Category:Metrics and Evaluation

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Welcome to the pages on Metrics, Feedback and Evaluation

Imagine you'd be in front of the Minister of Education, the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister and the President - of course - , some people of the IMF, a team from a Development Bank and a team from a foundation. Fortunately you're equipped with a brilliant presentation on the OLPC XO-XS educational project. Everybody is hooked by the nice pictures, spot on short video's. Some are already clicking their pens, ready to sign the order forms. A short Q&A - Question and Answer session of course out of politeness. And someone asks how much money you need and how this olpc xo-xs pays itself back. Your laptop is already hooked-up to the beamer, you start-up the spreadsheet to calculate how much you need for the laptops, portable pv panels, additional equipment, training, electricity, you name it, it's all foreseen in the spreadsheet. You explain there's a couple of phases the project has to go through - go slow and one step at a time kind of common sense approach: Phase 1 in 5 highlighted Commercial Phase in the 5 Phases in an OLPC Educational Project Implementation.png

And that you don't even ask for an indecent giant amount of money, but just in a first phase a mere couple of 100.000's of euro's to get through the first phase, to sensibilize, and get all the required data relevant to the country, provided by the specialists of the country who are of course in the Cabinets of the Minister of Education, the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister and the President. This will result in these people immediately making the connexion: ok - I'm going to be re-elected, all I have to do is follow that olpc person geek here in front of us. Brilliant brilliant, all the problems are being solved for me.

So we have a calculator to calculate what budget is needed for your olpc xo-xs deployment, but - here's where the happy news ends: we don't have a calculator yet that shows how an olpc xo-xs project pays itself back to the country and in how much time. Enter the pages "Welcome to the pages on Metrics, Feedback and Evaluation".

We need several things to get to this:

  1. Looking back over our shoulders: we need more data from the olpc xo-xs deployments.
  2. We need a database tool in which we can feed-in all that data
  3. The feeding in of the data is going to be easy, cause we're all about connected laptops, so data can be fed-in directly from the terrain every so many months, some data can even stream-in automatically
  4. We need to know what questions, parameters, etc. to go after and for.
  5. We need an Economic Model and Calculator capable of calculating what are the Additional Tax Revenues from an OLPC XO-XS deployment
  6. Note: now I have to attend my 6 year old. I expect you to have expanded, worked out and done all necessary by the time I get back. As usual I don't give you any resources, people, budget nor links where to go to. And not only me, but the whole entire world, all Ministers of Education, and ICT reporters of the whole world are watching you. --SvenAERTS 13:23, 3 August 2013 (UTC)

Pages in category "Metrics and Evaluation"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.