Learning activities/Growing Beans

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Revision as of 21:48, 19 June 2007 by Lauren (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Notes from Nigeria 5/07== [[Image:]] ''All the children in Primary 4, 5, and 6 were given materials to grow three beans. The idea is to keep a detailed journal of growing methods. Some...)
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Notes from Nigeria 5/07


All the children in Primary 4, 5, and 6 were given materials to grow three beans. The idea is to keep a detailed journal of growing methods. Some carry the beans to the school on a daily basis. I saw one girl nursing her beans in her dress pocket

Right then, I took the beans and the cups and asked them if they new what they were for. Since they new I was going to give them to them, they paid attention. Some knew that we were going to try to grow them, ...that they have to keep a journal of their growing beans, ...as detailed as possible, so we can analyze the ones that in a week have survived and those that haven’t. And [the teacher] asked if they had understood and asked questions. Then he repeated the directions and asked for confirmation after every sentence. And the class was over...

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Activity: Growing Beans

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Commentary: Growing Beans

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