XS Community Edition/0.4/Installing

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This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.

Pencil.png NOTE: The contents of this page are not set in stone, and are subject to change!

This page is a draft in active flux ...
Please leave suggestions on the talk page.


Thank you for testing as progress moves quickly reinforcing support across x86, XO-1.5, XO-1.75, XO-4, x86, Trim-Slice and Raspberry Pi towards our imminent release.

If you are installing on an XO, you may choose to install from an (1) Offline Image (preferred) or the more traditional (2) Online Install method.

If you are installing on a non-XO, please read our growing community-contributed collection of (3) Install Recipes.

(might also clone XSCE from one XO to another, see Firmware/Storage for the fs-save and fs-load commands, and Tiny Core Linux for tools to use Linux for the task, and Backup. --Quozl 08:31, 22 August 2013 (UTC))

Offline Install on XO's

See /Offline-XO.

Online Install on XO's

See /Online-XO.

Install Recipes for Non-XO Hardware

Professional volunteers are strongly encouraged to reinforce support for other hardware platform running Fedora 18. For now we have:

32 bit Install

see /32bit

64 bit Install

see /64bit


see /TS.

Raspberry Pi

see /Pi.