid "participatep2"
msgstr "or for credit card contributions"

msgid "participateh2"
msgstr "OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service"

msgid "participatep3"
msgstr "The primary mission of the OLPC movement is to ensure that every school-aged child in the lesser-developed parts of the world owns their own personal laptop that they can use to learn and to learn about learning."

msgid "participatep4"
msgstr "As a part of its mission, the OLPC Foundation maintains a Web-based listing of individuals and organizations who are prepared to contribute their services and/or products in support of children in XO laptop programs throughout the world."

msgid "participatep5"
msgstr "All activities undertaken as a result of contacts made through this OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service must be done on a strictly volunteer basis and all intellectual property generated as a part of this Service will be considered in the public domain and therefore not subject to any royalty or copyright fees. Volunteers may not charge a fee for the time, effort invested or ideas generated as a part of this service. In exceptional cases, volunteers may be reimbursed for direct out-of-pocket expenses, but only on the basis of prior written agreements with the related program(s). An executed, electronic copy the agreement must be provided in advance to the OLPC Foundation."

msgid "participatep6"
msgstr "The information provided in all applications will be reviewed and, if appropriate, will be posted on the OLPC Foundation Website. {You may be contacted.}"

msgid "participatep7"
msgstr "I have read the above terms and conditions of the OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service and agree that any service or product that I provide through this Service will be subject to these terms and conditions."

msgid "participatep8"
msgstr "Go to Application for OLPC Volunteer Service"

msgid "participatep9"
msgstr "You must agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding."

#: propose.html

msgid "proposetitle"
msgstr "Propose: Special OLPC Programs and Grassroots Learning Intiatives"

##middle section of this page is already done under Participate: Program##

msgid "proposerightsidebar1"
msgstr "grassroots learning innovations"

#: children.html

msgid "childrentitle"
msgstr "Children: Children actively engage in knowledge construction"

msgid "childrenp1"
msgstr "The XO gives learners opportunities they have not had before. Tools such as a Web browser, rich media player, and e-book reader bring into reach domains of knowledge that are otherwise difficult-or impossible-for children to access."

msgid "childrenp2"
msgstr "The XO helps children build upon their active interest in the world around them to engage with powerful ideas. Tools for writing, composing, simulating, expressing, constructing, designing, modeling, imagining, creating, critiquing, debugging, and collaborating enable children to become positive, contributing members of their communities."

msgid "childrenp3"
msgstr "The XO takes learners beyond instruction. The are actively engaged in a process of learning through doing. Children also learn by teaching, actively assisting other learners."

msgid "childrenp4"
msgstr "The XO not only delivers the world to children, but also brings the best practices of children and their teachers to the world. Each school represents a learning hub; a node in a globally shared resource for learning."

#: laptop.html

msgid "laptoptitle"
msgstr "Laptop: A learning tool created expressly for children in developing nations"

msgid "laptoph1"
msgid "hardware"

msgid "laptopp1"
msgstr "A unique machine with features created specifically for children of the emerging world."

msgid "laptoph2"
msgid "software"

msgid "laptopp2"
msgstr "We want the child to interact with XO on as deep a level as he or she desires. Children program the machine, not the other way around."

msgid "laptoph3"
msgid "interface"

msgid "laptopp3"
msgstr "XO has a user interface that graphically embraces the spirit of the network. It is all about community and collaboration—working and playing together to learn, create and communicate."

msgid "laptoph4"
msgid "design"

msgid "laptopp4"
msgstr "This is a very distinctive machine; rugged, durable and child-friendly, inside and out."

#: hardware.html

msgid "hardwaretitle"
msgstr "Laptop: A learning tool created expressly for the children in developing nations"

msgid "hardwareleftsidebar1"
msgstr "Mesh Demo"

msgid "hardwareh1"
msgstr "hardware"

msgid "hardwarep1"
msgstr "The XO is a potent learning tool created expressly for the world's poorest children, living in its most remote environments. The laptop was designed collaboratively by experts from both academia and industry, bringing to bear both extraordinary talent and many decades of collective field experience for every aspect of this nonprofit humanitarian project. The result is a unique harmony of form and function; a flexible, ultra-low-cost, power-efficient, responsive, and durable machine with which nations of the emerging world can leapfrog decades of development—immediately transforming the content and quality of their children's learning."

