XS Community Edition/0.4/Services/Activity Update

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Copying activities

  1. Insert your USB drive into your computer (I used my regular FAT32 formatted drive that I also use for flashing XOs)
  2. Create a directory named xs-activity-server
  3. Navigate into the xs-activity-server dir.
  4. Download some activities.

Create Activity Descriptions

Activity Descriptions are shown in http://schoolserver/activities

  1. Get the bundle_id for the Activity by running:

zipgrep bundle_id activityname.xo

That command will return something like:

JAMediaTube.activity/activity/activity.info:bundle_id = org.laptop.JAMediaTube

The bundle_id is the section after the = sign.

  1. Create file named activities.info in the xs-activity-server dir.
  1. Create a section for each activity in the activities.info file which contains:

[bundle_id] description = text description

For example:

[org.laptop.JAMediaTube] description = Watch YouTube! It's really fun!

[org.laptop.FakeActivity] description = This is a placeholder for documentation purposes

  1. Create manifest buy running this command:

sha1sum *.xo *.info > manifest.sha1

  1. Eject the USB drive and plug it into the XSCE.

1. Plug the USB drive into the XSCE.

And then magic happens! The activities you put on the USB drive in the xs-activity-server dir will just "automagically" show up on http://schoolserver/activities with the "blurbs" you wrote in the activities.info file.

2. Remove the USB drive I don't know how the USB drive gets ejected by novice users from the XSCE. Which could be a concern?