
Revision as of 08:22, 4 September 2013 by Quozl (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'The CEE by Nonolith Labs is a two-channel, two-quadrant, three-digit source measure unit. It may be connected to an XO laptop for use in science and electronics education. == I…')
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The CEE by Nonolith Labs is a two-channel, two-quadrant, three-digit source measure unit.

It may be connected to an XO laptop for use in science and electronics education.


  • a Nonolith Labs CEE, with USB cable,
  • an XO laptop with 13.2.0 installed,

Recipe - Installing

The Nonolith Connect software must be installed:

sudo yum install boost libudev boost-thread boost-regex git \
                 scons gcc-c++ boost-devel systemd-devel asio-devel
git clone --recursive https://github.com/nonolith/connect.git
cd connect
scons # expect several minutes delay

Recipe - Using

To use the CEE:

  • plug the CEE into the XO laptop,
  • start the Terminal activity and type:
cd connect
sudo ./nonolith-connect
  • start the Browse activity and visit this link, and use pixelpulse,
  • when finished, quit Browse, and quit Terminal,

Test Case

  • configure voltage source, and capture data using Browse,
  • export to Journal and open in Write.


  • the user interface does not refresh as quickly as it does on a faster computer, but does catch up without any loss of data on the curves,
  • zooming in works fine, but sometimes zooming out does not, a workaround is to start capture again.



  • the primary author of this page purchased a device for private use, is not a supplier or manufacturer of the device, and received no compensation from the supplier or manufacturer.