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar1"
msgstr "highlights"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar2"
msgstr "features"

msgid "hardwarerightsidebar3"
msgstr "specs"

#: software.html

msgid "softwaretitle"
msgstr "Software: XO is built from free and open-source software"

msgid "softwareh1"
msgstr "software"

msgid "softwarep1"
msgstr "XO is built from free and open-source software. Our commitment to software freedom gives children the opportunity to use their laptops on their own terms. While we do not expect every child to become a programmer, we do not want any ceiling imposed on those children who choose to modify their machines. We are using open-document formats for much the same reason: transparency is empowering. The children—and their teachers—will have the freedom to reshape, reinvent, and reapply their software, hardware, and content."

msgid "softwarerightsidebar1"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "softwarerightsidebar2"
msgstr "benefits"

msgid "softwarerightsidebar3"
msgstr "specs"

msgid "softwarerightsidebar4"
msgstr "developers"

#: interface.html

msgid "interfacetitle"
msgstr "Interface: OLPC is about to shake up things"

msgid "interfaceh1"
msgstr "interface"

msgid "interfacep1"
msgstr "The desktop metaphor is so entrenched in personal computer users' collective consciousness that it is easy to forget what a bold and radical innovation the Graphical User Interface (GUI) was and how it helped free the computer from the “professionals” who were appalled at the idea of computing for everyone." 

msgid "interfacep2"
msgstr "OLPC is about to revolutionize the existing concept of a computer interface."

msgid "interfacep3"
msgstr "Beginning with Seymour Papert's simple observation that children are knowledge workers like any adult, only more so, we decided they needed a user-interface tailored to their specific type of knowledge work: learning. So, working together with teams from Pentagram and Red Hat, we created SUGAR, a “zoom” interface that graphically captures their world of fellow learners and teachers as collaborators, emphasizing the connections within the community, among people, and their activities."

msgid "interfacep4"
msgstr "eToys (<a href="">Squeak</a>) running on the OLPC display"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar1"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "interfacerightsidebar2"
msgstr "demo"

#: design.html

msgid "designtitle"
msgstr "Design: Discover the laptop design evolution"

msgid "designh1"
msgstr "Laptop design evolution"

msgid "designp1"
msgstr "As first conceived, the XO laptop display used LCOS (liquid crystal on silicon) in the form of a projector. Nicholas Negroponte demonstrated the concept in early 2005, using a set of black sticks sliding across a frame to convey some sense of how the folding optics would work."

msgid "designp2"
msgstr "The laptop began to evolve in June of that year, when Mary Lou Jepsen, newly named as acting CTO, began considering a dual-mode display: one a conventional color LED laptop screen, the other a sunlight-readable, black-and-white e-book. The concept made abundant sense for the developing world, where outdoor classes are common and the cost of shipping textbooks is a major expense."

msgid "designp3"
msgstr "At a July board meeting, Design Continuum presented an array of innovative prototype designs that would lead, by November 2005, to the famous “green machine”, with its distinctive pencil-yellow crank, which was unveiled to the world by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at the World Summit on the Information Society at Tunis."

msgid "designp4"
msgstr "The yellow crank, while cute, in the end proved impractical; it migrated to the AC adapter as it also morphed into one or more other types of human-power devices. Its status as an icon for OLPC would be supplanted by the mesh-network antennas, or “ears.” At the same time, Quanta Computer, our ODM, made a strong case for fitting the laptop with a so-called transformer hinge to simplify the machine's transformations from classic laptop, to game device, to e-book reader. In the spring of 2006, Yves Behar, the noted San Francisco industrial designer, came aboard to complete the final design of the Generation-One XO."

msgid "designp5"
msgstr "In November of 2006, the first XO test machines, the B1 (Beta1), rolled off the Quanta assembly line in Shanghai."

msgid "designp6"
msgstr "The B2 iteration of XO, stronger, sturdier, with a slight increase in tilt, is nearly ready for its debut."

#: contact.html

msgid "contacth1"
msgstr "How to get in touch with OLPC"

msgid "contacth2"
msgstr "General information:"

msgid "contacth3"
msgstr "Press inquiries:"

msgid "contacth4"
msgstr "Hardware, software, and technology issues:"

msgid "contacth5"
msgstr "Information on specific countries:"

msgid "contacth6"
msgstr "Content inquiries:"

msgid "contacth7"
msgstr "Volunteer opportunities:"

msgid "contacth8"
msgstr "Donating to OLPC:"

#: languages.html

msgid "languagesh1"
msgstr "Help us translate the OLPC website into your native language"

msgid "languagesp1"
msgstr "Please start from the POT template found in our wiki (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)."

msgid "languagesp2"
msgstr "We have on-going translation projects in Arabic, Bengali, Catalan, Danish, German, Greek, English (US), Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Lao, Nepali, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Telugu, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Yoruba, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese."

