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Welcome to the School Server Community Edition (XSCE, or http://schoolserver.org) project, where volunteer professionals are taking the One Laptop Per Child movement into a new decade.

It all starts with XSCE, a simple school or classroom-based server, which greatly extends the communication and content capabilities of connected laptops.

Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!) from our global community, those beating hearts delivering nearly free learning content to the world's poorest children, in almost every corner of the world.

Getting Started with XSCE 0.3

Get started by downloading and installing the latest: XSCE 0.3 was released June 6, 2013.

Getting Help with XSCE

Volunteer contributors organically-evolving keep our FAQ fresh thanks to your ongoing input, always welcome! Please also ask questions on this mailing list: http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/server-devel

Testing would be Wonderful -- are we tough enough for your school? Start here testing release 0.3. Or, if high adventure gets you moving, test pre-release 0.4! Do report bugs and feature requests on the list above, for the benefit of all -- or better yet if you can, in our tracker: https://sugardextrose.org/projects/xsce

Community chat happens on channel #schoolserver so jump in anytime, by connecting any IRC chat program to irc.freenode.net. Weekly Skype calls are 2PM NYC Time, Thursdays: Agenda. Please email if you want to join, so we can add you to the call.

Personal Contact: holt @ laptop.org

Upcoming version of XSCE 0.4

Learn more about the short term goals for the upcoming XSCE version, expected in August 2013.

Try some of the latest RPM builds, at your own risk of course: http://xsce.activitycentral.com/repos/xsce/devel.

Or you can use the repo definition http://xsce.activitycentral.com/repos/xsce-devel.repo.

Vision for XSCE

Learn more about the long term goals at XSCE Vision.


Add a Service to School Server by Creating a Plugin (original written April 2013).

Older Design documents: Design Document, Use cases, and Release Priorities.

Original OLPC XS design and implementation available at OLPC School Server.


Related Projects


Oct 2013 Agenda

v0.5 hack sprint expected, near Toronto.

Sep 2013 Agenda

Haiti implementation of 0.4 at two schools, for the new school year.

Aug 2013 Agenda

Hard work continues strengthening 0.4 for final release. Prep for Haiti implementation late Aug and early Sept?

Jul 2013 Agenda

v0.4 Sprint July 8-12, 1hr north of Winnipeg. v0.4 spec gaining precision, bringing stability & configurability to most XOs, x86, 64-bit Fedora, RPi? Pathagar bookserver & Internet-in-a-Box integration also expected.

Jun 2013 Agenda

Version 0.3 released! Prep July sprint! Volunteers should soon be able to buy XO-4 Touch Laptops if they will help test XSCE & http://internet-in-a-box.org etc.

May 2013 Agenda

Very successful Toronto-area Sprint May 8-13,with Braddock Gaskill all the way from LA! 0.3 RC1 unleashed May 14; RC2 May 28? India prototype installed.

Apr 2013 Agenda

Prep v0.3 May sprint. Los Angeles interfacing with Caryl Bigenho's http://localfi.org and Braddock Gaskill's http://internet-in-a-box.org.

Mch 2013 Agenda

Boston meetup Mch 1-4 with Sameer Verma, Anish Mangal. Early pre-field test connects an orphanage from Haiti.

Feb 2013 Agenda

Toronto/Waterloo area Sprint Feb 6/7 to 10/11.

Release of XSCE 0.1 Stable and 0.2 Coming.

Jan 2013 Agenda

Proposed Core Spec and Priority Tuning.

Dec 2012 Agenda

Jamaica implementation sprint (delayed).

Nov 2012 Agenda

Centred around Toronto area hack sprint Nov 10-18:

Expand testing+UX with Anna Schoolfield, Tim Moody & Seneca College students' packaging with York Univ/Seneca College Professor Chris Tyler.

Meet with Anish Mangal and Nathan Riddle near Detroit etc to discuss wider community integration.

Oct 2012 Agenda

Working w/ Alex Kleider's model classroom @ http://olpcSF.org/summit & http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Sugarcamp_SF_2012.

Sep 2012 Agenda

Toronto area hack sprint Sept 16-23, incl public demo Saturday Sept 22.