World Wide Workshop Foundation

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The World Wide Workshop Foundation has partnered with OLPC to create a set of original Constructionist learning activities.

The MaMaMedia Activity Center is based on our award-winning, kid-tested, and "hard-fun" puzzles, digital toys, and creativity tools from MaMaMedia.combuilt especially to highlight the valuable edu-design principles of the "3X's" and leverage the unique operating system and technological features of the XO Laptop, including the laptop's built-in camera, drawing and writing tools, and the mesh network. Children learn to invent, make, and share their own puzzles, stories, cartoons, polls, quizzes and more. Easy to follow lesson plans and related tutorials are also offered for teachers and parents who have little or no previous experiences with computers, the Internet, and programmable media technology.

"If the world's children will grow up using activities of the 3Xs kind, they will become less of media consumers and more of a media creators," Says Dr. Idit Harel Caperton, President and Founder of MaMaMedia and the World Wide Workshop Foundation.

About the World Wide Workshop Foundation

Based on her MIT Media Lab research with Seymour Papert in the 1980's and 1990's, Dr. Idit Harel Caperton, author of the book Children Designers, believes that "if young children see their technology as a pencil, right from the start, and if they see the Internet as paint, beads, sand, or clay, they will learn the 3X's skills -- i.e., how to eXplore the world around them, eXpress themselves clearly, and eXchange their ideas using digital media and tools on their laptops. Equipped with the 3X's skills, children also gain the tools and self-confidence to build their own worlds using digital technology, and lead others in their communities."

The World Wide Workshop Foundation is dedicated to narrowing the divide by empowering children with the life and technical skills to create media, explore the web to cull information, and contribute to informational communities around the world, using web-based and wiki media and tools. We know these skills will not be honed in a day, it takes time to become an effective blogger, wiki-writer, and games programmer; but with commitment, support and access to opportunities and suitable learning environments -- we believe this can be a reality for all children and youth in the near future.

"It's not that they're not going to be media consumers anymore, but we want them to grow to expect to go one level above and beyond media consumption, and become media technology leaders for educational and social causes that are relevant to them and people in their communities" says Idit Harel Caperton.

Team Members

To come: team photo taken with XO.

We are a diverse and experienced team of professionals committed to using our skills to empower children and youth around the world through technology. We achieve our foundation’s objectives by drawing on our collective leadership and award-winning competencies in multiple fields including digital art, design, education, media, policy, research, science and technology, and expertise in the academic, business and non-profit sectors.

Learn more about us here.

If you are interested in joining our team as a professional, intern or volunteer please contact us at [[


Including contact info and designated OLPC contact (if relevant).

Ideally, links to individual educator user pages. [edit] Location

Physical address. [edit] Languages

Languages spoken. [edit] Interests and Expertise

List of relevant interests and expertise. [edit] Current Projects

List of projects related to OLPC, eg: [edit] Educational Activities

Designing activities and lesson plans for use with XO. [edit] Past Projects

List of completed OLPC-related projects. [edit] Resources

   * Links
   * to
   * relevant
   * resources...