Operating system image installation methods

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We use a few different methods to install operating system images.

installation method what files are required how to install references
block signed .zd and fs.zip hold down the four game pad buttons and then turn on the laptop Release notes
block unsigned .zd alone check if security is enabled, if so obtain developer key and disable-security, interrupt boot, then use the fs-update command Release notes
nand signed .img and fs.zip hold down the four game pad buttons and then turn on the laptop Release notes Clean Install Procedure Nandblaster_for_XO-1
nand unsigned .img and .crc check if security is enabled, if so obtain developer key and disable-security, interrupt boot, then use the copy-nand command Release notes Clean Install Procedure Nandblaster_for_XO-1
nand partitioned
.dat and .img check if security is enabled, if so obtain developer key and disable-security, interrupt boot, then use the update-nand command Used by DebXO. Used by UBIFS experiments. See also Technical description.

The signed installation methods are the same for XO-4, XO-1.75, XO-1.5 and XO-1. This was by design, since we do not wish to increase the training burden for the deployment teams, who will typically sign their builds and install deployment keys.

The unsigned installation methods depend on the type of internal storage. XO-1 has raw NAND Flash. XO-1.5, XO-1.75 and XO-4 have microSD or eMMC managed Flash.

See also Firmware/Storage.