#: educational.html

msgid "educationalh1"
msgstr "Educational Proposition: A challenge to adequately educate all the children"

msgid "educationalp1"
msgstr "The chronic challenge to adequately educate all the children of the emerging world has turned acute. Simply doing more of the same no longer is enough, if it ever was. If their citizens are to benefit as they should from the spread of the technology-based, global information economy, these nations must rethink the old top-down classroom paradigm, and replace it with a dynamic learning model that leverages the children themselves, turning them into teachers as well as learners. The tool with which to unlock their enormous potential is the XO.  Put this ultra-low-cost, powerful, rugged and versatile laptop in their hands, and the kids will do the rest."

#: faq.html

msgid "faqh1"
msgstr "FAQ: Nicholas Negroponte answers questions about the OLPC project"

msgid "faqp1"
msgstr "Are you curious about how this project got started, and why?"

msgid "faqp2"
msgstr "Nicholas Negroponte, chairman of One Laptop per Child, answers questions about the initiative."

msgid "faqp3"
msgstr "Click on the questions below to get the answers:"

msgid "faqq1"
msgstr "What is the $100 Laptop, really?"

msgid "faqa1"
msgstr "The XO is Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option that is black and white, reflective, and sunlight-readable at 3× the resolution. The laptop will have a 500MHz processor and 128MB of DRAM, with 500MB of Flash memory; it will not have a hard disk, but it will have three USB ports and an SD-card slot for expansion. The laptops will have wireless broadband that, among other things, allows them to work as a mesh network; each laptop will be able to talk to its nearest neighbors, creating an ad hoc, local area network. The laptops are designed to be extremely power efficient, enabling the use of innovative power systems (including wind-up)."

msgid "faqq2"
msgstr "Why do children in developing nations need laptops?"

msgid "faqa2"
msgstr "Laptops are both a window and a tool: a window into the world and a tool with which to think. They are a wonderful way for all children to learn learning through independent interaction and exploration."

msgid "faqq3"
msgstr "Why not a desktop computer, or—even better—a recycled desktop machine?"

msgid "faqa3"
msgstr "Desktops are cheaper, but mobility is important, especially with regard to taking the computer home at night. Kids in the developing world need the newest technology, especially really rugged hardware and innovative software. Recent work with schools in Maine has shown the huge value of using a laptop across all of one's studies, as well as for play. Bringing the laptop home engages the family. In one Cambodian village where we have been working, there is no electricity, thus the laptop is, among other things, the brightest light source in the home."

msgid "faqa3a"
msgstr "Finally, regarding recycled machines: if we estimate 100 million available used desktops, and each one requires only one hour of human attention to refurbish, reload, and handle, that is forty-five thousand work years. Thus, while we definitely encourage the recycling of used computers, it is not the solution for One Laptop per Child."

msgid "faqq4"
msgstr "How is it possible to get the cost so low?"

msgid "faqa4"
msgstr "First, by dramatically lowering the cost of the display. The first-generation machine will have a novel, dual-mode display that represents improvements to the LCD displays commonly found in inexpensive DVD players. These displays can be used in high-resolution black and white in bright sunlight-all at a cost of approximately $35."

msgid "faqa4a"
msgstr "Second, we will get the fat out of the systems. Today's laptops have become obese. Two-thirds of their software is used to manage the other third, which mostly does the same functions nine different ways."

msgid "faqa4b"
msgstr "Third, we will market the laptops in very large numbers (millions), directly to ministries of education, which can distribute them like textbooks."

msgid "faqq5"
msgstr "Why is it important for each child to have a computer? What's wrong with community-access centers?"

msgid "faqa5"
msgstr "One does not think of community pencils-kids have their own. They are tools to think with, sufficiently inexpensive to be used for work and play, drawing, writing, and mathematics. A computer can be the same, but far more powerful. Furthermore, there are many reasons it is important for a child to own something-like a football, doll, or book-not the least of which being that these belongings will be well-maintained through love and care."

msgid "faqq6"
msgstr "What about connectivity? Aren't telecommunications services expensive in the developing world?"

