Sugar on Debian

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Please contribute instructions for getting Sugar to work with Debian GNU/Linux.

Installing sugar on Debian

We currently use sugar-jhbuild, which has very few external dependencies; it builds custom versions of pretty much every piece of the Sugar environment. While this is extreme, it does work with very little manual effort (it just takes a lot of time to compile everything).

Get sugar-jhbuild

aptitude install git-core

Get sugar-jhbuild through git as described on Sugar_with_sugar-jhbuild

Run sugar-jhbuild

cd sugar-jhbuild
./sugar-jhbuild update
./sugar-jhbuild build-base. 

If any dependency check fails, then try installing the following packages. I'm no expert on what's really required, but it worked for me: (I use debian unstable, march 2007).

aptitude install libtool libsqlite3-dev libnspr4-dev docbook-xsl intltool