Learning activities/Calendar Project
Notes from Nigeria 5/07
‘’The teacher's activity was to study the Calendar. He wanted the children to Google a calendar... Primary 4 is a large class, so we spent some time making sure that everybody had the calendar, then inserting it into Abiword, answering the questions, and finally making sure they could save the file. While some did it without problems, we struggled with a few XOs that were taking a long time to save, only to not save (maybe because it was a heavy file). We had to re-do it. To finish faster, I helped upload the photo onto the XOs, all along thinking how wonderful it would be if the Mesh were working.’’
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Activity: Calendar Project
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Related Activities
- Make My Millennium Calendar: http://www.mamamedia.com/areas/grownups/new/learning/lessons/lesson_24.html
Commentary: Calendar Project
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