msgid "faqa6"
msgstr "When these machines pop out of the box, they will make a mesh network of their own, peer-to-peer. This is something initially developed at MIT and the Media Lab. We are also exploring ways to connect them to the backbone of the Internet at very low cost."

msgid "faqq7"
msgstr "What can a $1000 laptop do that the $100 version cannot?"

msgid "faqa7"
msgstr "Not much. The plan is for the $100 Laptop to do almost everything. What it will not do is store a massive amount of data—but it will have network access to a server that can."

msgid "faqq8"
msgstr "How will these be marketed?"

msgid "faqa8"
msgstr "The laptops will be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a basis of one laptop per child. We have been in discussion with Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Central America, Ethiopia, Libya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Pakistan, and Thailand. An additional, modest allocation of machines will be used to seed developer communities in a number of other countries. A commercial version of the machine will be explored in 2008."

msgid "faqq9"
msgstr "When do you anticipate these laptops reaching the market? What do you see as the biggest hurdles?"

msgid "faqa9"
msgstr "Our schedule is to have units ready for shipment by mid 2007. Manufacturing will begin when 5 to 10 million machines have been ordered and paid for in advance."

msgid "faqa9a"
msgstr "The biggest hurdle will be manufacturing 100 million of anything. This is not just a supply-chain problem, but also a design problem. The scale is daunting, but I find myself amazed at what some companies are proposing to us. It feels as though at least half the problems are being solved by mere resolve."

msgid "faqq10"
msgstr "Who is the original design manufacturer (ODM) of the $100 laptop?"

msgid "faqa10"
msgstr "Quanta Computer Inc. of Taiwan has been chosen as the original design manufacturer (ODM) for the $100 laptop project. The decision was made after the board reviewed bids from several possible manufacturing companies."

msgid "faqa10a"
msgstr "Quanta Computer Inc. was founded in 1988 in Taiwan. With over US $10 billion in sales, Quanta is the world's largest manufacturer of laptop PCs; the company also manufactures mobile phones, LCD TVs, and servers and storage products. In addition, Quanta recently opened a new US $200 million R&D center, Quanta R&D Complex (QRDC), in Taiwan. The facility, which opened in Q3 of 2005, has 2.2 million square feet of floor space, and a capacity to house up to 7,000 engineers."

msgid "faqq11"
msgstr "How will this initiative be structured?"

msgid "faqa11"
msgstr "The $100 laptop is being developed by One Laptop per Child (OLPC), a Delaware-based, non-profit organization created by faculty members from the MIT Media Lab to design, manufacture, and distribute laptops that are sufficiently inexpensive to provide every child in the world access to knowledge and modern forms of education. OLPC is based on constructionist theories of learning pioneered by Seymour Papert and later Alan Kay, as well as the principles expressed in Nicholas Negroponte's book <i>Being Digital</i>. The corporate members are Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Brightstar, Chi Lin, eBay, Google, Marvell, News Corporation, Nortel, Quanta, Red Hat, and SES Astra."

#: meshdemo.html

msgid "meshdemop1"
msgstr "You need the latest Flash plug-in to see the mesh demo. <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> to download it."

#: hardwarehighlights.html

msgid "hardwarehighlightstitle"
msgstr "Laptop with a video/still camera, 3 external USB2.0 ports and a SD-card slot"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsh1"
msgstr "XO unlike any laptop ever built"

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp1"
msgstr "XO creates its own mesh network out of the box. Each machine is a full-time wireless router. Children in the most remote regions of the globe—as well as their teachers and families—will be connected both to one another and to the Internet."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp2"
msgstr "It features a 7.5 inch, 1200×900 pixel, TFT screen and self-refreshing display with higher resolution (200 DPI) than 95 percent of the laptops on the market today. Two display modes are available: a transmissive, full-color mode, and a reflective, high-resolution mode that is sunlight readable. Both consume very little power: the transmissive mode consumes one watt—about one seventh of the average LCD power consumption in a laptop; the reflective mode consumes a miserly 0.2 watts."

msgid "hardwarehighlightsp3"
msgstr "The laptop selectively suspend operation of its CPU, which makes possible even more remarkable power savings. The laptop nominally consumes less than two watts—less than one tenth of what a standard laptop consumes—so little that XO can be recharged by human power. This is a critical advance for the half-billion children who have no access to electricity."

