Tests/Start up and Activation

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Start up scenario 1: Server support

Jose is a 6 year-old student at a school in Brazil is being issued his XO laptop today. The school has spent weeks preparing for this day. The school server is set up and has internet connectivity. All the laptops have been activated by the school server, which contains books and software specific for Jose's grade level. The teacher has a specific activity she asks all the children to work on.


  1. School server setup with a school text book for content and appropriate activation keys for 5 XOs.
  2. Activate all 5 XOs


  1. Designate one of the XOs as the teacher; boot it and select fullname(?), nickname, and XO color.
  2. On teacher's XO, download a book from the school server (need details on how to do this).
  3. On teacher's XO, open the book and share it (need details)
  4. For the other 4 XOs, turn them on, wait for boot up, and select fullname(?), nickname, and XO color. Designate one of the XOs as Jose. [Should two student nicknames the same?]
  5. From Jose's XO ensure that the mesh shows all other XOs
  6. From the mesh view, click on the teacher's shared book.
  7. From the other XOs, click on the teacher's shared book - ensure that all XOs can access and read this book.
  8. From the school server, ensure that all 5 XOs have been registered.
  9. Upon appropriate event (turning off and back on again, or waiting a period of time), the school server should force an archive or back up of the user data for all 5 machines. (is this initiated by the server or XO?)

Start up scenario 2: No server support

Maria is a 10 year-old student in a school being issued XOs. This school just received their server but not set up or has no internet connectivity. Activation will occur via USB stick. The teacher is not prepared with activities or curriculum, but will allow the children time to explore the laptops on their own.


  1. No school server, no Access Point (to start)
  2. Use a USB to activate 5 XOs (ensure that these are 'out of the box' XOs)


  1. For all 5 XOs, turn them on, wait for boot up, and select fullname(?), nickname, and XO color. Designate one of the XOs as Maria.
  2. Ensure that the mesh shows all other XOs from each student XO.
  3. From Maria's XO, go to the mesh and designate 2 other XOs as 'friends'
  4. Ensure that the friends show up in the group mesh view, and all XOs continue to show up in neighborhood mesh view.
  5. From Maria's XO, start a chat session with one of the friends
  6. Add an off-the-shelf wireless router (such as Linksys) with an uplink to the internet. No WEP key.
  7. Ensure that Maria's XO can connect to this AP, and can now browse the internet

Start up scenario 3: Server start up

The server hardware and cables have arrived early at a large school in Uruguay. The local administrator takes the hardware out of the box and would like to set up the server and download the curriculum books and software that have been created ahead of time. There will be 3 radios (all active antennas? or 2 AAs and one embedded radio?)


  1. Ensure uplink connection is available


  1. Plug in the school server, keyboard, mouse, display, connect active antennas, connect uplink.
  2. Ensure server boots up and provides diagnostic info: Connectivity to uplink, number of live radio channels (antennas), IP Address for uplink, number of wireless hosts... (what else do we want to show at start up?)
  3. Start Server UI for choosing content (?)
  4. Start an XO and ensure the School server sees it and can provide content to it (automatically?)
  5. Ensure the school server provides the appropriate backup and reporting

Activation Security scenario 1: Trusted Country Administrator

Uruguay has been planning for their delivery for months and has identified a number of trusted administrators to activate laptops at the schools. These administrators are dispatched to the location where skids are being disassembled for shipment to individual schools, so they can collect serial numbers for the schools that they are responsible for.


  1. Administrator has the list of valid serial numbers.
  2. School server is setup with internet access.


  1. The trusted Administrator uploads his list serial numbers to the olpc global server and receives a set of activation codes.
  2. At the first school, the admin uses the school server UI to upload the activation codes.
  3. Open an XO that was on the original list of serial numbers; during boot it will find the server and activate. It should be usable right away. If a 'grace' period of time was allowed (1 week without activiation, for instance), then the laptop will continue to work after that week.
  4. Open an XO that was NOT on the original list of serial numbers; it should not come up working, or it will stop working after the activation grace period.
  5. At the second school, there is no school server set up yet. The trusted Admin has the activation codes on a memory stick, and inserts that stick into the first XO.
  6. The XO should come up working and continue to work past the activation grace period.
  7. An XO that was not on the original list should not activate.

Activation Security scenario 2: No Trusted Administrator

Activation Security scenario 3: Disable stolen XO

Maya's laptop was stolen from her home. It had been issued to her and the local school server had provided the initial activation when she got the laptop.


  1. Activate an XO with a valid activation key through the server


  1. The laptop is reported stolen to the school adminstrator. The admin uses the server UI to report the full name (or the serial number) of the stolen laptop.
  2. The OLPC global server adds this laptop to the 'Deactivate' list.
  3. If Maya's laptop is used without access to the internet, it should continue to work (until a lease expiration)
  4. Connect Maya's laptop to the internet, and it should become de-activated.
  5. Power the laptop off/on and ensure that it no longer boots up.

Activation Security scenario 4: Truckload of Laptops and servers stolen

Activation Security scenario 5: Child moves to new School

Activation Security scenario 6: Server is replaced

The activation and lease information that is held on the local school server may be lost if the server is replaced. Need to ensure that any information the server keeps locally can be overruled by OLPC's global server (?).

Activation Security scenario 7: Lease Mechanism

Tom is a student who received a laptop from a school in Sau Paulo. After a month, his family moves to a town without laptops or internet connectivity.


  1. Successfully activate Tom's XO with a school server.
  2. Set the lease period to a short time for this test (a few days or hours, if possible).


  1. Ensure that Tom's XO has no access to the internet or a school server for > lease period.
  2. The next time Tom's XO does access the internet, this machine should have been listed in the 'Deactivate' list, and get a deactivate message. (Does it have a local lease mechanism so it will stop working after some period of time, or only after the period of time + next connect to internet?)
  3. Reboot Tom's XO and it should no longer boot.