Sugar TODO

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  • When dragging with the frame hidden you need to move the mouse a bit to be able to paste. Fix this.
  • Make drag of images from mozilla work.
  • Make drag of images to abi work.
  • Preview images in the rollover.
  • Copy new files to ~/Journal and name them from their title.
  • For objects the data of which is on disk, offer the text/uri-list target.


  • Briefly pop in and out the frame when a download is initiated or a copy or cut happens.
  • Make pasting from the clipboard works as specified (one object is selected at one time, and the user can change it by clicking on another object).

Journal activity

  • Entries renaming.
  • Startup the journal when clicking on the icon in the donut.


  • Let activities rename their journal entry title by an entry in the activity rollover


  • Autosave also by a timeout (now it saves on focus-out and on close).
  • Undo and Redo.

Chat activity

  • Redesign to launch it from the mesh view

Call activity

  • Redesign to launch it from the mesh view

Connect 4

  • Clean up to use sugar's API as much as possible (instead of TP API) (smcv)

Activity sharing

PS & Sugar

  • make the PS use salut
  • Be sure Gabble and tubes are working on latest XO images
  • Integrate the call-activity (and so the whole video/voip stack) on XO images
  • Write an easy API for tubes (smcv)
    • blocked by design discussion for now
  • Manage activity invitations
  • Properly implement activity sharing (currently we only have shared/unshared states)



  • sort out the authentication of our JIDs on the server with OLPC keys
  • sign/verify salut presence adverts
  • Implement org.laptop.Telepathy.ActivityProperties
  • Implement tubes
  • Implement jingle calls

Server side

  • fix XMPP scalabity issues (server component?)