#: hardwarefeatures.html

msgid "hardwarefeaturestitle"
msgstr "Discover the XO laptop features"

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp1"
msgstr "Design factor was a priority from the start: the laptop could not be big, heavy, fragile, ugly, dangerous, or dull. Another imperative was visual distinction. In part, the goal is to strongly appeal to XO's intended users; but the machine's distinctive appearance is also meant to discourage gray-market traffic. There is no mistaking what it is and for whome it is intended."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp2"
msgstr "XO is about the size of a textbook and lighter than a lunchbox. Thanks to its flexible design and "transformer" hinge, the laptop easily assumes any of several configurations: standard laptop use, e-book reading, and gaming."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp3"
msgstr "The laptop has rounded edges. The integrated handle is kid-sized, as is the sealed, rubber-membrane keyboard. The novel, dual-mode, extra-wide touchpad supports pointing as well as drawing and writing."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp4"
msgstr "XO is fully compliant with the European Union's RoHS Directive. It contains no hazardous materials. Its NiMH batteries contain no toxic heavy metals, plus it features enhanced battery management for an extended recharge-cycle lifetime. It will also tolerate alternate power-charging sources, such as car batteries."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp5"
msgstr "In addition, —for use at home and where power is not available—the XO can be hand powered. It will come with at least two of three options: a crank, a pedal, or a pull-cord. It is also possible that children could have a second battery for group charging at school while they are using their laptop in class."

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp6"
msgstr "Experience shows that laptop components most likely to fail are the hard drive and internal connectors. Therefore, XO has no hard drive to crash and only two internal cables. For added robustness, the machine's plastic walls are 2mm thick, as opposed to the standard 1.3mm. Its mesh network antennas, which far outperform the typical laptop, double as external covers for the USB ports, which are protected internally as well. The display is also cushioned by internal “bumpers.”" 

msgid "hardwarefeaturesp7"
msgstr "The estimated product lifetime is at least five years. To help ensure such durability, the machines are being subject to factory testing to destruction, as well as in situ field testing by children."

#: hardwarespecs.html

msgid "hardwarespecstitle"
msgstr "Discover the XO laptop specs"

msgid "hardwarespecsh1"
msgstr "Specifications"

msgid "hardwarespecsh2"
msgstr "Physical dimensions:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp1"
msgstr "Dimensions: 193mm×229mm×64mm (as of 3/27/06—subject to change)" 

msgid "hardwarespecsp2"
msgstr "Weight: Less than 1.5 KG (target only—subject to change)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp3"
msgstr "Configuration: Convertible laptop with pivoting, reversible display; dirt- and moisture-resistant system enclosure"

msgid "hardwarespecsh3"
msgstr "Core electronics:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp4"
msgstr "AMD Geode LX-500@0.8W (<a href"">datasheet</a>)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp5"
msgstr "CPU clock speed: 466 Mhz"

msgid "hardwarespecsp6"
msgstr "Compatibility: X86/X87-compatible"

msgid "hardwarespecsp7"
msgstr "Chipset: AMD CS5536 South Bridge (<a href="">datasheet</a>)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp8"
msgstr "Graphics controller: Integrated with Geode CPU; unified memory architecture"

msgid "hardwarespecsp9"
msgstr "Embedded controller (for production), ENE KB3700: Image:KB3700-ds-01.pdf"

msgid "hardwarespecsp10"
msgstr "DRAM memory: 128 MiB dynamic RAM"

msgid "hardwarespecsp11"
msgstr "Data rate: Dual — DDR266 — 133 Mhz"

msgid "hardwarespecsp12"
msgstr "BIOS: 1024KB SPI-interface flash ROM; LinuxBIOS open-source BIOS; Open Firmware bootloader"

msgid "hardwarespecsp13"
msgstr "Mass storage: 512 MiB SLC NAND flash, high speed flash controller"

msgid "hardwarespecsp14"
msgstr "Drives: No rotating media"

msgid "hardwarespecsh4"
msgstr "Display:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp15"
msgstr "Liquid-crystal display: 7.5" Dual-mode TFT display"

msgid "hardwarespecsp16"
msgstr "Viewing area: 152.4 mm×114.3 mm"

msgid "hardwarespecsp17"
msgstr "Resolution: 1200 (H)×900 (V) resolution (200 DPI)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp18"
msgstr "Mono display: High-resolution, reflective monochrome mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp19"
msgstr "Color display: Standard-resolution, quincunx-sampled, transmissive color mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp20"
msgstr "Special "DCON" chip, that enables deswizzling and anti-aliasing in color mode, while enabling the display to remain live with the processor suspended."

