XS Community Edition/Microtasks

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Thank You to all New Volunteers!!

Ask if you need assistance with any of these bite-sized tasks, touch-points to get involved -- or suggest others, no matter how to small, to keep out community effort strong. More challenging tasks near the bottom:

  • Artwork or photography of servers in action!
  • Join our weekly calls, helping transcribe weekly minutes fresh for all.
  • Organize "Download and Install XSCE 5.0" links on top-right of main page.
  • Clean the FAQ to optimize for newcomers' agility & understanding!
  • Testing on diverse hardware, especially Cubox and XO-4, but really anywhere. Compare 0.4 results.
  • Create more inviting graphical web outreach at schoolserver.org and similar places, so schools better understand their opportunities.
  • XSCE value-add projects:
    • Martin Dluhos' usage visualizations in Nepal
    • George Hunt's solar/battery monitoring that'll also need visualizations.
    • Sora Edwards-Thro and Curt Thompson's content practicalities with Internet-in-a-Box and Pathagar (for Haiti, Malaysia, etc).
  • Work with Tim Moody to manage pull requests, including the migration from Fedora 18 to Fedora 20!
  • <your item here>

As an all-volunteer project, we ask everyone to assist new volunteers especially, to pick off accomplishments understandably, quickly and satisfyingly!

(Post larger tasks to the "Features Planned" table where possible.)