Release notes/13.2.3

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13.2.3 is an OLPC OS release, adding support for Sugar 0.104, dual core (on XO-4), a new battery module (on XO-4), an 802.11n wireless card (on XO-1.75), a new eMMC part, and a new camera. The target platforms are XO-1.75 and XO-4. Community builds may be available for older models.


  • based on Fedora 18,
  • based on Sugar 0.104, see release notes, with new activities, a new activity updater, display background control panel, a backup control panel, and web services,
  • support for new backlight LEDs to be used by factory <trac>12854</trac>,
  • support for new camera sensor siv121d <trac>12861</trac>,
  • support for new 16 GB eMMC internal storage,
  • about my computer shows extra details,
  • Wikipedia EN and ES have been replaced by the Simple English Wikipedia activity,


  • enabling the second core of the dual core CPU, which improves responsiveness,
  • support for new LiPoly battery used by factory,


  • limited support for the 8787 wireless card,


Not yet available.


  • remove "failed to start" messages that may occur when an activity is started twice 90 seconds apart, Sugar Labs ticket #2974,
  • remove conflicts during yum upgrade of the kernel package, <trac>11641</trac>,
  • a new version of the journal datastore backup client for use with school servers,
  • addition of the ntpdate package for clock synchronisation,
  • a slightly lower default screen brightness after boot,

Known Problems

The following known problems should be considered for impact to deployment support teams.

XO-4 External Power Mandatory for Upgrade

On an XO-4, when upgrading to 13.2.3 or later from a previous release, both a battery and external power must be present, so that the firmware upgrade will complete.

Without the firmware upgrade to Q7C05, our dual-core kernel will not boot. If this happens, turn off the XO-4, add battery and external power, and turn it back on while holding down the X game key. The firmware upgrade should occur and the kernel should boot.

To return to a build before 13.2.3 or 14.1.0, install Q7B45 or later firmware in the Q7B series.

This is because changes to firmware and kernel needed to occur at the same time.

XO-1.75 with 8787 Wireless Card Loses Connection

After replacing the wireless card in an XO-1.75 with the IEEE 802.11n card as used by the XO-4, connection is lost if the system is allowed to suspend.

An easy workaround is to turn off automatic power management and reboot.

A more complex workaround is to change /etc/powerd/powerd.conf so that:


and then reboot.

See <trac>12870</trac>.

Welcome Activity Missing

The new version of Sugar does not start the Welcome activity on first boot. See <trac>12869</trac>.

XO-1.75 Sugar Frame Audio Icon Missing

The audio device icon in the Sugar frame has been hidden because it did not work. See <trac>12867</trac> for details.

Restricted Software

Restricted software, such as browser plugins, codecs, and so forth, is not included in the public release. Deployments who need this software should make their own builds, see OS_Builder/Add_Restricted.

Khan Academy video playback pauses

When built with restricted software, video playback using the player on the Khan Academy web site is silent and stalls frequently. The same video works fine in YouTube or by direct download.