msgid "hardwarespecsh5"
msgstr "Integrated peripherals:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp21"
msgstr "Keyboard: 70+ keys, 1.2mm stroke; sealed rubber-membrane key-switch assembly"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent1"
msgstr "Layout pictures - <a href="" target="_blank">US International</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Thai</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Arabic</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Spanish</a> , <a href="" target="_blank">Portuguese</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Nigeria</a>"

msgid "hardwarespecsindent2"
msgstr "Layout pictures - US International, Thai, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Nigeria"

msgid "hardwarespecsp22"
msgstr "Cursor-control keys: five-key cursor-control pad; four directional keys plus Enter"

msgid "hardwarespecsp23"
msgstr "Touchpad: Dual capacitance/resistive touchpad; supports written-input mode"

msgid "hardwarespecsp24"
msgstr "Audio: Analog Devices AD1888, AC97-compatible audio codec; stereo, with dual internal speakers; monophonic, with internal microphone and using the Analog Devices SSM2211 for audio amplification"

msgid "hardwarespecsp25"
msgstr "Wireless: Marvell Libertas 88W8388+88W8015, 802.11b/g compatible; dual adjustable, rotating coaxial antennas; supports diversity reception"

msgid "hardwarespecsp26"
msgstr "Status indicators: Power, battery, WiFi; visible lid open or closed"

msgid "hardwarespecsp27"
msgstr "Video camera: 640×480 resolution, 30FPS"

msgid "hardwarespecsh6"
msgstr "External connectors:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp28"
msgstr "Power: 2-pin DC-input, 10 to 25 V, –23 to –10 V"
msgid "hardwarespecsp29"
msgstr "Line output: Standard 3.5mm 3-pin switched stereo audio jack"

msgid "hardwarespecsp30"
msgstr "Microphone: Standard 3.5mm 2-pin switched mono microphone jack; selectable sensor-input mode"
msgid "hardwarespecsp31"
msgstr "Expansion: 3 Type-A USB-2.0 connectors; SD Card slot"
msgid "hardwarespecsp32"
msgstr "Maximum power: 500 mA (total)"

msgid "hardwarespecsh7"
msgstr "Battery:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp33"
msgstr "Pack type: 4 or 5 Cells, 6V series configuration

msgid "hardwarespecsp34"
msgstr "Fully-enclosed “hard” case; user removable"

msgid "hardwarespecsp35"
msgstr "Capacity: 22.8 Watt-hours"

msgid "hardwarespecsp36"
msgstr "Cell type: NiMH (or LiFeP)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp37"
msgstr "Pack protection: Integrated pack-type identification"
msgid "hardwarespecsp38"
msgstr "Integrated thermal sensor"

msgid "hardwarespecsp39"
msgstr "Integrated polyfuse current limiter"

msgid "hardwarespecsp40"
msgstr "Cycle life: Minimum 2,000 charge/discharge cycles (to 50% capacity of new, IIRC)."

msgid "hardwarespecsp41"
msgstr "<a href="" target="_blank">Power Management</a> will be critical"

msgid "hardwarespecsh8"
msgstr "BIOS/loader"

msgid "hardwarespecsp42"
msgstr "Open Firmware is used as the bootloader."

msgid "hardwarespecsh9"
msgstr "Environmental specifications:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp43"
msgstr "Temperature: somewhere in between typical laptop requirements and Mil spec; exact values have not been settled."

msgid "hardwarespecsp44"
msgstr "Humidity: Similar attitude to temperature. When closed, the unit should seal well enough that children walking to and from school need not fear rainstorms or dust."

msgid "hardwarespecsp45"
msgstr "Altitude: –15m to 3048m (14.7 to 10.1 psia) (operating), –15m to 12192m (14.7 to 4.4 psia) (non-operating)"
msgid "hardwarespecsp46"
msgstr "Shock: 125g, 2ms, half-sine (operating) 200g, 2ms, half-sine (non-operating)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp47"
msgstr "Random vibration: 0.75g zero-to-peak, 10Hz to 500Hz, 0.25 oct/min sweep rate (operating); 1.5g zero-to-peak, 10Hz to 500Hz, 0.5 oct/min sweep rate (nonoperating)"

msgid "hardwarespecsp48"
msgstr "2mm plastic walls (1.3mm is typical for most systems)."

msgid "hardwarespecsh10"
msgstr "Regulatory requirements:"

msgid "hardwarespecsp49"
msgstr "The usual US and EU EMI/EMC requirements will be met."
msgid "hardwarespecsp50"
msgstr "The laptop and all OLPC-supplied accessories will be fully UL and is RoHS compliant."

