External sites

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أدب | literature | literatura | littérature | literatura

many - Translation Dictionary for children

en->es - [portal] List of Spanish resources

en, es - Charlotte and Mecklenberg children's library


en->fr - BBC's Introduction to Languages: from English to French

en->es - BBC's Introduction to Languages: from English to Spanish

ar->en, en->ar - القاموس. Arabic to English (and English to Arabic dictionary)

es, en - Trabalenguas / Tongue-twisters

en, es, fr - picture dictionary, exercises

es - Diccionario RAE

Manythings cyber-listening - English language learning


موسيقى | music | música | musique | música

en - Nigeria-arts.net, a participatory site for Nigerian artists

en - Jose Gonzalez and Juana Molina in Concert from NPR

es, ar, en en+th - Music (Candombe, Libyana, Thai)

en, es - Zona Indie - Free music


الرياضيات | mathematics | matemáticas | mathématiques | matemática

en, en2 - Simple math exercises geared toward parents trying to teach their children (K-3).


الصحة | health | salud | santé | saúde

en, en2 - NIH Curriculum Supplements (Elementary, Middle & High school)

en, es - National Institute of Environmental Health Science

en, es - Smallstep Nutrition (Sections for Kids, Teens, Adult & Teachers)

en - Kids' Health

Buenas imágenes

صور جيدة | images | buenas imágenes | bonnes images | imagens boas

en, es, fr - UNESCO Photobank, Fotobanco, Photobanque

en - National geographic photos

en, es, fr, pt, others - Corbis image bank

en - Tech4Learning images

en - image bank

es - Collections of images

en, es - Central American and Mexican Video archive

es - Pixalia.net free images

Para alumnos

الطلاب | for students | para alumnos | pour des étudiants | para estudantes

en, es, fr, pt - Syvum - K-12+ Education portal

en - Eduplace.com international

en - PBS Kids + teachers & parents

en - Getty Foundation for kids K-12+ (includes whyville and other games)

en - kidspace

Para docentes

المعلمين | for teachers | para docentes | pour des professeurs | para professores

en - Scholastic's K-12 + teacher site

en - K-6 Teaching ideas and lesson plans and many activities

ar, en - Open Directory - Lesson plans


جغرافيا | geography | geografía | géographie | geografia

en - ~15,000 maps from many time-periods

en - Geography, from the Smithsonian

en - National Geographic Map Machine

en, fr - UN Maps

en - Perry-Castaneda maps (UTexas)

en - World Flags


العلم | science | ciencias | science | ciência

en, es - Interactive solar system exploration

en - National Science Digital Library collections by topic

en - Howard Hughes Medical Institute Cool Science (Biology)

en - Smithsonian for students (Science and Nature)

en - US Geo. Survey - biology

en - Whyfiles - The science behind the news

en, es, fr - UNESCO Exploratorium - Children's digital museum

en, es - Mi primer jardin

en, fr, pt - Songbirds (Brazil)

en, es, pt - xeno-canto :: bird songs from tropical america

en - The Encyclopedia of Earth


فن | art | arte | l'art | arte

en - International Child Art Foundation

en - Open Directory Showcase for Kids Art

en - Kids & teachers art

en - Metropolitan museum of art teaching resources

ar, en, es, fr, pt - Art links (Open Directory)


التاريخ | history | historia | histoire | história

en - Social Studies portal for Kids - History links

en, fr - World Heritage Sites list, images

en - Palaeos - The Trace of Life on Earth (Fossil Galore!)

Recursos varios

متفرقات الموارد | misc resources | recursos varios | ressources diverses | recursos variados

en - Digital Librarian, massive compendium of "librarian's choice" links

en - links for kids by librarians

en - New Zealand Digital Library

ar, en, es, fr - UNESCO

en, es, fr, pt - Open Directory, Educational activities

pt - Brazilian Search: Dominio Publico

es - Texts in math, science, language, and social science

es, es2 cd's - Educ.ar

ar, ar, en - Sites for children

ar, en, es, fr, pt - Open Directory - Educational Institutions


english | المجلس | inglés | anglais | inglês
portuguese | البرتغالي | portugés | portugais | português
spanish | الاسبانيه | castellano/español | l'espagnol | espanhol
arabic | árabe | arabe | árabe | اللغة العربية

ar, en, es, fr, pt - Open Directory - Languages