OLPC Keyboard layouts

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  English | 한글 HowTo [ID# 39438]  +/-  

scan code table

OLPC Argentina Keyboard; OLPC Brasil Keyboard; OLPC Ethiopia Keyboard; OLPC Libya Keyboard; OLPC Nigeria Keyboard; OLPC Rwanda Keyboard; OLPC Thailand Keyboard; Urdu Keyboard; Cyrillic Keyboard

Keyboard english.jpg
US International
row key unmodified shift alt gr alt gr shift ctrl ctrl shift fn comment
1 (top) 131 esc HK_01 esc
130 ??? HK_00 camera microphone
112 F1 view mesh analog 1
132 HK_02 analog 2
113 F2 view friends analog 3
137 HK_07 analog 4
114 F3 view home analog 5
138 HK_08 analog 6
115 F4 view activity analog 7
120 F5 analog 8
139 HK_09 analog 9
121 F6 analog 10
140 HK_10 analog 11
122 F7 analog 12
141 HK_11 analog 13
123 F8 analog 14
116 F9 volume down analog 15
142 HK_12 analog 16
117 F10 analog 17
143 HK_13 analog 18
118 F11 analog 19
144 HK_14 analog 20
119 F12 volume up analog 21
135 ??? HK_05 chat/corkboard
136 ??? HK_06 frame
2 1 ` ~
2 1 ! ¡ ¡ F1
3 2 @ ¿ ¿ C-@ F2
4 3 # § § F3
5 4 $ £ £ F4
6 5 % F5
7 6 ^ ¬ ¬ C-^ F6
8 7 & ˳ ˳ F7 U+0325 (Combining Ring Below)
9 8 * ̤ ̤ F8 U+0324 (Combining Diaeresis below)
10 9 ( ̣ ̣ F9 U+0323 (Combining Dot Below)
11 0 ) ̱ ̱ F10 U+0331 (Combining Macron Below)
12 - _ ̧ ̧ C-_ F11 U+0327 (Combining Cedilla)
13 = + ̰ ̰ F12 (view src) U+0330 (Combining Tilde Below)
3 15 backspace backspace/delete (U+007F)
16 tab back tab
17 q Q C-Q C-Q
18 w W C-W C-W
19 e E œ Œ C-E C-E
20 r R C-R C-R
21 t T C-T C-T
22 y Y C-Y C-Y
23 u U C-U C-U
24 i I C-I C-I
25 o O ø Ø C-O C-O
26 p P ˚ ˚ C-P C-P U+030A (Combining Ring Above)
27 [ { ̀̀ ̀̀ C-[ C-[ U+0300 (Combining Grave)
28 ] } ́ ́ C-] C-] U+02CA (Combining Acute)
4 58 control
31 a A æ Æ C-A C-A
32 s S ß ß C-S C-S
33 d D ð Ð C-D C-D
34 f F C-F C-F
35 g G C-G C-G
36 h H C-H C-H
37 j J C-J C-J
38 k K C-K C-K
39 l L C-L C-L
40 ; : ˜ ˜ U+0303 (Combining Tilde)
41 ' ̂ ̂ U+0302 (Combining Circumflex)
29 \ | ̌ ̌ C-\ C-\ U+030C (Combining Caron)
43 enter
5 44 left shift
46 z Z C-Z C-Z
47 x X C-X C-X
48 c C ç Ç C-C C-C
49 v V C-V C-V
50 b B C-B C-B
51 n N ñ Ñ C-N C-N
52 m M C-M C-M
53 , < ̇ ̇ U+0307 (Combining Dot Above)
54 . > ̈ ̈ U+0308 (Combining Diaeresis Above)
55 / ? ̄ ̄ U+0304 (Combining Macron Above)
57 right shift insert
83 up arrow page up
134 compose HK_04
6 (bottom) 59 fn
unassigned left grab
60 alt
61 space unassigned keyboard light
62 alt gr
133 right grab HK_03
79 left arrow home
84 down arrow page down
89 right arrow end