#: softwareprinciples.html

msgid "softwareprinciplestitle"
msgstr "Principles: The XO Laptop will bring children technology:

msgid "softwareprinciplesh1"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "softwareprinciplesp1"
msgstr "The XO Laptop will bring children technology as a means to freedom and empowerment. The success of the project in the face of overwhelming global diversity will only be possible by embracing openness and by providing the laptop's users and developers a profound level of freedom."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp2"
msgstr "As the children grow and pursue new ideas, the software and the tools should be able to grow with them and provide a gateway to other technology."

msgid "softwareprinciplesp3"
msgstr "<a href="" target="_blank">wiki: OLPC on open source software</a>"

#: softwarebenefits.html

msgid "softwarebeneftstitle"
msgstr "Principles: The XO Laptop will bring children technology:

msgid "softwarebenefitsh1"
msgstr "benefits"

msgid "softwarebenefitsp1"
msgstr "Learning is our main goal; we do not focus on computer literacy, as that is a by-product of the fluency children will gain through use of the laptop for learning. Children—especially young children—do not need to learn about IT and certainly do not need to be fluent users of WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT. They are not office workers. However, picking up these skills, having grown up with a laptop, will be readily accomplished.

msgid "softwarebenefitsp2"
msgstr "Epistemologists from John Dewey to Paulo Freire to Seymour Papert agree that you learn through doing. This suggests that if you want more learning, you want more doing. Thus OLPC puts an emphasis on software tools for exploring and expressing, rather than instruction. Love is a better master than duty. Using the laptop as the agency for engaging children in constructing knowledge based upon their personal interests and providing them tools for sharing and critiquing these constructions will lead them to become learners and teachers."

msgid "softwarebenefitsp3"
msgstr "As a matter of practicality and given the necessity to enhance performance and reliability while containing costs, XO is not burdened by the bloat of excess code, the "featureitis" that is responsible for much of the clumsiness, unreliability, and expense of many modern laptops. XO will start up in an instant and move briskly through its operations. We accomplish this by focusing on only those features that children need for learning."

#: softwarespecs.html

msgid "softwarespecstitle"
msgstr "Specs: We are using components of the Linux operating system"

msgid "softwarespecsh1"
msgstr "specs"

msgid "softwarespecsp1"
msgstr "We are using components from Red Hat's Fedora Core 6 version of the Linux operating system; we are tracking the main kernel fairly closely."

msgid "softwarespecsp2"
msgstr "We will be supporting five programming environments on the laptop: (1) <a href="" target="_blank">Python</a>, from which we have built our user interface and our activity model; (2) <a href="" target="_blank">Javascript</a> for browser-based scripting; (3) <a href="" target="_blank">Csound</a>, a programmable music and audio environment; (4) <a href="" target="_blank">Squeak</a>, a version of Smalltalk embedded into a media-rich authoring environment; and (5) <a href="" target="_blank">Logo</a>. We will also provide some support Java and Flash."

msgid "softwarespecsp3"
msgstr "Applications will include a web browser built on <a href="" target="_blank">Xulrunner</a>, the run-time environment used by the Firefox browser; a simple document viewer based upon <a href="" target="_blank">Evince</a>; the <a href="" target="_blank">AbiWord</a> wordprocessor, an <a href="" title="PenguinTV" target="_blank">RSS reader</a>, an email client, chat client, VOIP client; a <a href="" target="_blank">journal</a> a wiki with WYSIWYG editing; a multimedia authoring and playback environment; a music composition toolkit, graphics toolkits, games, a shell and a debugger."

msgid "softwarespecsp4"
msgstr "Libraries and plugins used by OLPC include <a href="" target="_blank">Xul</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">GTK+</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Matchbox</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Sugar</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Pango</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">ATK</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Cairo</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">X Window System</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Avahi</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">gstreamer</a>."

