User talk:Ray Van De Walker
Meshed Network
Why not go for an open-source mesh network?
802.11s is mostly a very complex compatibility standard for mesh which is more suited towards commercial metro coverage of a city. As a wireless engineer who has been part of the IEEE Standards development process, I can tell you that 802.11s compatible equipment is probably not the right approach.
Have you considered following the CUWin Mesh protocol instead of 802.11s?
CUWin on the other hand, is a decentralized, community-owned mesh network that fosters democratic cultures and local content. The connections are not made to funnel up to an ISP, but instead across town to other CUWin nodes. Each node is encouraged to host its own mail sever, host it's own local content, etc. The equipment is relatively very inexpensive (see below) and you can probably port most of the code.
Meraki Minis and Outdoor are inexpensive have been built to run CUWin - $50-$100. It would make sense to be compatible with this hardware since it's inexpensive and open source. This is an inexpensive way to build a network across a town. This would very much needed in order to connect a communities of laptops together. kgrr talk16:34, 22 March 2007 (EDT)