Talk:Release notes/13.2.0

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After installing 13.2.0 on a XO-1.5, the clock was set with:

sudo date --set="2013-10-17 7:10"

All appears well except that Gnome displays UTC rather than local time. The offset from Greenwich shown by the location under the calendar is right. How can local time be specified? --Peasthope 15:45, 17 October 2013 (UTC)

To set the time zone, start Terminal, paste this:
sudo yum install -y system-config-date
then in the Gnome menu select Applications -> Other -> System-Config-Date (Set Date & Time), select the Time Zone tab, select the city, click OK, see the Gnome clock change, click Cancel.
Leave System clock uses UTC set.
Alternatively, identify and copy an appropriate timezone file from /usr/share/zoneinfo to /etc/localtime:
sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Iceland /etc/localtime
Using date is slow and cumbersome. To set the time more easily, start Terminal, paste this:
sudo yum install -y ntpdate && sudo ntpdate
Your other question was moved to Talk:Releases. --Quozl 02:54, 18 October 2013 (UTC)