#: softwaredevelopers.html

msgid "softwaredeveloperstitle"
msgstr "Developers: Get the latest stable build of our image"

msgid "softwaredevelopersh1"
msgstr "developers"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp1"
msgstr "One Laptop Per Child Development site:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp2"
msgstr "Developers program:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp3"
msgstr "BTest Software Note:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp4"
msgstr "Autoreinstallation image:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"></a>"

msgid "softwaredevelopersp5"
msgstr "The latest stable build of our image is always found here:<br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> streams/development/LATEST</a>"

#: interfaceprinciples.html

msgid "interfaceprinciplestitle"
msgstr "Principles: The laptop focuses children around activities"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh1"
msgstr "principles"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh2"
msgstr "Activities"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp1"
msgstr "There are no software applications in the traditional sense on the laptop. The laptop focuses children around “activities.” This is more than a new naming convention; it represents an intrinsic quality of the learning experience we hope the children will have when using the laptop. Activities are distinct from applications in their foci—collaboration and expression—and their implementation—journaling and iteration."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh3"
msgstr "Presence"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp2"
msgstr "Everyone has the potential for being both a learner and a teacher. We have chosen to put collaboration at the core of the user experience in order to realize this potential. The presence of other members of the learning community will encourage children to take responsibility for others' learning as well as their own. The exchange of ideas amongst peers can both make the learning process more engaging and stimulate critical thinking skills. We hope to encourage these types of social interaction with the laptops."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp3"
msgstr "In order to facilitate a collaborative learning environment, the laptops employ a mesh network that interconnects all laptops within range. By exploiting this connectivity, every activity has the potential to be a networked activity. We aspire that all activities take advantage of the mesh; any activity that is not mesh-aware should perhaps be rethought in light of connectivity. As an example, consider the web-browsing activity bundled with the laptop distribution. Normally one browses in isolation, perhaps on occasion sending a friend a favorite link. On the laptop, however, a link-sharing feature integrated into the browser activity transforms the solitary act of web-surfing into a group collaboration. Where possible, all activities should embrace the mesh and place strong focus on facilitating such collaborative processes."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh4"
msgstr "Expression"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp4"
msgstr "Starting from the premise that we want to make use of what people already know in order to make connections to new knowledge, our approach focuses on thinking, expressing, and communicating with technology. The laptop is a “thing to think with”; we hope to make the primary activity of the children one of creative expression, in whatever form that might take. Thus, most activities will focus on the creation of some type of object, be it a drawing, a song, a story, a game, or a program. In another shift in the language used to describe the user experience, we refer to objects rather than files as the primary stuff of creative expression."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp5"
msgstr "As most software developers would agree, the best way to learn how to write a program is to write one, or perhaps teach someone else how to do so; studying the syntax of the language might be useful, but it doesn't teach one how to code. We hope to apply this principle of “learn through doing” to all types of creation, e.g., we emphasize composing music over downloading music. We also encourage the children to engage in the process of collaborative critique of their expressions and to iterate upon this expression as well."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp6"
msgstr "The objectification of the traditional file system speaks more directly to real-world metaphors: instead of a sound file, we have an actual sound; instead of a text file, a story. In order to support this concept, activity developers may define object types and associated icons to represent them."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesh5"
msgstr "Journaling"

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp7"
msgstr "The concept of the Journal, a written documentation of everyday events, is generally understood, albeit in various forms across cultures. A journal typically chronicles the activities one has done throughout the day. We have chosen to adopt a journal metaphor for the file system as our basic approach to file organization. While the underlying implementation of such a file system does not differ significantly from some of those in contemporary operating systems, it also holds less importance than the journal abstraction itself."

msgid "interfaceprinciplesp8"
msgstr "At its core, our journal concept embodies the idea that the file system records a history of the things a child has done, or, more specifically, the activities a child has participated in. Its function as the store of the objects created while performing those activities is secondary, although also important. The Journal naturally lends itself to a chronological organization (although it can be tagged, searched, and sorted by a variety of means). As a record of things a child has done—not just the things a child has saved—the Journal will read much like a portfolio or scrapbook history of the child's interactions with the machine and also with peers. The Journal combines entries explicitly created by the children with those which are implicitly created through participation in activities; developers must think carefully about how an activity integrates with the Journal more so than with a traditional file system that functions independently of an application. The activities, the objects, and the means of recording all tightly integrate to create a different kind of computer experience."

#: interfacedemo.html

msgid "interfacedemotitle"
msgstr "Interface Demo"

msgid "interfacedemoh1"
msgstr "demo"

msgid "clickfornextslide"
msgstr "Click for next slide"

msgid "next"
msgstr "next"

msgid "previous"
msgstr "previous"

#: activities.html

#: designdevelopers.html

#: stories.html

#: designprinciples.html