Talk:Emulating the XO

Revision as of 17:07, 5 June 2007 by MitchellNCharity (talk | contribs) (Top of article)
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Xen Player

Is anybody doing such an emulation? Nitpicker 21:59, 5 October 2006 (EDT)

Moved from abandoned Talk:OS_images_for_emulation. MitchellNCharity 03:04, 24 May 2007 (EDT)

Temporary summary of current state

currently: quickstart is a "choice of livecd/sound/no-library/read-only or qemu/non-devel.img/no-sound/library/read-write". and devel is "mix of qemu/livecd.iso/sound/ro and qemu/-devel.img/no-sound/rw". MitchellNCharity 13:06, 24 May 2007 (EDT)

Modifying the LiveCD .iso - adding the olpc Library

The LiveCd is intended for development, and thus doesn't include the Library sample content. One wants the library when demo'ing sugar. Here is how to add it.

The next release (June?) of the LiveCd will have google as the default browser page (rather than an error message). Making adding the Library less important. A nice, simple fix. MitchellNCharity 13:03, 5 June 2007 (EDT)

The LiveCD is currently created manually every month or two.

Getting /home/olpc/Libary


  • Snarf a copy from an xo disk image (the ext3.img variety).
mkdir tmp_img
mount -o loop,offset=33174 olpc-redhat-stream-development-ext3.img tmp_img

The Libary is in tmp_img/home/olpc/Library. The offset=NNNNN may need to be adjusted. See Emulating the XO/Help and tips.

  • As of 2006-06-01, there is a snapshot:

Get squashfs

Get squashfs. On fc6,

yum install squashfs-tools

Add the library


As root

mkdir tmp_iso
mount -o loop -t iso9660 olpc-redhat-stream-sdk-livecd.iso tmp_iso
/usr/sbin/unsquashfs -dest tmp_squashfs tmp_iso/squashfs.img  # about 4GB
file tmp_squashfs/os.img
## tmp_squashfs/os.img: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x83, starthead 1, startsector 62, 8388290 sectors, extended partition table (last)\011
## 62 * 512 = 31744
mkdir tmp_os
mount -o loop,offset=31744 -t ext3 tmp_squashfs/os.img tmp_os
mkdir tmp_os/home/olpc/Library
(cd; tar cf - .)|(cd tmp_os/home/olpc/Library; tar xf -)
chown -R 500:500 tmp_os/home/olpc/Library
umount tmp_os
/sbin/mksquashfs tmp_squashfs
mkdir tmp_iso2
(cd tmp_iso; tar cf - .)|(cd tmp_iso2; tar xpf -)
umount tmp_iso
mkisofs -v -r -T -J -V 'Modified LiveCd mumble' -l -R -c boot.catalog -b squashfs.img -o new.iso tmp_iso2  ##XXX - wrong - doesn't work


Top of article

The top of the article should:

  • be more specific about ease of installation. Eg, if kqemu is easily installed on Ubuntu (unlike fc6), then it might be easier than the LiveCd.
  • mention hardware support. Once it becomes clear whether the LiveCd actually supports camera, it should be mentioned.