Poll Builder: Lesson 1

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Lesson 1: Participate in a Poll

1) From the Home screen of your XO, click on the MaMaMedia icon.

2) Open the Poll Builder activity from the MaMaMedia Activity Center.

3) Choose a Poll topic from the list, and click the “VOTE” button next to it.

4) A Poll question and answer choices will appear. Read them carefully, then click on your favorite answer. Click the “VOTE” button to submit your answer.

5) After you vote, current Poll results will appear. You will see the exact number of votes cast (so far) for each answer. You will also see a bar graph that shows which answer is currently the most popular among the whole group.

6) Look at the number of votes next to each answer. Which one has the most votes so far? How many people chose the same answer as you? Which answer do you think will win? Why?

7) Look at the bar graph. Which answer has the longest bar? What does that mean? Which answer has the shortest bar? What does that mean?

8) Let each person in your group vote in this poll. How did the votes and bar graphs change?

9) After everyone votes, discuss the final results. What did you learn from the poll? Were you surprised by the results? How could you use this information?

10) Generate a list of ideas for polls. Record your ideas on a blackboard, on paper or in the “Write” program on the XO Laptop. What would you like to learn from each poll you thought of? What would you do with the results?