XS Community Edition/5.0/Road Map

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This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.


School Server Community Edition (XSCE) is volunteer project which provides communication, networking, content, and maintenance capabilities to a school and or classroom. It is designed to be easily adopted by existing OLPC deployments or other similar education projects.


The primary objectives for XSCE version 0.5 will be migrating the existing XSCE 0.4 code base to Ansible with no regressions.


23 Oct 2013: Design Freeze

28 Nov December 2013: Ansible migration completed and properly tested-> release 0.5 (just after Malaysia Summit)

v0.6 planning began around Malaysia's "Culmination Sprint" 18-20 Nov 2013.